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Funny / Repo Men

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  • One of the Repo men complaining he has only ears on his schedule.
  • Jake and Remy's antics:
    • Remy busting a man's date to collect a past due organ. It's a kidney, not a penis pump, though. The cheery music underscores how Remy feels about his job.
    • Jake and Remy treat a raid on a hideout of past-due union clients as if it was a Nerf game.
    • Jake removes a client's kidney right outside of Remy's house during a barbecue. When Carol finds out and protests, Jake says that the client is fine, because he still has another. While holding the bloodied artificial one. Carol is not pleased.
  • Remy's typewriter splattering the head of the so called "ear guy".
  • Remy's recounting of his first time being knocked out.
    Army Doctor: Ready for the concussion test.
    Remy: The what? *Incoming Bat*
