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Fanfic / Rocket To Insanity Alternate Ending

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Rocket To Insanity created a tragic end to the Cupcakes (Sergeant Sprinkles) story... It was All Just Rainbow Dash's Nightmare, and it drove her so insane that she lost her mind and killed Pinkie. This alternate ending inspired another Revised Ending, possibly one of the only Fix Fics made to repair a situation that the fans actually made worse.

That revised ending is... well, you know what you're reading. It's a fanfic far more in character with the show, showing exactly how the ponies would react to Rainbow Dash having this nightmare and committing attempted murder in the show, if that ever happened. They'd hug it out and apologize.

Can be found here

This My Little Pony: Friendship Is Magic Fanfic contains examples of the following tropes:
