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Despite its rather grim narrative and abundance of grisly events, BioShock Infinite is full of genuinely funny moments.

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    Main Game 
  • Anything involving the Lutece twins. They're either engaged in an oddball activity or in Snark-to-Snark Combat. Or both.
    • In a Freeze-Frame Bonus, if one looks through the telescope shortly after arriving on Columbia, Robert can be seen juggling in the background, while Rosalind looks on in irritation.
    • Don't react right away during your encounters with the Luteces. They'll make little quips concerning Booker's intelligence.
    • Even better: Stay on the boat at the beginning. They panic.
    • The Lutece twins jointly won a "Best Character of the Year" award. Their nomination and acceptance speeches ably demonstrate why.
  • Most depictions of the three most idolized founding fathers are done in a Greek style, portraying them as legendary heroes. As a result, Benjamin Franklin has a sculpted bodybuilder's physique, even though his face is left heavyset and with his famous spectacles.note 
  • This little moment, when you're on your way to the raffle, you come across two women sitting on the bench. One comments on Booker's attractiveness, to her partner's chagrin:
    Woman 1: That man looks lost.
    Woman 2: He looks just fine to me!
    Woman 1: *gasps* Mary, you are a living, walking, scandal!
    • Early in the game, while passing a couple of citizens looking out at Monument Island:
      Man 1: Clear enough, you can even see some of the World Below today.
      Man 2: Huh. I've always pictured it being more, y' know... on fire.
  • It is fun as hell to jump off edges into the abyss because no one even freaks out that you've basically committed suicide. Plus, there isn't a single consequence to it, so you can spend long periods of time jumping off just trying to get a look at other parts of the city.
  • Inspecting a booth at the fair:
    Booker: What's a voxophone?
    Voxophone: [click] "What's a voxophone?"
    Barker: Exactly that! A personal record of voice.
    Booker: Hey, just so we're clear, I'm not payin' for this.
    Barker: [sheepish] Just a demonstration, sir.
  • Robert's annoyance that he has once again won the coin-toss. Judging by the results on his sandwich board, he's been hoping for some variation for quite a while.
  • After two games, players were certainly used to and expecting period music. Well, those who know The Beach Boys and hear a version of "God Only Knows" over fifty years before it was supposed to come out certainly laughed and figured out the game would be a bit screwy.
  • Some suicides that lesser mooks commit after being possessed are hilarious. When a mook is wielding a bat or a sniper rifle, he'll simply bonk himself on the head 'til he finally kills himself.
    • The RPG is arguably funnier. The best way to describe it is "Rocket Jump, logical conclusion."
  • When you are in people's good graces they always remark how handsome you are, but when you become the public enemy number one, the city suddenly becomes convinced that you are a deformed mulatto dwarf.
    • Or a Frenchman with one eye. Tomato, tomahto.
    • Given how the people of Columbia are it's likely that they're simply so bigoted not a single one can put aside their presumptions long enough to give an accurate description. The fact that the general population is incredibly racist is not funny in the slightest, but that they're so wrapped up in they can't conceive of the idea that the False Shepard would be an otherwise upstanding white person is actually hilarious.
    • Or Sander Cohen apparently, if you notice Booker's eyewitness sketch.
    • Perhaps because of this, after Booker's cover is blown the "False Shepherd" still attracts some admiring comments from the blissfully unaware:
      Random Woman at Battleship Bay: Mmm... look at him, ladies. It's a crime someone doesn't get him a nice set of trunks.
      • Doubly funny in that picturing Booker in the kinds of swimming trunks all the other men are wearing... is just... *snort*
  • After the "heads or tails?" game, if you stay around, Rosalind will warn you that if you don't leave, she will keep repeating the same three sentences that she just said. And she does.
    • Looking at the chalkboard that the man is wearing, is divided between instances of heads or tails. There isn't a single time that tails was achieved, but they both retain their optimism, as the mutter 'there is always next time'
    • Try shooting either Lutece.
      • They are, of course, immune to bullets, and Rosalind just keeps repeating "Missed". The HUD suggests aiming down sights for greater accuracy.
  • "Cream?" "Or Sugar?"
  • Booker first meets Elizabeth after making a rather clumsy, and messy, entrance... through the ceiling.
    Booker: Uh... Hello.
    Elizabeth: [drops her book] AAHHHHHHHHHH!!
    • Startled, Booker promptly loses his grip on the railing and drops to the floor. Elizabeth starts throwing books at him.
      Booker: [falls] AGH!
      Elizabeth: [throws a book at him]
      Booker: Hey! - ow - knock it off!
      Elizabeth: [throws another book]
      Booker: UGH! - will you stop it? WILL YOU STOP IT??
  • Booker's too busy running for his life to consider that telling someone who's never used an elevator to "call" the elevator may result in some confusion:
    Booker: Call the elevator!
    Elizabeth: [from around the corner] What?!
  • When escaping Elizabeth's Tower: If you pay attention, you can hear the elevator ding shortly before it comes down to smack Songbird on the head.
  • As horrific as the situation itself is, Elizabeth's screaming when they fall from the top of the tower is kind of hilarious, both visually and aurally. As is both of their screaming when they fall off the skyline into the water.
  • Booker coughing up a lung after almost drowning sounds pretty funny. Not to mention he sounds pretty punch-drunk:
    Elizabeth: [trying to help him up] Here, let me.
    Booker: [weakly] I'm fine.
    Elizabeth: You almost drowned, you need to—
    Booker: I said, I'm fine, just... [not sounding fine]... just, just gimme a minute.
    Elizabeth: ... Do you hear that? [joyously] Oh, it's music!
    Booker: [groggily waving a hand] Go on, I just... jus'need'a... [passes out]
    • One can't help but want to paraphrase that last line as, "You go on, I'll just... lie here and... die..."
      • Even funnier: After he finally gets up, when he asks two men if they've seen a girl around, they snidely reply, "Look at this one." "Why don't you just sleep it off, chum?" Later, Elizabeth comments, "That fall in the water did you no favors." The implication seems to be that Booker was staggering around like he was plastered. Just picture that.
  • There's a fitness class at Battleship Bay whose members will give Booker a lot of grief for interrupting them.
  • Don't interrupt Elizabeth when you find her dancing. Booker's frustrated reactions are hilarious.
    "Hey, Miss, I— ... Miss! ... Could you just—? ... Hey, I need you to stop! ... Please stop!"
    • The longer you wait, the funnier his line is once you finally do interrupt her:
      "Hey, Miss! Miss! Elizabeth!"
    • This exchange becomes heartwarming after you discover Booker and Elizabeth's relationship, given that it's a very parental thing to say
  • But as great as dancing is:
    Booker: Hey, Miss! Miss! Elizabeth!
    Elizabeth: [exuberant] Hello! Oh, this is wonderful! Oh come dance with me, Mr. DeWitt!
    Booker: I don't dance, come on, let's go.
    Elizabeth: Why?! [twirling] What could be better than this?!
    Booker: Well... how 'bout Paris?
    Elizabeth: [agog] Paris, how— I-I don't understand, how could we get there?
    Booker: [pointing] Well it's where that airship's going, but if you wanna stay and dance, we can—
    Elizabeth: [bursting] No! Let's go! [pulling him by the hand] C'mon, let's go! C'mon, let's go right now!
    • Even Booker probably couldn't suppress the tiniest of smiles at that amusing bit of adorableness.
    • This is also our first, entertaining glimpse of Booker's sense of humor. "But if you wanna stay and dance..."
    • On a somewhat related note... try to picture Booker dancing. Keep in mind he's almost a Perpetual Frowner and doesn't seem to like dancing (assuming he even can), so if Elizabeth somehow convinced him to dance a reel, it's unlikely he'd crack a smile during the ordeal and his dancing would probably look pretty stilted whether or not he knew what he was doing. Somehow that just makes the notion ten times funnier. Whether you picture him dancing well or poorly, the incongruity is just hilarious.
  • Elizabeth trying, and failing, to pick up a medicine ball on the beach.
    Elizabeth: Don't. Laugh.
    • Even humorless Booker you can picture standing there, just trying so hard not to. Or at least failing to suppress a tiny smile.
  • When walking around Battleship Bay, it's possible to half-recognize the carnival music and hum along with it. It then hits you that it's an anachronistic cover "Girls Just Want To Have Fun" by Cyndi Lauper, a song all the way from 1983.
  • At Battleship Bay:
    Elizabeth: Did you know this artificial bay was built in six months?
    Booker: How'd you know that?
    Elizabeth: Those books I threw at you. They work passing well for reading, too.
  • When you reach the boardwalk area, you find a one of the black menial workers taking a smoke break behind the carousal. He nervously claims his friend gave him the cigarette and he's never smoked before a day in his life. Booker calms him down saying it was fine by him. "Hey, smoke 'em if you got 'em."
  • There's a hilarious scene where a black man scrubbing a floor is muttering to himself about having to clean up after his employers, in clearly educated language:
    "I must take any task with more than the slightest complexity, or they simply leave it in ruins for me to clean up later!"
    • When he realizes he has company, he immediately switches to "just an ignorant Negro" mode and says he was just joking:
      "Oh! Ahah! H'lo, suh! Don't you pay me no nevermind! Jus' sum foolish-ness, y'know, ha ha! Jus' monkeyshines!"
    • A player may have a quiet chuckle at how bad his lie is... until you remember the racial dynamics at play and the fact that he might well be lynched if Booker tells anyone. If you really listen to that last bit, the man's voice is shaking like mad — he's terrified. Makes you feel bad you can't reassure him.
  • On the note of racial dynamics, Elizabeth's ignorance of them is both charming and hilarious:
    Elizabeth: Why is one bathroom for colors and the other for whites?
    Booker: It just is.
    Elizabeth: Seems like an unnecessary complication.
  • Go in the white men's bathroom at Battleship Bay, Elizabeth won't follow you in, but she'll ask you "Are you okay in there?" if you're in there long enough.
    • And if you enter the women's bathroom, she'll berate you for trying to get them both arrested.
      • The whole sequence through Battleship Bay basically provides Elizabeth's first impression of her would-be rescuer. Depending on the player's actions in the game, this could involve Booker rooting through trashcans for spare change or food (which he immediately eats), walking into women's washrooms to empty the contents of any purses or handbags he finds, or even stealing from a cash register in the same room as the shop's owner. Elizabeth will more than likely have a few choice comments on your total disregard for social niceties or apparent poverty.
  • For more bathroom fun, walk into the bathroom on the way to the Hall of Heroes. You find two Columbian Soldiers, one of which is using the urinal, the other the toilet.
    • Also:
      Elizabeth: What if they catch us here?
      Booker: We'll tell them we got lost looking for the bathroom.
      Elizabeth: ... And that works?
      Booker: Not usually.
  • When Elizabeth first sees the latest Dimwit & Duke automatic puppet show, she says "I hear this one was delayed three times!"
    • The whole dynamic of the "Dimwit & Duke" series, really. Duke is portrayed as the ideal young Columbian patriot, while Dimwit is a blundering, sloppy dullard. Also: in one of the toy shops, an NPC might complain about never having enough Dimwit merch in stock. So either Dimwit enjoys an Ensemble Dark Horse status throughout Columbia despite his issues, or Columbian parents think very little of their kids...
      • It's also mentioned early on (just after landing in Columbia) that, while a mother tries to teach her kid about "duty" superseding everything, the kid's reluctance to buy into it makes her wonder if she's raising a Duke or a Dimwit.
  • When you're at the First Lady ticket station and you walk into the ambush, there's two men at the hot dog stand who are trying their best at staying in-character. They both end up sounding like space cadets:
    Customer: Um... have you got sauerkraut?
    Hot Dog Vender: Sauerkraut? Uhh... I guess so.
    Customer: I'll take, um, one please. How much?
    Hot Dog Vender: Um, one Silver Eagle.
    Customer: Heh... all right.
    • As Booker tries to talk with the ticket agent, the man with the hot dog is apparently staring directly at you in anticipation, prompting Elizabeth to say, "Hey, mister! You're going to get mustard all over your nice suit!"
  • When she's trying to activate a gondola, poor Elizabeth can't get the lever to move at all when she's pushing on it with everything she has. Because she didn't pull in the latch that allows the lever to move. Not her finest moment.
    • Speaking of Elizabeth and levers, if you listen to her trying to push that lever for any length of time, it starts to sound... pretty... wrong...
  • If Booker approaches the entrance to the carousel in Soldier's Field:
    Elizabeth: Hmm.
    Booker: What?
    Elizabeth: I just imagined you... on the carousel.
  • While wandering around Soldier's Field, Booker will show off his dry, smart-ass sense of humor:
    Elizabeth: Are you interested in gardening, Mr. DeWitt?
    Booker: They frown on gardens in my part of town.
    Elizabeth: And where is that?
    Booker: [dryly] The part with no gardens.
    • The idea of Booker gardening is fairly funny in and of itself, for the same reason this image is so funny. Booker is The Comically Serious personified.
  • The entrance via trolley to Soldier's Field features, on the pier overlooking the falls, a shotgun sitting in a deck chair— next to a bunch of strung-up dead seagulls.
  • The first few times Elizabeth opens a tear are for endearingly mundane reasons. While painting the Eiffel Tower, she opens up a pathway to look at the real thing— did she just tear reality open in order to check if her painting looked right? And the second time, she rips the fabric of spacetime asunder because she's afraid of a bee and wants to get rid of it without the risk of it stinging her. And on that note, their dialogue during the bee encounter is pretty great:
    Elizabeth: Ah! Ugh, it's a bee! I, I hate these things!
    Booker: Ah jeez, just kill it.
    Elizabeth: No, it'll sting me!
    Booker: (highly exasperated) ELIZABETH...
    • The petulant way Elizabeth says, "It'll sting me!" is chuckle-worthy, but it's Booker's Parenthetical Swearing that makes the scene: He says "Elizabeth!" in such an exasperated tone that he might as well have said, "Oh, for Christ's sake!''"
  • Something is just amusing about the fact that despite being so utterly backwards in so many social standards, even for 1912, the people of Columbia have such progressive attitudes about women and women's rights. You even come across a few guards discussing just how much they hate sexism, while enforcing the law in a culture whose casual racism could give North Korea a run for its money.
    • Though Columbia does have its moments. For instance, the documentary on Lutece posits that the city floats due to "woman's intution."
  • The revelation that Elizabeth is Comstock's daughter and he wants her to follow in his footsteps has probably the most adorable response.
    Elizabeth: Well, I want a puppy, but that doesn't mean I'm going to get one!
  • Speaking of Booker being awkward, he is adorably (and amusingly) so when Elizabeth starts crying upon learning he isn't actually taking her to Paris. Comforting people isn't really his forte.
    Booker: ... Come on, it—... [long, uncomfortable silence] ... Hey, uh, Elizabeth... it... It's gonna be okay. [silence] ... Come on, it— [sighs] Everything's gonna be okay. Will you just turn around and talk to me, and we can— *THWACK*
  • Elizabeth ganking Booker with a wrench is actually pretty funny. As is a Vox man punching him in the face just when he starts to come to. And then hanging him out of the airship to rouse him. And then throwing him out of the airship from a pretty fair height.
    • Even better, the wrench she uses has the same model as the wrench from the First and Second Games. Making one wonder if Columbia found those models of wrenches to be superior.
  • When Booker chases Elizabeth (who's still pissed he lied about taking her to Paris) through Fink Manufacturing, she uses tears to conjure up a number of ludicrous things to impede his progress, like a bunch of party balloons, a passing freight train, and even a marching band. Made even funnier when he starts yelling at the marching band and they stay in perfect formation despite it.
    • A little later, Booker tells her that he can get their airship back, but that there are... conditions. He tells her what those conditions are in an extremely matter-of-fact way, but also awkward and talking quickly, as he was dangling from a rope on a balloon at the time—a balloon that appeared through a rift and could just as easily disappear if the still angry Elizabeth wishes so, which Booker seems to realize.
      Elizabeth: (Incredulous) You can get us out of here?
      Booker: Yes! I just... (mumbled) need to supply enough weapons to arm an entire uprising...
    • Elizabeth's "oh, HELL no" gesture when she hears that last line.
  • In Fink Manufacturing, Elizabeth has agreed to work together with you again, but is obviously still mad at you for the stunt you pulled back on the airship. This is probably not meant to be funny, but there's something about Elizabeth's defiant attitude towards you (crossed arms, pouty face, trying very hard to not meet your eyes) that's downright adorable, if not funny.
  • When Fink calls Booker in an elevator and says he's the top candidate, Elizabeth makes a goofy, "Get a load of this guy" hand/face gesture.
  • In Finkton, a radio plays a made-up news story about a man in Texas being burned by a mob for praying to the Founding Fathers. The newscaster says this is typical in "the United States of un-America". It's just such a childish insult for a grown man to be using.
  • When you first heard the anachronistic songs all around, from 'God Only Knows' to 'Girls Just Wanna Have Fun', you might expect a weird and otherworld explanation to whatever causes these, with some gamers theorizing that the musicians were out of their time and so on. Turns out, composer Albert Fink, Jeremiah Fink's brother, is nothing more than a plagiarizing bastard, using the space time ruptures to look at other times and copy the songs lyrics, and modifying their tunes so they could be played by barbershop quartets and other musicians.
    • You know all of those songs you are hearing that are early 20th century renditions of songs that came along decades later? Turns out that Albert Fink gets these songs through tears, then markets them as his own music, plagiarizing the artists through time travel. The example they give you of this is when you approach a tear in Fink's factory that is playing Creedence Clearwater Revival's "Fortunate Son". While the idea of Jeremiah stealing songs from the future to sell in his time is amusing enough, it gets even more amusing if you know about the legal problems lead singer John Fogerty has had with record companies and copyright infringement claims. Poor John, now he's getting screwed by a corporation that could claim copyright retroactively through time travel. Sheesh!
  • Fink's oblivious certainty that Booker will work for him is amusing. The Good Time Club marquee even reads BOOKER DEWITT AUDITION TODAY!
    • The sign is equally funny once you emerge from the Club in an alternate reality — it instead reads, "SANSMARK RETIREMENT GALA". You know, Fink's head of security, whom you probably just "dismissed" via exploding his head with a shotgun on the way out of the club.
  • When Booker and Elizabeth enter the tear into the world where the Vox Populi were successfully armed, Elizabeth happily declares that they'll start a revolution that will improve everyone's lives, "just like in Les Misérables." Clearly, she only skimmed the book. On top of that, a bit of ironic Black Comedy is added in that after this comment, you can hear panicked shouts and the sounds of a firefight outside.
  • At Finkton Manufacturing, you'll see a sort of auction for job positions (hauling coal, crimping wires, etc.) listed on a huge board. But when you travel to another world in order to get weapons for the Vox, you return to that same place, only to find that every entry on the board has the same job: KILL THE FALSE SHEPHERD.
    Elizabeth: Looks like Fink isn't giving you the job.
  • Booker's reactions to a lot of things are hilarious, but notable is his sheepish stammering when Elizabeth tells him it's okay to ask about her pinky. He actually sounds pretty mortified.
    Elizabeth: If you wanna ask me, ask me.
    Booker: About what?
    Elizabeth: My finger.
    Booker: I-I, uh-uuuh... I'm sorry, I didn't—
    Elizabeth: [chuckles] It's alright. It's as much a mystery to me as anyone else. Maybe Songbird knows, but he's not talking.
    Booker: [chuckling nervously] Aheh... I, I'm sorry.
    • It's kind of adorable hearing Booker, Mr. Gruff Hardass, get so embarrassed that he just chuckles awkwardly. And the image it conjures up is pretty hilarious, too: It's hard to imagine Booker getting embarrassed about much of anything, but if one could ever picture his face turning red, it would be during that exchange. Hell, you can practically see him do a Hand Behind Head!
  • A little bit of Snark-to-Snark Combat between Booker and Elizabeth in the elevator up to the First Lady Airship. Really, it's the perfect voice acting that sells it:
    Elizabeth: How do you think they knew you'd be coming here?
    Booker: Either they've got a prophet on their side—
    Elizabeth: Har har.
    Booker: —or them that hired me also wrote the signs.
  • At one point, the Luteces are engaging in some painting: Rosalind is posing, and Robert is painting. Except if you look at the canvas, Robert is painting himself.
    • Then moments later you see them dancing while lampshading the fact they finish each other's sentences, while still finishing each other's sentences during the conversation.
  • After Luteces explain the significant connection between music, instrument and the Songbird, they disappear (again). To which Booker comments dryly, "At least they left us the piano..." which he has to push out of his way. If ever there was anything the Luteces did specifically to annoy Booker, that was it.
    • Incidentally, in your next playthrough, don't take Robert's letter right away. Perhaps a waltz?
  • Doing the optional objective to rescue "Sally" will leave Elizabeth a little miffed upon realizing that she and Booker just risked their lives backtracking all the way back to the Salty Oyster to find "some light titillation"— a pin-up poster. Not helped by Booker (possibly jokingly) saying he thinks he knew the woman in the poster.
  • Due to Elizabeth's programming, she'll inspect her surroundings. Sometimes she'll stick her head in a urinal.note 
  • The sentient gate at the Comstock House mistakes Elizabeth for her mother in an excessively cheerful manner.
    Gate: Lady Comstock, how lovely to see you! Wonderful of you to make the journey, considering your painful death nineteen years ago!
    • Also:
      Gate: Your fingerprints aren't your own today, Lady Comstock. Are you feeling unwell?
    • Similarly, earlier in the game, a Possessed automaton ticket taker admits you into the fairgrounds with this comment:
      Ticket Taker: Well, if it isn't Assemblyman Buford! Your spot at the raffle awaits! Don't know why I didn't recognize you before. Odd.
      • The fact that it even has this phrase programmed into it is also snicker-worthy.
  • There's something hilarious about Booker, ex-Pinkerton, brutish cynic and all-round gruff hardass, stuffing his face full of cotton candy in the midst of a fight.
    • Many players find the idea of Booker scavenging and eating anything he can find equally hilarious. Just how long has that hot dog been in the trash can?
      Banzaii: You literally eat everything. There's never like, "Uagh I'm a little full now I'ma keep this for later", it's like, FOOD, EAT.
      Biggi: Booker see food, Booker eat.
    • In Downtown Emporia, there is a candy store, where boxes of chocolate contain hot dogs (which shouldn't even be able to fit in said boxes), and a box of candied almonds actually has a can of beans inside.
    • That's a strange looking bar of chocolate.
  • Booker doesn't quite understand some of the stuff that occurs, but one moment particularly stands out.
    Booker: Elizabeth? Why is your mother a ghost?
    • The overly fatherly and almost nagging tone Booker says that in sells it.
    • Ken Levine's Tweet about Lady Comstock somehow makes it even funnier.
    • "It would appear that your mother... is raising... the dead!"
    • In the same vein, he's hilariously reluctant to let go of the idea that Columbia is held up by giant balloons, because he can understand giant balloons.
      Elizabeth: They—well, she—invented the technology that keeps this city afloat!
      Booker: Giant balloons?
      Elizabeth: Quantum particles, suspended at a fixed point in space-time.
      Booker: So... not giant balloons?
    • And when she asks him an unrelated question a little bit later, she finds he's still stuck on that one.
      Elizabeth: How do you suppose they manage that?
      Booker: I'll get back to you after I figure out the floating city bit.
    • There's also his reactions to the Luteces.
      Robert: If only one of you had the ability to alter the fabric of space and time.
      Rosalind: Yes, that would be a blessing indeed.
      [They vanish.]
      Booker: Well. They're sarcastic.
  • When Lady Comstock showed up in Lutece lab acting like most women who just discovered their husband fathered an illegitimate child, Rosalind gave us this gem in an almost cheerful tone. It's arguably made funnier by Lady Comstock's freakout.
    Lady Comstock: You... you whore!
    Rosalind: I assure you, madam, my sexual interest in your dear Prophet is non-existent. Furthermore, the man is quite sterile.
    Lady Comstock: THAT'S A LIE!
  • Rupert Cunningham's voxophone in which he claims that the Luteces were murdered by Comstock... then, matter-of-factly saying he knows because the Luteces told him.
  • Sometimes the game mechanics themselves cause the most fun. Elizabeth somberly regards the dozen of dead civilians left lying around in the wake of the Vox uprising, kneels by a dead man and saying, "Look at this one... do you think he wanted any of this?" You turn away as she leans over them, folds their hands and puts a rose in their hands... "Hey Booker, want some money? Catch!" She turfed the dead guy's pockets!
    • This can happen during even bigger scripted events, such as Elizabeth talking to Lady Comstock's statue.
      Elizabeth: (To the statue) Rosalind Lutece is not my mother... and neither are you. But he killed you both... because of- Wanna hold on to this? Catch!
  • There is some humor to be found when Elizabeth is trying to have a meaningful conversation with you, and continues to speak as guns blaze all around her.
  • If you pay attention, seeing the difference in strength—not to mention hand size—between Elizabeth and Booker is quite amusing:
    • After Booker unceremoniously falls into Elizabeth's library and scares the crap out of her, while trying to calm her down he puts a hand on her shoulder. She shrugs it off and tries to strike him with her book. She's using both hands and mustering a fair bit of strength, but Booker stops both swings in their tracks with one hand and almost no effort. Here is one of the few instances that you get to compare hand sizes, too. Booker's are frigging enormous.
    • Another good hand comparison scene is when Elizabeth takes Booker's hand and then puts it around her throat when begging him not to let Songbird take her back.
    • He takes her hand in his when helping her out of the torture device in Comstock House, giving you another chance to see that Booker's hands are at least twice the size of Elizabeth's. They're literally the size of her entire face.
    • More strength comparison: Elizabeth finds the door to the outside of her tower, but can't make the handwheel budge an inch, even putting her whole upper body into it and bracing against the floor. Booker gets it open instantly.
    • A bit of a Mood Whiplash shows up in the scene where Elizabeth first witnesses Booker killing people. She runs away in terror and makes it to an airship in an attempt to flee from Booker, horrified at the violence- but when he finally catches up to her (after killing more cops), he finds her trying and failing to dislodge the break by putting both arms and all her weight into the lever, which isn't shifting even the tiniest bit. Booker sighs, casually walks up to it, and lazily turns the lever with one hand and no effort. Elizabeth sheepishly buggers off to the side and pauses in response, interrupting the flow of her What the Hell, Hero? speech in that sequence.
  • When viewing the kinetoscope "Battleship Falls":
    (Title Card 1) Battleship Falls - William R. Foreman 1909 No.99
    (Movie shows the scenery, then the camera drops into the waterfall)
    (Title Card 2) William R. Foreman (Oct 13, 1867 - July 2, 1909)
    • It is even funnier if you realized that he essentially invented modern filmmaking by accident - notice that all kinetoscope movie shots you have seen before are filmed from a static position and angle. (Actually moving the camera to tell a story is pioneered by a certain film in 1915.)
  • In the middle of an extremely tense moment when Songbird has ambushed Booker and Elizabeth, and is further about to kill Booker, Elizabeth steps between them. Songbird's response is to stop for a moment and gently push Elizabeth out of the way like a parent gently nudging a small child out of the way.
  • This video where a player gets jumpscared by a Boy of Silence. While the moment itself is quite terrifying, the reactions to it are priceless. Though that video missed the best one of all (the comments even mention this very page, with guy proudly noting "I made it to TV Tropes!"). This one is also good.
  • In Comstock House, the scientists screaming and cowering by the generator switches when you show up is funny enough that you almost don't want to kill them because then they would stop.
  • Elizabeth can be extremely threatening after she's accessed her powers and is leading Booker across the multiverse. Then you notice her using her teleportation powers to get out of a five foot ladder climb.
  • Fighting a horde of giant mechanical George Washingtons... or siccing them on giant mechanical Abraham Lincolns.
  • The "Shiny Happy People" ragtime cover, performed by an Al Jolson sound-alike.
  • Booker: A city... at the bottom of the ocean? Pft. Ridiculous.
  • In an otherwise incredible Tear Jerker of a scene when Booker attempts to wrestle Baby Anna back from Comstock, listening to the Lutece twins' conversation in the background is pretty funny: the longer you wait, the more Robert freaks out about all the bad things that might happen to him if the Tear closes on him, while Rosalind's reassurances get blander and vaguer, which only winds Robert up more:
    Rosalind: Come on, it's fine.
    Robert: [watching the Tear rapidly dwindling away] It's fine? ARE YOU MAD?
    • Also darkly comic is the fact that they're having this conversation while completely ignoring the tragic scene playing out right next to them, as a man begs to take back his promise to sell his baby daughter.
  • In the "Clash in the Clouds" DLC, one of the trophies you can earn is Rope-a-Dope. To earn it, you have to use Undertow on an enemy to knock him off the city, use it again to rescue him... then knock him off again.
  • In the Columbian Archeological Society, the "Art Direction" concept art.
  • This Video claims that Elizabeth is escorting YOU.
  • Elizabeth's ciphers are real. That being said it seems development time ran out before Older Elizabeth's message to Booker could be written. It says, "I AM A CODE: I SHOULD PROBABLY BE CHANGED OVER FOR SOMETHING MUCH MORE OFFICIAL IN THE FUTURE, BUT I'LL DO AS A STAND-IN FOR NOW I SUPPOSE."
  • At one point in the game, you can overhear a conversation between two NPCs that's a man talking to his wife about his doubts with the general state of things in Columbia, and his wife half-jokingly responding "Keep your heretical thoughts to yourself, Gerald! I don't want to become a bit character from I Married A Vox Populi, now do I?" This is chuckle-inducing in and of itself, but imagine a Columbian sitcom called I Married A Vox Populi.

From the early gameplay trailers, some laughs that didn't end up in the final game:

  • After Booker takes out an assault blimp by himself:
    Elizabeth: Booker! That was amazing!
    Booker: [sounding pained] Great! 'Cause I don't think I could do it again.
  • This exchange:
    Elizabeth: (After Booker shoots a Handyman.) That's just making him angry!
    Booker: He was already angry!
    • Naturally, Booker rips the gun out of his hands with telekinesis and shoots him with it, sending him crashing into the piano. Funniest thing about it? His last words were "Give it back!"
  • When Elizabeth finds a bunch of what she thinks are "gold" statues. Plus Booker's response:
  • Elizabeth dons a large novelty Lincoln head. Made funnier by her voice echoing inside it, and her grandiose gesturing:
    Elizabeth: Booker!
    Booker: [turns to see her with the Lincoln head on]
    Elizabeth: [dancing] Fooour scooore and seven yeaars agoooo...!
    Booker: (sounding amused despite himself) Keeeep lookin', Lincoln.

    Burial at Sea 
  • In order to distract the Rapture Records store owner, Elizabeth feigns rather breathy arousal while hearing "Beyond the Sea". The attendant is predictably flummoxed.
  • As Booker searches through the back room of The Golden Rule, Elizabeth angrily claims that the diamond ring in the showcase was stolen off her mother's body in the Twilight Fields Mortuary. When the formerly-composed clerk calls her a "little tramp" and moves to throw her out, Elizabeth kicks him hard in his own jewels. What's better is that it's exactly the same technique she used during the first fight after you meet her in Infinite.
  • As usual, some of the things the Splicers say are absolute gold:
    (After you possess a turret near them) AFTER ALL I'VE DONE FOR YOU?!
    (Shot at) Annihilate your own goddamn self!
  • During Booker and Elizabeth's dance, this Black Comedy moment about Booker's "investigation" methods.
    Booker: If Suchong had Sally, I'd know it.
    Elizabeth: How?
    Booker: Because I tied him to a chair and asked him...
    Elizabeth: So?
    Booker: ... For fifteen hours.
  • Elizabeth has a few things to say if you get drunk or gamble.
    Elizabeth: I see you've earned your reputation as a gambler, Mr DeWitt. Perhaps you'd like to try earning one as a detective.
  • A lot of players have taken note of the utterly hilarious expression on Elizabeth's face when Cohen is talking. It's like she's thinking "Whatever you say, weirdo!"
  • Elizabeth's stroll through an idyllic Parisian marketplace is right out of a Disney movie, right down to a bluebird perching on her finger and singing along to Edith Piaf's "La Vie en Rose".
    • When Elizabeth wanders into a bookstore, the sequence again tips its hat to being a fantasy:
      Elizabeth: Do you have The Age of Innocence by Edith Wharton?
      Store Owner: <...I'm sorry, mademoiselle, but that book has not been written yet.>
  • The "Ryan the Lion" preparatory academy, which Crosses the Line Twice hilariously. Children presumably as young as 5 receive punishments for sharing any of their toys, watch lectures about how eating nothing but candy is admirable if you buy it with your own money, and are taught to shoot high-powered crossbows at stationary targets.
  • Near the start, when you get off the Luteces' boat, if you linger instead of moving on, they start to sing "row, row, row your boat" in harmony with each other. In the bleak moment that comes out of nowhere and is absolutely hilarious by the simple virtue of being so unexpected.
  • This poster reveals what exactly Elizabeth did in Rapture at the time. For two months.
  • Look at the erotic books and Elizabeth will comment that her tower didn't include any of that kind of literature.
    • The whole sex shop exacts more than a chuckle. Just look at the poster right of its entrance, or the one just inside. And also consider when you first see it: it's just the other side of a small square, in front of a children's school (which also speaks volumes of Rapture's society and laissez-faire attitude).
  • Near Fink's lab you can find a chalkboard with various suggestions for new Vigors and Fink's sarcastic responses to their uselessness. For example, one that lets you communicate with dead housepets.
    Fink: Nobody wants a moldy puppy.
    • In another part of the showroom, which is being patrolled by a Big Daddy that you can't fight, there's a poster for the "Hypnotize Big Daddy" Plasmid...which won't be released until next year.
  • Upon reaching Atlas' hideout for Old Man Winter, you can find a kinetoscope of Atlas' anti-Andrew-Ryan propaganda. It's actually quite unsettling for the most part, up until a shot of gigantic statue of a fist holding a chain with the description of The Great Chain is Guided By Our Hand, and then...
    Atlas: (referring to Frank Fontaine's death) I'll tell you what, Ryan: Message received! Loud and clear! (A crude outline of a middle finger is drawn around the fist)
  • The Lutece twins may only appear in a couple of brief scenes, but as ever they manage to steal the show whenever they're on-screen. In particular there's the banter they're engaged in when Elizabeth comes round in their boat on the way to Rapture, when Robert just can't accept that Rosalind is agreeing with him for once:
    Rosalind: If we're going to end up in the same place I don't see the harm in enjoying the ride.
    Robert: [irritated] Are you being cute?
  • Though the scene might be more satisfying than funny for some, Suchongs now animated death to a Big Daddy shows us that when he slapped the Little Sister and angered a Big Daddy, he didn't back up against the wall in fear or stare in awe, but instead slowly pimp walked up to the growling Big Daddys face and shrug his arms to it ask it 'What?'.
