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Tremors (first movie)

  • Earl is walking along with Val and Rhonda only to suddenly scream as he falls knee deep into the ground... before stepping out.
    Earl: Damn prairie dog burrow!
    Val: Those sons of bitches.
  • Val, eager to meet the new geology student because it's supposed to be a woman, "You will have long blonde hair, big green eyes, world class breasts, ass that won't quit and legs that go all the way up." Then we are introduced to Rhonda Le Beck, sporting copious amounts of suntan lotion on her nose, who is none of the above except for the green eyes. (although Val falls for her later).
  • Earlier, when Earl and Val are driving and getting freaked out over the mysterious deaths, Earl comments how he doesn't want to spend the night out on the road. Val's response? "Crybaby."
  • Melvin pretending a severed snake-tongue is strangling him. Which leads to a very angry Burt Gummer nearly shooting him.
  • Later, Melvin scares Earl with a basketball.
  • "We killed it... we killed it! FUUUCCCKKKK YOOUUUU!!!!"
  • Really, the banter between Earl and Val just makes the entire first movie:
    "I ask you, is this a job for an intelligent man?"
    "I dunno. Show me one and I'll ask him."

    "See you later Chang, we've got a schedule to keep."
    "Yeah, we plan ahead, that way we don't do anything right now. Earl explained it to me!"

    "Dammit, Val, listen to me, I'm older and I'm wiser!
    "Yeah well, you're half right."

    "Hey, Rhonda, you ever hear about anything like this before?"
    "Oh, sure, Earl, everybody knows about 'em, we just didn't tell you!"

    "No way they can outrun the horses."
    "Shit for all you know, they can fly."

    "Well I'm a victim of circumstance."
    "Thought you called it your pecker."

    "Why don't we just make a run for it? We outran one yesterday."
    "Runnin's not a plan. Runnin's what you do when a plan fails."
    • The comment about them flying is rather funny, given the development in the third movie.
  • When the Graboid first breaks into Burt and Heather's rec room and they empty their current guns. The camera follows them as they go to a wall covered in guns.
    • Just prior to that, Val and Earl are trying to warn Burt and Heather over the radio about the Graboids, coming from underground. Burt can't hear them because Heather just started up a loud machine in their underground bunker. The Graboid breaks through the wall, cut to Val hearing Burt over the radio shout "JESUS CHRIST!" and Val drops the radio mike, clearing thinking Burt and Heather are goners. Then a gunshot echoes across the valley. Then lots of gunshots. Leading to. . .
    • Celebrating afterwards:
      Burt: (over the radio) We killed that motherhumper!!!
      Val: Be advised, there are two more, repeat, two more motherhumpers.
      (Cue Burt and Heather being seen up on their own roof like everyone else.)
    • Earl's comment is a simple, "Well, I guess we don't get to make fun of Burt's lifestyle anymore."
  • As Burt and Heather get rescued, driving away from their survivalist home:
  • "Hey, Melvin, wanna make a buck?"
  • Rhonda averting Omnidisciplinary Scientist in a hilariously deadpan manner:
    Val: Hey, Rhonda, what do you think it's trying to do now?
    Rhonda: ...Why do you keep asking me?
  • As the group starts to leave Burt and Heather's place, Melvin asks for a gun.
    Burt: I wouldn't give you a gun if it was World War 3!
    • Later when the group gets stalled by a Graboid trap, they have to make a run for some nearby rocks. Melvin is reluctant to go out on open ground, until Burt gives him a gun. However, during mid-run, Melvin finds out the gun isn't loaded.
      Burt: (smirking) Got you movin', didn't it?
  • With little to no supplies and only one improvised bomb left, Burt comes up with an idea for when things get truly desperate: walk out into the open field with the lit bomb and just wait for the last graboid to get him.
    Heather: Beat "Good Lord, honey..."

Tremors TV Series

  • In the first episode, where Tyler Reed convinces Burt to start running a survival course to cash in on Perfection depending on Graboid tourism by pointing out that, seeing as how he's living in a hole in the ground and eating nothing but wild cactus with tomato sauce, he can use the money. Burt looking at the forkful he was about to eat then the way he asks if people would really pay to learn how to eat this stuff just sells it.
  • The first episode in general is full of hilarious dialogue. Case in point, this little exchange after El Blanco comes around through the town:
    Tyler: He comes into town?!
    Burt: You gonna stop him?
  • In the Plantimal episode, the locals have to deal with Larry, an annoying tourist. Tyler makes a remark to Burt about how if Burt had a son, it would be like Larry. Funny how things turned out.
  • In "Graboid Rights" a protestor hands a flyer to Tyler as he's about to check the oil in his Jeep. Tyler thanks the woman, then casually uses the paper to wipe his dipstick dry before tossing it away without even looking at it.
