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Funny / Scream 4

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As a Moments subpage, all spoilers are unmarked as per policy. You Have Been Warned.

  • The Stab 6 fakeout. The subsequent Stab 7 one is even funnier.
    • In Stab 6, Ghostface calls one of the girls and does his "who is this?" shtick, only to be told by the girl that she's the more impatient version of the person he called; Ghostface responds, in an offended tone of voice, that she didn't have to be such a bitch.
    • Even the characters in the film point out the absurdity of Stab 6 just being a fakeout opening to Stab 7, questioning whether that means the beginning of every previous Stab movie was supposed to be considered its own movie in the franchise.
  • In the actual film, Ghostface tells Jenny that she's "the dumb blonde with the big tits" who's going to die quickly. She snaps back "I have a 4.0 GPA and 135 IQ, asshole!"
  • During Kirby and Jill's phone call shortly before Olivia's murder, they assume Ghostface is Trevor playing a prank and he's quick to tell them it's not. The genuine anger in Ghostface's voice is what sells it. Kirby's response is equally chuckle-worthy.
    Ghostface: This is not fucking Trevor!
    Kirby: Well then who the fuck are you?
  • Gale mouths off to Judy Hicks that her lemon squares "taste like ass" and then walks off.
  • Gale also shows that she's the original uber bitch of the franchise when Rebecca Walters throws some shade her way, asking how she plans to revitalise her "tarnished brand". She says the following before happily saying to herself "still got it."
    "In a few seconds I'm going to revitalize your face with my tarnished brand."
  • Following a conversation between Perkins and Hoss about Bruce Willis being a frequent surviving cop, Perkins exclaims "Fuck Bruce Willis" just before dying.
  • When trying to learn where the Stab-athon is being held, Gale mockingly refers to the event as a "circle jerk."
    • The bloopers revealed that Courtney Cox genuinely didn't know what it meant, but Neve Campbell did, leading to a lot of Corpsing during filming.
  • When Gale is explaining to Dewey why she thinks the killer is going to attack the high school Stab marathon:
    Gale: Come on, how meta can you get?
    Dewey: How what-a can you get?
    Gale: ...I don't know, I heard them say it!
  • Robbie tries to save himself from Ghostface by declaring he's gay, citing the "gay people survive horror movies" rule. Ghostface tilts his head as if either wondering how the hell Robbie expected that to work, or even hesitating to murder the gay guy, before finishing Robbie off as soon as he reveals that he’s lying.
    Robbie: Wait, no! You can't! You can't- there's rules!
    (Ghostface lifts his blade, ready to stab Robbie.)
    (Ghostface stops to tilt his head in confusion, almost going “wait, what?” when Robbie calls himself gay, then immediately proceeds to stab the shit out of Robbie when the latter says “if it helps.”)
    *Robbie claims to be gay*
    Alanda: *genuinely sympathetic* Wait, really?
    Robbie: …If it helps?
    Alanda: *busts out laughing as Robbie gets gutted* Oh, babe! You should have committed!
  • Jill running headfirst into a picture at the climax.
    • Even funnier is the This Is Gonna Suck look on her face when she comes up with the idea and psyches herself up for it.
    • Her self-injury scene in general. It starts out rather disturbing and quite clever, making sure she has some defensive wounds, but goes on long enough and gets sufficiently over-the-top as to get a little silly. Especially when she lies down next to Sidney and tries to mimic her unconscious pose, right down to finger placement.
  • After Jill is taken down one last time, Officer Hicks is found to be alive after getting shot by Jill. She reveals she was wearing a bulletproof vest, and faints soon thereafter.
    • And Gale does sound a bit disappointed when she says "Hicks? You're alive?"
  • Gale, in a Ghostface mask, acting like a high schooler while attending Stab-a-thon.
  • During the hospital fight Jill has a gun pointed at Hicks who tells her not to do anything stupid. Jill’s reaction? She shoots Hicks and mutters under her breath:
  • The final confrontation (almost) ends on a rather funny note.
    Jill: Any last words?
    Gale: Just one.
    Jill: Please?
    Gale: No. Clear.
    Jill: Clear?
    Sidney: Clear. (Zaps Jill with defibrillator paddles. IN THE HEAD.)
  • Kirby's wonderful lines when she meets Sidney for the first time at the police station.
    "It was the killer's voice, from Stab. Or I mean, y'know, from your life."
    • And the follow-up.
    Hicks: The killer didn't call you?
    Kirby: No. Is that a bad thing? Does that mean I'm not going to live as long as these two?
    Dewey: No. Maybe. Of course not! Just uh, be careful.
    Kirby: (to the girls) Oh my God, did you hear that? I'm gonna be next.
  • Trevor sums things up quite nicely.
    "Why is Sidney Prescott staying in your house? That's like being on Top Chef with Jeffrey Dahmer."
  • Kirby has the perfect Establishing Character Moment. Dewey is nearly run over by her, and immediately deadpans her name, utterly desensitized to her bad driving by now.
  • Trevor being a Moment Killer by walking in on Charlie and Kirby kissing, because he lost track of Jill again which prompts Kirby to say
    Kirby: Yes, Trevor, she's upstairs. Thank God you're here to protect her when you can't even find her.
  • And then after Trevor ribbing Kirby for getting with Charlie of all people.
    Kirby: Who INVITED you, Trevor? Get out of my house.
  • Kirby (there's a very good reason she's most people's favourite) justifying going to the Stabathon by insisting the late Olivia would have wanted her to enjoy it.
  • Sidney also gets a brief Adorkable moment when the Cinema Club applauds her being there, and she awkwardly stands up to give a little acknowledgment. For a character who's normally very strait-laced, it's quite cute.
