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Fridge / Drag Me to Hell

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As a Fridge subpage, all spoilers are unmarked as per policy. You Have Been Warned.

Fridge Brilliance

  • Christine's house features the famous motivational posters with a kitten hanging off a branch and the caption "Hang in there, baby!" This is a deliciously ironic bit of foreshadowing, given that her eventual fate is being pulled down into a literal hell pit.

Fridge Horror

  • The whole concept of the movie is one big Fridge Horror. The idea that someone can literally curse you to Hell for all eternity for even the slightest of grievances is pretty horrifying. Doesn't matter if you're an innocent woman or even a child. Once you've been cursed, you'll be dragged to a Fire and Brimstone Hell for an eternity of torture. The only way out is to pass the curse to someone else, meaning you'll be deliberately damning someone to Hell. Either way, it makes for a truly messed-up situation.
