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Funny / Clash of the Titans (2010)

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  • One of the soldiers is playing the flute really badly. His commander asks to borrow it ... and breaks it in half. The soldier takes out a new flute and keeps playing.
  • As they're preparing their equipment before they set out from the city, Perseus is rummaging through a box and finds a mechanical owl. He holds it up and asks one of the soldiers what it is, but the soldier shakes his head and says "Just leave it."
  • A combination Funny and Awesome: Perseus brings down a Fury on his tail by slicing down an overhanging cloth and snaring it. As soon as the Fury hits the ground, the Argive citizens descend on it and start beating it with sticks.
  • Luke Evans posting a photo of himself from the movie and commenting:
    "In this shot it looks like Apollo is about to cry because Zeus has told him to lay off the guyliner..."
