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Funny / Pajama Sam

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You Are What You Eat From Your Head To Your Feet

  • Selma Celery's etiquette lesson. She begins with a list of pointers delivered rapid-fire and varying in ridiculousness (one of them is "do not draw on, poke holes in, or set fire to the tablecloth"). Then she shows Sam how to set the table with a dozen different utensils, including a golf club.
  • Sam being put in jail for going to eat a healthy dinner.
    Candy Bar: You can just wait here until your trial next month, healthy boy. (locks cells)
    Candy Bar: Tell it to the fudge. Now, if you'll excuse me, I've got to get back to the party. (skipping) Tra-la-la-la-la...
  • One of Sam's reactions to seeing his photographs is "Ew! Do I really look like that?
