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Drinking Game / Blacklight Retribution

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Remember to not get killed by alcohol poisoning. Anyway, have fun!

  • Drink a shot if you got killed while using a depot.
  • Drink a shot if you got killed while using your HRV.
  • Drink a shot if you got killed by your own explosives.
    • Drink two shots if it was your Toxic Grenade that killed you.
      • Finish your drink if it was your Digi-Grenade or EMP Grenade instead.
  • Whenever someone (yourself included) calls down a Hardsuit, drink one shot.
    • Drink another shot for every kill you make with or every time you died to a Hardsuit.
    • Take a drink if someone complained about it.
      • Take another if someone demanded a Rocker Stinger to deal with the Hardsuit but nobody followed.
    • Have one if you got killed before you could actually call it in.
      • Start chugging continuously if someone called in a Hardsuit in the last minute of the match.
  • Take a drink every time you are killed by melee weapons.
    • Two if your killer is using the Active-Camo or Cloak Mk.2 Tactical Gear.
      • Down the whole bottle if it was caused by your enemies' buttstroke.
  • Drink one shot if you see the presence of an HRV Blackout.
    • Drink another one if you get killed by somebody inside the Blackout's bubble.
      • Drink one more shot for every mine, turret and barricade found inside.
  • Drink a shot every time your teammates complained about hacking the gates in the Siege gamemode.
  • Drink a shot if you're promoted to High Threat.
    • Drink two shots if you didn't kill anyone for it.
      • Take a drink every time you lose your Warlord status.
  • Take a sip every time you are killed by Proximity Mines.
    • Take two sips if you were killed by a Stun Mine.
      • Another sip if it was placed at your spawn point.
  • Take a shot if someone steals your gun.
    • Down the whole bottle if you later get killed by your stolen gun.
  • Before entering a HeloDeck/Metro/Decay TDM room, take a drink.
  • Take a sip if you get killed by an Explosive Tomahawk or Stun Shuriken.
    • Drown yourself in celebration if you were killed by a Sonic Tomahawk.
      • Drink another bottle if it was your kill.
