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Funny / ARK: Survival Evolved

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  • Some of the ways to play around with the AI in the game can be hilarious.
    • Dinosaurs sometimes getting stuck in trees or rocks, giving you a good chance to get away or try an tranquilize it. It can quickly turn into Black Comedy if you get too confident and too close when it frees itself.
    • Using the pheromone dart from a hidden position to ruin someone's day as they're out riding their dinosaur, only to find they just aggro'd every creature in the area at once.
    • Some of the carnivores having A.D.D. when they suddenly decide to stop chasing you and fight the nearest herbivore just passing by. This can happen repeatedly.
  • Players getting downright inventive on PvP servers in ways of dispatching rivals.
    • Luring a wild Giganotosaurus to their base and watch the fire works as it reenacts the plot of a Godzilla movie.
    • Forcing players to walk the plank into a pit of aggressive ''Dilophosaurus''.
    • On Aberration, using members of rival tribes as hosts for Reaper larvae. Why go through the hard part when you have prisoners to eat a Face Full of Alien Wing-Wong for you? They also then provide the newborn reaper with a free first meal!
    • Giga Bombs: A siege trick in which the attacking tribe loads Quetzals up with Gigas (or any powerful predator), flies over the enemy base, and orders them to walk off the bird from great altitude (often outside the draw distance so they can't be seen). Since unridden dinos don't take fall damage this results in several of the game's most powerful predators falling from the sky and landing unharmed in an all you can eat buffet. It also bypasses the Gigas one weakness of "piss it off before it gets to you." Despite its effectiveness it looks downright hilarious when it's not you on the receiving end.
  • A well-timed surprise defecation is a good way to lighten a tense mood.
  • Naturally, the Ragdoll Physics that come into play with dead creatures can be pretty funny. Some particularly funny ones are that the megalodons will sometimes get their lower jaws sent up into their heads, creating a Simpsonesque overbite or giving them a resemblance to Jabberjaw, and the titanoboas will invariably have their heads thrown back while the rest of their bodies mostly stay in place. The smaller animals are particularly prone to glitching out, almost to GoldenEye (1997) levels and sometimes getting stuck in the air afterwards. And, with sufficiently large and powerful animals, it's possible to make the likes of a T-Rex get killed in a way that looks like it was bitch-slapped to death.
  • Sometimes, when a wyvern is killed high in the air, it will stop falling before reaching the ground and its corpse will turn into a mid-air T-pose, its body straight as a toothpick and its wings completely outstretched.
  • Wild dinosaurs sometimes aren't the brightest lightbulbs. For instance, wild wyverns in the Dragonmalte Trench can (and do) nonchalantly fly into the stream of lava and weaken or even kill themselves in the process. Or, a single wild Dilophosaur decides to attack a tamed Lystrosaur in a player's yard, completely ignoring the surrounding horde of T-Rexes that could crush it to a pulp in one bite.
