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Fridge / Supernatural S 02 E 18 Hollywood Babylon

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This is the Fridge items page for the episode "Hollywood Babylon" (S02, Ep18) of Supernatural.

The Fridge items page for the entire series of Supernatural can be found here.

Fridge Logic:

  • There is an In-Universe example of the network executive Brad Redding experiencing Fridge Logic, when he does not understand how the ghosts in hell hear the chanting in the cabin.
    Brad Redding: Well, for one thing, the rules aren't really landing for me. Like, the kids do this Latin chant, and that makes the ghosts show up?
  • The news article Sam finds on Elise Drummond who died on January 15, 1932, describes her last movie as a "blockbuster", but this term was not used until the 1940's when the destructive aerial bombs of World War II were used as a metaphor for events with a large public impact.
  • Sam has a color print-out of the news archive which includes the article "Suicide Stuns Hollywood: Elise Drummond Hangs From Studio Rafters". He may have run to Kinko's to print this out, but why not just use the black and white printer that a public library would be likely to have or save a copy to his laptop if he came across the archive on the internet?
  • It seems odd that after reading the news article which describes Elise Drummond's success (starred in 12 movies, nominated recently for an Oscar, and enjoying publicity from her last blockbuster), Sam describes her as destitute.
  • The news article also said Elise Drummond was a child star after she arrived in Hollywood in 1918, but the date of her birth on her tombstone is March 24, 1900, suggesting she was already 18 when she arrived in Hollywood.
  • Even after the light bulbs on the set explode, the set remains well lit with light coming through the windows of the cabin.
