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Drinking Game / 3-2-1 Penguins!

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  • Take a shot every time Midgel yells "Bonsai!!!"
    • Take two shots if someone else yells it.
    • Take three shots if Midgel comments on it.
  • Take a shot every time Zidgel messes with his hair.
    • Take two shots if he doesn't.
  • Take a shot each time Fidgel says a scientific term that no one else understands and it is explained.
    • Take two shots if it's not explained.
  • Take a shot each time Kevin says a line that's one sentence at the longest. (1-3 word long sentences do not count).
    • Take two shots if his line is more than one sentence long.
  • Take a shot each time Jason and/or Michelle act bratty to each other in the T.V. version.
    • Take two shots if neither of them are bratty.
  • Take a shot every time Grandmum quotes from "The Good Book".
    • Take two shots if Sol quotes from "The Good Book".
    • Take three shots if they both quote from "The Good Book".
  • Take a shot every time the kids get galeezeled into the ship.
    • Take two shots if only one kid is galeezeled.
    • Take three shots if they aren't shown being galeezled.
  • Take a shot every time Cavitus appears and he is the source of a conflict.
    • Take two shots if he doesn't appear.
    • Take three shots if he appears, but he isn't the source of a conflict.
  • Take a shot every time there is a VeggieTales reference.
    • Take two shots if there is a reference to an earlier episode.
