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Funny / The Adventure Zone

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See Funny moments from individual campaigns:

  • The sheer fact that Justin's joke about what kind of ridiculous scenario he'd come up with as a DM actually came to fruition in the incredibly appropriately-titled "Four Sherlock Holmes and a Vampire (Who is Also One of the Aforementioned Sherlock Holmes)".
  • The players roll dice in order to find clues that have been assigned to different numbers. Unfortunately, the Random Number God results in the boys rolling the same two numbers for almost every clue, which results in them laughing hysterically every time they discover yet another banana or pile of chalk dust.

  • Various examples of an Incredibly Lame Pun about bees and honey are so groan-worthy they loop back around to being funny.

  • Justin's character, a parody of hyper-American Country musicians, is named Pepsi Liberty.
  • The players, a group of musicians heading to the "Grand New Opry," are stopped by some slug-controlled people, who claim they need to come onboard to search for contraband. Clint's character, with an accent, replies they are "a country band".
  • Justin comes to a horrifying realization.
    Justin: I've just realized that by doing a one shot game, we've removed accountability from Dad.
    Griffin: Yes.
    Justin: Which is maybe the one tethering force we had keeping him here on earth with us.
    Travis: So Dad can say, "My character does this!" And we're like "I don't think he did, but I don't know!" So we don't have hours and hours of proof against this!
  • The fact that Travis' character is a robot who, at one point, gets his arm ripped off. They even point out the Irony when it happens!

  • None of the boys are G Ming this game. Instead, the game is being run by Brennan Lee Mulligan, who is taking every chance to make the game as epic sounding as possible.
  • The setting itself is this. There are six clans of Dads, all of whom seek The Remote, an ancient artifact that can turn on an ancient television screen. Also, the GM is called The Game Mom.
  • The Drama Dads state they cannot go on the quest to claim The Remote, as it requires stealth. And they don't roll like that.
  • While preparing to leave for their quest, Griffin’s character, Briquette Hoggins, summons a smoke demon (by grilling no less) to ask for directions to The Remote. At first, he summons this grotesque, guttural abomination that seems like a typical demon, only for Briquette to send him back and ask for someone named Chokey. What comes out is this goofy wisp of a smoke demon with a southern drawl.

    Holiday Brawl 
  • The into alone. The characters? An angry cockney thief, the descendant of Ebenezer Scrooge, and a 7 year old child. Their mission? To beat the shit out of Santa Claus. Why the hell do they want to do that? A December 25th birthday, revenge for Scrooge's Heel–Face Turn, and because they think it runs on The Santa Clause rules, respectively.
  • Travis's cockney accent is so powerful, Griffin ends up shifting to a British accent for the first NPC them meet.

  • The entire concept: a game invented by Justin's six-year old, with very little to no editing from Justin, with all the consistent logic that might entail.
  • "Welcome, babies... to the Fruity Pebbles Castle of Torment: A Scary Castle with One Hundred Rats."
    • Salient details of the castle includes: the castle is built from "CDs of all the superhero movies," contains a singing tower made from a rainbow poop emoji, and is entirely surrounded by squid creatures known as the Mario Brothers.
  • One of the main threats the heroes face is the "Opposite Flintstones." The adults are babies, the babies are adults, Dino is a person, and they're all purple with stripes.
    • The only way to defeat the Opposite Flintstones is by using one of the guns on the wall. Next to the gun is a sign labelled "You have to shoot the babies." But the players don't know if the sign means is the grown-up babies or the baby grown-ups. All plot points written by Charlie.
    Travis: Hey J-Man, are you safe right now?
