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Vacanța Mare (meaning Great Holiday) is a Romanian comedy group formed unofficially in 1987 and officially in 1988 by 5 students (Mugur Mihăescu, Radu Pietreanu, Dan Sava, Felix Sava and Dan Ștefănescu) as a hobby. The latter 2 quit the group however leaving it a 3 man band. After winning some amateur comedy contests in the early 90s, the group was noticed by the talent hunter Nicu Dragosin who became their manager and convinced them to become professional comedians. From then on Vacanța Mare became professional comedians who made 4 shows a year (1 in spring 2 in summer and another one in autumn).

A show would usually go like this: The group would enter the stage on the song The Final Countdown by Europe, they would greet the audience with "Grupul Vacanța Mare vă spune tradiționalul "Bună Seara"! (The Vacanța Mare group is greeting you with the traditional "Good Evening"!) followed by Radu Pietranu talking to the audience Stand up style about the title of the show. Throughout this discussion he will introduce the first sketch of the show which is an absurd interview that usualy follows a leitmotif and may or may not have something to do with the show's title. Afterwards the show continues with various sketches,"ballads" (poetry parodies that also involve song parodies), "Music Festivals"(Song parodies compilations), Sketches involving their famous characters such as Garcea (a stereotypical dumb and incompetent cop), Leana & Costel (a couple of peasants from Sadova, Oltenia (South Western Romania), Crapu & Menumorut (2 not so successful gypsy thieves), Gheorghe & Pisty (An ethnic Romanian and an ethnic Hungarian from Transylvania) and Ion and Ghoerghe (2 Transylvanian Shepherds (sometimes only Ghoerghe will appear), A monologue (Stand up comedy moment that usually ends in a song parody and may also include other song parodies throughout) from each member and finally a pantomime. The shows would also end with them singing a parody of Floare de Iris by the Romanian band Iris combined with a parody of the Romanian children's song Țăranul e pe câmp (singed on the tune of A hunting we will go).

In 1999 Dan Sava dies in a car crash and in the autumn of that same year, the group gets their own TV show on the Romanian tv channel Pro Tv. The show is a MontyPython like sketch show. While they had a Tv Show now, they still continued doing shows on stage with a new member called Florin Petrescu. The group would also make 2 movies:Garcea&Oltenii (Garcea and the Oltenians) and 3 Frați de Belea (3 Badass Siblings) The show lasted until 2007 and from then on the group moved to the Romanian version of the Turkish tv channel Kanal D where they made various other shows such as Vacanța Mare Realoded, Noră Pentru Leana(Daughter-in-Law for Leana), Inimă de Oltean (Oltenian Heart) Comoara din Sadova (The Treasure of Sadova), Leana s-a întors (Leana is Back) and Te Vreau lângă Leana (I want you near Leana (a parody of the Kanal D reality show Te Vreau Lângă Mine (i want you near me)). The group broke up for a short while with Pietreanu making his own show called Vacanța Muzicală (The Musical Holiday). However the group got back togheter in 2013, Made a show on stages and continued it's activity on Kanal D.

In 2017 the group quit tv all together and started making internet videos with the 2 shepherd Ion and Ghoerghe and Leana & Costel. In that same year the group held an anniversary show on stage. Today only Radu Pietreanu is doing comedy, by doing stand up humor and also by making sketches with various younger comedians. Mugur Mihăescu on the other hand became a businessman and consoler for the Bucharest mayor while Petrescu is now a singer.

    List of Vacanța Mare shows 

  • Coșciugul (The Casket)(1992)
  • Burduful de Aur (The Golden Bellows) (1992)
  • Noi nu suntem normali (We are not normal) (1993)
  • Go West(1994)
  • ''Careul de ași (The Poker of aces) (1994)
  • Proștii Caritasului (The Idiots of Caritas (Romanian Ponzi Scheme)) (1994)
  • Lecția de Umor(The Humor Lesson)(1994)
  • Niște Țărani (Some Peasants) (1995)
  • Toate dânsele sus (All ladies up) (1995)
  • Sex O'Clock (1995)
  • Toamna Mitocanilo (The Autumn of Jerks) (1995)
  • Beatman Forever (Drunkman Forever) (1996)
  • Te uiți și privești (Watch and Look) (1996)
  • Sticla cu 3 capace (The bottle with 3 caps) (1996)
  • Vampirii în Izmene (Vampires in tights) (1996)
  • Tânăr și ne-a liniștit (Young and he calmed us down)(1997)
  • Mănăstirea de taici(The Monk Monestry) (1997)
  • Am îmbuli-NATO (We were screwed by NATO) (1997)
  • Căruța cu Proști (The Cart with Idiots) (1997)
  • Salutări din Balamuc (Greetings from the Insane Asylum) (1998)
  • Proasta Norocului (The Silly of Fortune) (1998)
  • Ce-Lularul Meu (What my cellphone) (1998)
  • Un Saxofon la Casa Albă (A Saxophone at the White House) (1998)
  • Cu Oltenii la Eclipsă (With the Oltenians at the Eclipse) (1999)
  • Trei proști din Sud-Est (3 Idiots from South East) (Programmed for 1999 but cancelled after Dan Sava's death)
  • Necenzurat (Uncensored) (2000)
  • ''Țapra cu 3 Iliezi (The Țapra with 3 Ilieds (Țapră is a pun on "Țap"(male goat) and "Capră" (female goat) while Ilied is a pun on "Ied" (Goat Kid) and Ion Iliescu (the 2nd President of Romania)) (2000)
  • ''Aventurile lui Garcea (the Adventures of Garcea) (2000)
  • Iezâstă o iesplicație (Thier Iz an Iesplenation) (2001)
  • 25 de ani..... cu suspendare (25 years..... with suspension)(2013)
  • The Annyversary tour (2017)

Vacanța Mare provides examples of:

  • Addictive Foreign Soap Opera: The very first Leana and Costel sketch depicted them as fans of a Latin American soap opera (According to Wordof God it was a Brazilian despite having a character named Juan)
    • During Dan Sava's monologue from "Ce-Lularul Meu" he mentions that the men that came with their wives at the beach were really frustrated that they can't watch football because their wives watch soap operas so they throw the TVs out the window in anger and their wives jump on the window to catch the end.
  • All Asians Know Martial Arts: The Interview from the beginning of Un Saxofon la Casa Albă has a Korean worker who does some martial arts display when Pietreanu insulted the Tico cars he was producing. Turns out he agreed that the Tico cars are bad and that was his way of saying yes
    • Done Again when his Boss calls him a "Yellow Face"
  • All Asians Wear Conical Straw Hats: The Korean worker wears one of these.
  • Alliterative Name: "Toamna Mitocanilor" has a sketch about a Peasant who is tried for stealing from a Boyar. The peasant's name is "Ghindoc Gheorghe"
  • Anachronism Stew: In the "Superhistoric Poem" there's a scene where Preda Buzescu duels Mehmet Ağa.During the fight Ağa tries to kill Preda with a chainsaw but it backfires as fuel was not invented yet.
  • Artistic License – History: In the "Ballad of Țapeș Vodă" Marko Bela claims that Hungarians killed Michael the Brave of Wallachia. Actually Michael was betrayed and assassinated by Walloon Mercenaries under the command of the Habsburg general of Arbereshe origin, Giorgio Basta. However it was most likely Playedfor Laughs
    • In Beatman Forever there's a sketch were 2 old men are interviewed. At one point Sava asks them about ww2 and one of them talked about how Antonescu gave the order to switch sides.It was actually King Michael I who gave the order to switch sides after taking over the government trough the 23rd of August coup
  • Arab Beoble Talk: Every Arab character who has appeared in their shows
  • As Longasit Sounds Foreign: Whenever they have a foreign character that's not British or American he/she would most likely speak gibberish that sounds like the language or just randomly trow around words from the said language (Most commonly done with French, Italian, German and Russian)
  • Audience Participation Song: In some of their parodies they would invite the audience to sing with them.
    • They always sang the song at the end with the audience.
  • The Alcoholic: This would usually be Garcea's adversary in various sketches.
    • Nicolae Văcăroiu (the PM at the time) is often portrayed as this
      • Moldavians are also portrayed as alcoholics.
      • The priest who comes to Leana's mom's funeral in Căruța cu Proști is another one.
  • Badass Army: Michael the Brave's army in the "Super historic poem". Among whom there is a solder called Ghiță who killed his mom as a child for not giving him candy, Caused Atlantis to sink because they threatened Wallachia and he also went to Vietnam (and if you tell me that Vietnam wasn't a country back then, well that's why) and a another one Named Mitu who (literally) eats Sipahis.
  • Bad Cop/Incompetent Cop: Garcea is a stupid and incompetent cop.
  • Bait-and-Switch Comment: "Ce-Lularul Meu" gives us this
    Pietreanu: And how much do you pay a month?
    Nelu: I don't pay anything,sir.
    Pietreanu: How, sir? If you wanna speak with Mr Fane for example how do you do it?
    Nelu: I only call the Firefighter i say "Hello! Fire Department? Fane's house is on fire! And if you get there tell him that i'm waiting for him at the pub at 5:00
    Pietreanu: And how do you answer?
    Fane: I can't be like this and call the Firefighters....I Call the Ambulance! "Hello! Ambulance? Nelu died! And if he didn't die tell him to bring the tables!

    • "Necenzurat" gives us this:
      Petrescu: What birds did you have?
      Cristinel: Canary.
      Petrescu: And you loved it,right?
      Cristinel: A lot! I loved it until i strangled it.
      Petrescu: Have you ever had a cat?
      Cristinel: I strangled it in anger!
      Petrescu: Did you strangle everything? Why?
      Cristinel: Dad said that my synapses are cranky
      Petrescu: OMG! And when was he saying that?!
      Cristinel: When i was strangling him.
      Petrescu: Ramona? Did you have any...
      Ramona: I had a hamster!
      Petrescu: But you didn't strangle it like this idiot?!
      Ramona: Oh No!.... I burned it!

  • Balladof X: Each show has a ballad and some of them are named like that.
    • "Lecția de Umor" has "The Ballad of Jack and the Beanstalk"
      • "Sticla cu 3 Capace" has "The Ballad of Pintea"
      • "Vampirii în Izmene" has "The Ballad of Dracula"
      • "Tânăr și ne-a liniștit" has "The Ballad of Ciorbea the Hajduk"
      • "Mănăstira de Taici" has "The Ballad of Manole"
      • "Am îmbuli-NATO" has "The Ballad of NATO"
      • "Salutări din Balamuc" has "The Ballad of Otello"
      • "Ce-Lularul Meu" has "The Ballad of Terente and the cellphone"
      • "Un Saxofon la Casa Albă" has "The Ballad of Bill Clinton and Monica Oralica"
      • "Cu Oltenii la Eclipsă" has "The Ballad of Țapeș Vodă"
      • "Necenzurat" has "The Ballad of Robin Hood"
  • Banana Republic: "Vampirii în Izmene" gives us the country of Miserupia. Who's capital is the city of Tsamtraso which is situated at the base of the Guralabuce mountains. It exports something called "Tenbotic", it's population is made up of 80% Curvezi,5% Bejnauzi and a few tribes of Cumputsi. It is also home of a variety of birds species such as the Tsonping, the Putsangatan and the Cantefak. And it also has the Bagadanca monastery where the Lascolingi monks lived once.
  • Beach Episode: Garcea has 2 sketches at the beach.The first one in "Sticla cu 3 Capace" where he meets and befriends a lifeguard and the second one from "Aventurile lui Garcea".
    • Leana and Costel also have a sketch in "Ce-Lularul Meu" where they go to the beach and are confused by the things they see there
      • Crapu and Menumorut get one in "Mănăstirea de taici" where they rob people on the beach of their watches.
      • Gheorghe and Pisty also get one in "Am Îmbuli-NATO" where they go togheter at the beach
      • Radu Pietreanu's monologue from "Proasta Norocului" is called "The Adventures of Grandpa at the Beach".Where he plays the titular old man which tell people what he did while at the beach.
      • In his Monologue from "Ce-Lularul Meu", Dan Sava plays a peasant who tells the crowd about what he did at the Beach.

  • Bestiality Is Depraved: In "the Iliad" from an older show, Odysseus and Achilles meet Polyphemus who makes them fuck his sheep because he doesn't have enough rams. When Achilles tried pretending to be a woman so he can escape, Polyphemus told him that he will call the Donkey for "her". Later in the ballad, Polyphemus wants to have sex with one of his sheep.
    • This quotes from the interview at the beginning ofNiște Țărani
      Vasile:At first we had only 1 cow but then. But we called the bull and he derived it. So i won't say that he multiplied it cause it's disgusting and makes me lust.
      Făurea al Ninji: But what problems we had,sir.
      Sava(called "Toader in this sketch): What problems?
      Făurea al Ninji: The cow was shy.She hasn't been with bulls before,she was a big cow (pun on "Big Girl" Romanian term for virgin). She didn't know what to do so i asked Florica: "Honey,show the cow what to do!"Florica was standing like the cow, and the cow was looking and stood like Florica and Clementina was stimulating the bull,she told him "Come on! Don't be a steer!"And the bull went,he did his job and then he started with the cow as well,if he was there.
      Toader: Now tell us some cows!
      Vasile: Yeah,some cows.I have Stela, Marcica, Joiana, Anameza and Antigona who is pregnant for 3 days
      Toader: How do you know she's pregnant?.
      Vasile: I'm a man too, ain't I?
      Toader: Sir didn't you....
      Vasile: No,she started it!I was drunk that's why.
      Făurea al Ninji: What have you done Vasile? With cows too?And why with my girlfriend Antigona?
      Vasile: I thought you are no longer together.

      • "Toate Dânsele Sus" has a sketch were Garcea is given an exam and at one point he gets this question
      Captain: Who made "Frații Jderi" (Translated as "Marten Brothers")?
      Garcea: Their mom! Who else?
      Captain: What writer made "Frații Jderi"?
      Garcea: How should i know what writer was sleeping with martens,sir? Zoophilia in literature.

      • From the afformentioned Toamna Mitocanilor sketch.

        Boyar Aristică:Make him say everything he stole from me!Because if he doesn't tell me how should i know?
        Judge: Do you think he is dumb to tell you?
        Boyar Aristică: Yes!
        Judge: No way,i'll tell you.
        Boyar Aristică: OK.
        Judge: 2 milk piglets.
        Boyar Aristică: My stereo Milk Piglets?!
        Judge: A merino sheep
        Boyar Aristică: MY MERINO SHEEP?! PURE VIRGIN WOOL?!
        Ghindoc Gheorghe: Well your honor,the sheep couldn't be virgin.I was holding a pig here,one there.And where my merino was i supposed to hold the sheep?!

      • In the aforementioned Shepherd monologue,the shepherd mentions that his sheep are so dumb that they can't tell the difference between him and the rams.
      • He also mentioned how his wife is doing the laundry bent over and the donkey always comes to her from behind.
      • "Tânăr și ne-a liniștit" has a sketch were Gheorghe goes to a sex shop and at one point the salesman recommends him a blowup doll. To which he asks for a sheep shaped one.
      • At the end of the sketch he asks for a vibrator which he claims to take home in order to cut it in front of the Donkey in order to teach him a lesson about fucking his wife.

      • Mănăstirea de Taici gives us this
        Sava: How did you meet this honorable sir?
        Monk: He was raising goats and i took him to the monastery
        Father Bastos: Yeah i was feeding them, multiplying them,milking them.
        Sava: Sir, how were you multiplying goats?
        Father Bastos: Like all goats make babies, trough photosynthesis. I was waiting for it to shiver and i would jump on it
        Sava: Look sir,what he was doing to the animal!
        Monk: It's a great sin to jump on a goat when it shivers.You have to let her a little until it begins to moan and that's when (laugh)

      • In the aforementioned Ballad of Otello,when Otello finally meets Desdemona, his excitement is instantly gone when he finds out she isn't as beautiful and instead she is much uglier then he taught.So when she proposes Otello to have sex with her, Otello says that he'd rather fuck a goat.
      • Proasta Norocului has a parody of Kelly Family's "When the Boys come into Town" who's lyrics are "At the country side,at the country side/When i play with my cellphone/Leana is yelling from the backyard/That the Donkey is raping her"
      • "Ce-Lularul Meu" has 2 examples in "The Ballad of Terente the Outlaw".First one is this (keep in mind.In Romanian the word for Keyhole and Frog are the same)
      Mihăescu(as Terente): To enter a woman like the keyhole enters the key
      Pietreanu: What are you...?
      Mihăescu: I didn't say it right.(as Terente)To enter a frog
      Pietreanu: You zoophile! What's wrong with you?!

      • The second one comes near the end when Terente meets a girl who he has sex with (with a lot of phone euphemisms being used) at one point she suggested Terente to have a threesome with his horse.
      • The Beginning interview from Iezâstă o Iesplicație gives us a Dog catcher and a dog's rights activist.When the reporter asks the activist why doesn't he adopt dogs,the activist replies that he adopted a male and a female.And when the reporter asks him if they had babies the activist's response is that the female had but not the male.This confuses the reporter which asks how is this possible.Only to reveal that the activist came home drunk and had sex with the female dog.
      • Iezâstă o Iesplicație also has a sketch where Leana wants to get the principal to accept her son,Axinte into the school. At one point Leana asks Axinte to say something from biology and this happens:
        Axinte: Laika. Laika is our dog. One night me and Laika did...
        Leana: Axinte! Zoology not Zoophilia please.

      • One sketch from "25 de suspendare" is about Radu and Mugur discussing the "Miorița" ballad.
      Radu Pietreanu:"And dogs more man". This is genetic mutation.What "Dogs more men"? Half Man-Half Dog? I never wanna hear someone say that the shepherd sleeps with the sheep.No! He sleeps with the dog!The Dogs are Half Man-Half Dog

      • Later in the same sketch they also discuss the Bestiality like conversation the Shepherd and his sheep have.

  • Bearsare Bad News: A sketch from Salutări din balamucis about Ion and Gheorghe going to see a horror movie.When Ion doesn't understand what "Horror" means Gheorghe tries to explain him
    Gheorghe: When you meet a bear in the woods what do you do?
    Ion: I cringe.
    Gheorghe: And if the bear comes to you?
    Ion: I get scared!

    • Radu Pietreanu's Monologue from the same show is about how he and his wife went skiing and how at one point he got chased by a bear

      • Radu Pietreanu's monologue from Cu Oltenii la Eclipsă is about ways to relax.At one point he mentions hunting and talks about different animals, including the bear who he says it's the most dangerous.
  • Brick Joke: "Toate Dânsele Sus" has a sketch about 2 immigrants one of which is a stutter. Mugur Mihăescu is interviewing an old man who is stuttering with 2 words. And when asked why he's stuttering the old man replies "I'm that stutter guy from Germany's Grandpa"
    • Salutări din Balamuc has a Garcea sketch were he dresses up as Santa Claus and goes to the bookstore to get something for his boss's son. When he reaches the house he asks the son if they still have "that small and square toilet" to which the son replies "Aha! So you peed in Dad's suitcase!". Later on, there's another sketch where Garcea is put in charge of protecting the President. When he meets the president he sees that he's holding a suitcase and says "You stole Captain's toilet!"
  • Boot Camp Episode: Crapu and Menumorut get one in "Vampirii în Izmene".
    • Dan Sava's Monologue from "Căruța cu Proști" is about him writing a letter to his wife while he is in the army and telling her how things are there.
      • "Aventurile lui Garcea" has a sketch about a Moldavian and a Transylvanian in a Boot Camp being ordered around by an Oltenian Colonel.
  • Bulungi: Miserupia can also fall into this.
  • Circus Episode: Cu Oltenii la Eclipsă has a Leana & Costel sketch where they go to the circus
  • Crashing Dreams: The beginning interview from "Beatman Forever" has 2 peasants who's village gets flood. When asked what they did the night when the flood started one of them said that he was sleeping and dreaming that he was in Chechnya were he was hearing war planes and machine guns. Turns out it was just his wife snoring.
  • Curse Cut Short: Done quite a lot trough Rhyme Subversion in their ballads and song parodies
  • Chocolate Baby: In Sticla cu 3 capace there's an interview with a shepherd who claims that he has a smart sheep who told him that his wife is cheating on him and he went to beat her up
    Shepherd: Luckily my older son came to stop me
    Sava: And what did he say?
    Shepherd:I don't know! This Blacks have such a stinky accent that i didn't realize
    Sava: You have a black kid? With who did your wife made him?
    Shepherd: This one's mine
    Sava: But you're not black,sir.
    Shepherd: What is my Sheep Fold,the Bronx? Isn't a Black enough i have to be one too?!
    • In the interview from the beginning of Am îmbuli-NATO has 2 soldiers who are interviewed. At one point one of them mentions that he wants to divorce his wife because she makes him a baby every time he's on a mission (e.g In Rwanda she gave birth to a black baby,in the Gulf War she gave birth to an Arab baby etc.)
  • Dark Humor: One of their most famous brand of humor. Especially in the 90s when times were really grim.
  • Dirty Old Woman: Some examples of this have popped up in various shows such as Toamna Mitocanilor Mănăstirea de taici and Necenzrat
  • Dysfunctional Family: Leana and Costel's family.
  • Election Day Episode:Te uiți și privești has a sketch about the 1996 elections.
  • The Funin Funeral: Căruța cu Proști has a Leana & Costel sketch where they attend the funeral of Leana's mother
  • Gag Penis: During Dan Sava's monologue from "Vampirii în Izmene" at one point he makes this joke
    Dan Sava: One night i was attacked by a Homosexual with a giant....knife.
    • Terente has one. This is actually historically accurate as the real Terente was known for his giant penis.
  • Given Name Reveal: In Cu Oltenii la Eclipsă Crapu and Manumorut's real name are reveald to be Ceangâi Desdemon and Holtea Gelu.
  • Gold Digger: 3 sketches have male examples. First one is from Toamna Mitcoanilor were an old woman goes to church and at the end she mentions her welt which causes the priest to suddenly take interest in her.
    • The second one was from Mănăstirea de Taici also about an old woman who this time goes to the doctor.And at the end (just like before) the old woman mentions her welt which causes the doctor to suddenly take interest in her much like the priest before him.
      • The third and final one was from "Țapra cu 3 Iliezi" where (once again) an old lady is interviewed by Florin Petrescu.And much like before the sketch ends with the old lady mentioning her wealth and Petrescu taking interest in her much like the Priest and Doctor before him.
  • The Great Flood: Some sketches are about a flooded village.That is because of the countryside floods that were happening in the 90s.
  • Hello, Sailor!: As mentioned above. The interview at the beginning of Toate dânsele sus features 2 sailors who survived a shipwreck.When asked what they were doing one of them answered that he was reading porn magazines while naked and the other one said that he was holding the rudder. To which the other sailor answered that he was shouting "ow, ow, ow! Let go of my rudder! You're gonna break it!"
    • Later when asked if they want women, one of them answered "I don't. Maybe my wife".
      • And the song parody at the end has the lyrics "There are 5 years since our ship sunk/we don't have women but we don't care/Blonde guy you are the best man/Bald guy you are the prettiest/On the storm you have wrecked/And your mast was about to break/But since the wind didn't blow/You come here to blow in our poopdeck/We have remained on the little ship/We sink night after night/We go down the bottom/And i'm ashamed/May the AIDS hit you bald guy"
  • Hurricaneof Puns: Many of their jokes revolve around puns
  • I'm a Humanitarian: In the "Superhistoric Poem" one of Michael the Brave's soldiers is a guy named Mitu who is said to eat Sipahis.
    • In Dan Sava's monologue from "Beatman Forever" he plays a soldier named Onu Gheorghe who was in Somalia as part of the UN Peacekeeping Mission and now he was reading from his journal. At one point he invites a native to sing about the life in Somalia. And then he sang a parody of the Romanian folk song "Trandafir de la Moldova"(Rose from Moldova) who's lyrics were
      Rose of Senegal/I have a cannibal brother/Many girlfriends i had and he gobbled them all/But now i have a Romanian/And he won't eat her/Cause her feet smell/And the brother vomits.

      • Also from the same monologue Sava mentions that Romanian tv reporters came to interview the soldiers. And one of the soldiers says this at one point
      With the food it's really great. We get it semi-prepared. Because the Blacks come cut in half not whole.

      • Also from "Beatman Forever" in the Leana and Costel sketch there's this exchange
      Axinte: MOOOOOOOOM!I'm hungry!
      Costel: Didn't Grandpa died?
      Axinte: I don't like him he's stringy!

    Mr Knorr: If you also want to eat something sweet,especially the kids.I recommend them with pleasure cause they are really tasty.

  • In My Languagethat Sounds Like: The Korean worker from "Un Saxofon la Casa Albă" is called "Sug Cha Puk". Which sounds like "Sug ce-apuc" (I suck what i grab)
    Radu Pietreanu: Why are you laughing? That's his name. Maybe the name "Popescu" may have the same meaning in Korean.

  • I Take Offense to That Last One: This lines from "Cu Oltenii la Eclipsă"
    Dan Sava: You're kind of a whore, Grandma
    Old Woman: Aren't you ashamed of yourself,to call me "Grandma"?!

  • Lethal Chef: Mr Knorr. Even he admitted it.
    Mr Knorr: Bon Appetit everyone! I came here to recommend you some recipes for medicine which you will take after you cook what i tell you.

  • Napoleon Delusion: Played With in Salutări din Balamuc.In the beginning interview the Doctor mentions a guy who thinks he's Napoleon. When Sava mentions that he thinks he's an Emperor the doctor said he thinks he's a Cognac
    • In the same sketch a mad man sings a song were he mentions his brother who thinks he's Napoleon.
      • In an older Sketch Sava says this
        Dan Sava: Moscow. Thursday in the parliament, the extremist leader Zhirinovsky declared he is the Tsar of Russia. His declaration was frenetically supported by his colleagues: Napoleon, Caesar, Laika and Gagarin from the Kiev mental Hospital

  • Prison Rape: "Iezâstă o Iesplicație" has a song parody about 2 gypsies who are jailed for theft. At one point the lyrics are
    "There's also a man with ointment in my butt/That wants me as his wife at night/Who's fault is it?/Who did wrong?/That in 3 minutes a girl i have become/It's not my butt/It's not yours either/But with the cellmate/You don't play around.

  • Recycled In Space: Mănăstirea de Taici has a sketch about XFiles set in Moldavia. Where Mulder and Scully were 2 Moldavian peasants looking for a Chernobyl mutant.
  • Reallygets Around: The old lady from the Toamna Mitocanilor sketch has had sex with almost everyone in her village and that was the reason she went to church.
    • Desdemona from "The Ballad of Otello" is nothing short of a slut. She is also said to have given STDs to the whole army.
  • Saint-Bernard Rescue: In the aforementioned Radu Pietreanu Monologue, he manages to escape the Bear because he got caught in an avalanche.Afterwards a Saint-Bernard Dog came to him and he drank until he fall back into the snow.Later when Mountain Rescue finds him they find the barrel of rum completely full but the dog became really skinny.
  • Sketch Comedy: Their main brand of humor.
  • Speech Impediment: The aforementioned stuttering immigrant.
    • In "Țapra cu 3 Iliezi" Radu Pietreanu will again play a stuttering character
  • Sticky Fingers: Crapu and Menumorut.
    • Other minor characters (especially if they are Gypsies of Oltenians) are also prone to this.
  • Stutter Stop: The stuttering immigrant had some pills which helped him talk normal.
  • Subverted Rhyme Every Occasion: See Curse Cut Short
  • Sudden Name Change: In the first Leana & Costel sketch Costel was called "Nelu". However, In all it's later appearances he will be known as costel
    • Pisty's full name was allways "Fekkete Istvan" and Gheorghe's was "Gheorghe Pop". But in Proasta Noroculuithey are called "Istvan Kopefalagy" and "Ardelean Gheorghe".
  • Those Wacky Nazis: The Pantomime at the end of Mănăstirea de Taici is about an old man watching Tv and the characters coming out of the Tv. Among this characters were the Nazis from Schindler's List. In the end the Nazis fell in love with one another and got married.
  • Take That!: Towards every Politician and public figure at the time.
  • Take That, Audience!: In Aventurile lui Garcea there is a sketch with an old couple being interviewed. When asked what they do all day their response was that they make "amor". Then they ask the audience if they want to do it on stage. The audience said "yes" to which the old man replies "you pervs" and then he and his wife start yelling "Ahh Mor!"(meaning "Ahh I'm dying) over and over.
  • Takethat Critics: At the beginning of Toamna Mitocanilor Radu Pietreanu explains that the title is a reference to people who criticize them for their vulgar humor.
  • Toilet Humor: Some of their jokes involve toilet humor.
  • Translation: "Yes": This lines from "Un Saxofon la Casa Albă":
    Radu Pietreanu: How many Koreans are you in Craiova?
    Sug Cha Puk: Chin Shae Tao Yung Tang Ching Shae Ting Ching Shao Ting Di Cho Hoe Ching Hao Ti Hing Zha.
    Radu Pietreanu: You're quite a lot,sir.
    Sug Cha Puk: No! This in Korean means "2".
  • Viewers Are Geniuses: Throughout their 90s shows, they would have a lot of jokes and references about literature, music, history etc. Due to people being forced to study way more during communism and thus being more familiar with them.
  • Vodka Drunkenski: The music festival from Lecția de Umor has Pietreanu as a Russian singer who sings a parody of Katyusha which has the lyrics "I am Russian/I drink barrels of Vodka/I never got drunk/One day i drunk with Văcăroiu/He put me under the table and left.
