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  • The fight with Serk, due to the combination of STEM's cold, perfectly calculated domination and Grey reacting with shock and horror at how hard he's pummeling Serk and constantly bickering with STEM. His head and body are in two very different places, and it's as hilarious as it is awesome.
    • How the fight starts. Serk has spotted Grey hiding in his home and attacked him, and when Grey calls for help from STEM while being actively strangled, STEM gently states that it cannot do anything without his permission. Using the last of his strength and with a voice of pure "Are you fucking kidding me?", Grey manages to get out "Permission granted!" through gritted teeth, after which point STEM politely thanks him and takes over.
    • The bit of Grey awkwardly smashing a ton of plates and glasses on Serk's head.
    • After Serk goes down from that, Grey outright begs him not to get back up, since he has no idea what else STEM has in mind for him.
    • Then, Serk reaches for a knife:
      Grey: STEM, he's got a KNIFE! STEM!
      (STEM dodges Serk's wild slashes.)
      STEM: I see that. (takes nearby knife) We have a knife, too.
    • The Black Comedy of Grey being absolutely horrified when STEM uses his body to give Serk a gruesome Glasgow Grin.
    • After he indulges in some subsequent Stress Vomit, Grey asks STEM to give him a second. A Beat, and then STEM says, "One second has passed."
    • STEM recommends that Grey remove all of his fingerprints to rid the crime scene of his presence. Grey complains that there's no way he could remember all that — to which STEM immediately states it has a compiled list of everything Grey touched. The scene actually ends right there, so we're only left to imagine how much work that must have been.
  • The Old Bones bar scene has its own share of highlights.
    • Grey rolling into a bar while pretending to still be paralyzed, going as far as to ask another patron to hold his glass so he can drink.
    • After finishing his drink, he gets enough courage to halt the entire bar's activity to ask if anyone has information about his wife's death. Everyone stares at him...and then immediately starts laughing.
    • As a result of getting more comfortable working with STEM, Grey dominates his next fight with a huge confidence boost, making cocky quips the whole time.
      • The sequence with Tolan lifting Grey up and running him into the wall, his head smacking several rafters along the way (complete with Grey casually saying "Ow" twice like he just got a papercut), and Grey then electrocuting Tolan with a nearby wire.
      • After wiping the floor with his opponents, he perches over Tolan like a sensei and gives the best quip of the scene, if not the movie:
      Grey: So you thought I was an invalid, but you didn't know that I'm a fucking ninja!
      (punches Tolan, just 'cuz)
      STEM: While I am state-of-the-art, Grey, I am not a ninja.
    • In another case of Black Comedy, after hearing Tolan's screams due to what STEM/Grey is putting him through, the bartender remarks that his mother always told him not to mess with disabled people.
    • Afterwards, as STEM tells Grey that Eron is trying to shut him down:
      STEM: We need to employ a rootkit and subvert my operating system.
      Grey: What kind of fucking language are you speaking?!
  • Heading his way to the hacker STEM points him to, STEM tells Grey that their chair won't get them there on time, requiring him to run all the way. When he leaves behind his wheelchair, Grey is near someone else in a wheelchair, who he snarkily tells to watch his chair before bolting off. The guy contemptuously calls Grey a "faker"...before standing up himself and sitting in Grey's chair.
