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Characters / Witches Of East End Novels

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A list of characters that appear in Melissa de la Cruz novels, Witches of East End and Summer on East End.

Joanna Beauchamp

  • Elderly Immortal
    • Joanna is only physically young when her daughters die and she gets pregnant with them again. After they are born, she ages again and stops when she looks about sixty/seventy years old.
    • Being immortal did not helped Joanna to avoid the normal disadvantages of old age. She needed to drink pills everytime she suffered some dolour.
  • Familiar
    • Joanna has a crow with whom she can communicate telepathically.
  • Flying Cleaning Tools
    • Joanna can use ordinary broomsticks or rakes to fly in the sky.
  • Magic Wand
    • Joanna owns a dragon bone wand with wich she can cast powerful spells that otherwise would be impossible or much more difficult.
  • Mystical Pregnancy
    • For some reason, Joanna is the only known goddess able to give birth to her same daughters everytime they die, instead of them being reborn in another family (either magical or mortal) like every other god does.
    • Everytime that her daughters die, Joanna knows it when her wrinkles dissapear, her gray hair becomes blonde, and her body lossess a lot of weight. Sadly, she is kinda Blessed with Suck, as she gains the weight and ages again after her daughters are born.
  • Only Known by Their Nickname
    • She adopted the mundane name Joanna Beauchamp, but only because her real name (Skadi) would be too peculiar in the current mortal world.
  • Salem Is Witch Country
    • Joanna used to work as midwife in the Seventeenth century.
    • Her daughters were hanged in 1692.
  • Spell Book
    • Joanna hid some magic books from the White Council when the threatened with destroy them after The Restriction of Magical Powers was approved.
