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Funny / Play It Again, Sam

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Some of Woody Allen's best one liners are in the film.

  • Allan hits on a proto-Goth girl at a museum.
    Allan: What are you doing Saturday night?
    Girl: Committing suicide.
    Allan: What about Friday night?
  • Allan talking to his ex.
    Nancy: My lawyer will call your lawyer.
    Allan: I don't have a lawyer. Have him call my doctor.
  • Allan: I wonder if she actually had an orgasm in the two years we were married, or did she fake it that night?
  • This classic exchange after "Bogart" feeds him a line.
    Allan: "I have met a lot of dames, but you are REALLY something special."
    Linda: Really?
    Allan: (aside, grinning like a loon) She bought it!
