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Fridge / American Horror Story: Cult

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As a Fridge subpage, all spoilers are unmarked as per policy. You Have Been Warned.

  • Fridge Brilliance:
    • The scene in the first episode where Winter is badgering Oz with questions about who his "real" mom takes on a completely different light after The Reveal that Ivy is in the cult and sent the cult to terrorize Ally into insanity because she was spiteful over Ally being Oz's birth mother and wants full custody of Oz.
    • In Kai's stories of past cults and their demises, every single one of the cult leaders—as well as Jesus Christ Himself—are also played by Evan Peters. Of course a delusional narcissist like Kai would envision himself as these "great men." Alternatively, it also would make sense if Kai's followers were imaging Kai as these cult leaders, given how they idolize him way beyond reason.
  • Fridge Horror:
    • In Pastor Charles' Judgement House, one of his victims is trapped in a bed and forced listen to sounds of a baby among other forms of torture, as punishment for an abortion. And yet, when Kai and Winter free her and the other victims, they reveal the truth to be that she had a pap smear, not an abortion. Thus, it's possible she'd been tied up so long and sermonized that she started to believe it herself.
  • Fridge Logic:
    • Bebe's recollection of the final days of Valerie Solanas continues to her death, after Bebe has seemingly abandoned her — so how would Bebe know? Of course, Bebe could be an Unreliable Narrator.
    • Twisty's name, appearance, and history as a serial killer are frequent references in-universe, but Twisty died in obscurity, with seemingly nobody able to tie him by name to his killings but the freaks from season four. Even the survivors we see who escaped Twisty would have had no idea what his name was.
    • In 'Valerie Solanas Died For Your Sins' Bebe says that the SCUM group was responsible for the Zodiac murders; are we to believe this group of manhaters left two men alive while brutally murdering the women?
      • They did say that they were killing the women to teach them a lesson about how their relationships with men would kill them. Possibly they left the men alive to underline that message (in their minds) being sent to the women - if you hook up with men, the men may survive but you will not - and help build the "feminine rage" they were obsessed with unleashing onto men. They did let two men into SCUM, so they're not above letting men live if they think it serves their purpose.
      • Notably, SCUM was only responsible for some of the murders. One of their male members did more on his own.
