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Funny / Seeking Truth

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  • The conversation between Strahm and Lizzie when she created the blog for him.
    Strahm: Lizzie?
    Lizzie: Hmm?
    S: Were you on my computer?
    L: Um... maybe...
    S: I'll take that as an yes. And... what the hell is this?
    L: Your blog.
    S: ...My WHAT?
    L: Your blog. I created a blog for you.
    S: ...Why did you make me a blog?
    L: Because I think it would be good for you.
    S: ...What?
    L: Strahm, you don't see a shrink. You don't talk about anything to anyone, not even me, and whenever someone tries to get to know you, your increasing level of stubbornness and just being a regular hot-head prevents them from doing so. So, you know... if you won't talk to anyone here, I figured you'd get it out on a blog.
    S: So... you made me a blog... based on the assumption that I would spill all of my deepest darkest secrets and my life on it... for my use... for the whole world to see on the internet?
    L: Pretty much.
    S: ...Question.
    L: Yes-?
    S: WHYYY???
