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    Gourmet Corp. 

Gourmet Corp

Tropes Associated With Gourmet Corp.

  • Actually A Doom Bot: When not able to fight in dangerous terrain, they send powerful robots called "GT Robots" to get foods for them.
  • Always Chaotic Evil: The majority of the Gourmet Corp members we've seen so far are all very violent and malign people.
  • The Bad Guy Wins: The three Sous Chefs—Tommyrod, Starjun and possibly Grinpatch—have won against their opponents.
    • Midora manages to defeat Ichiryu, but a Blue Nitro kills him off.
  • Big Bad: They are this to the series as a whole.
  • Big Bad Ensemble: However, with the appearance of NEO, they aren't the only antagonistic group anymore.
  • Bishōnen Line: The weaker ones on the food chain are outright monstrous in appearance, while the higher-ups are far more human in looks.
  • Body Horror: A lot of the Gourmet Corp do nasty things with their bodies.
  • Dark Is Evil: Gourmet Corp is associated with hellish and often hideous things when compared to the IGO, which is far more noble and elegant in appearance.
  • Evil Counterpart: To the IGO.
  • Evil Evolves: As the IGO continue to get stronger by eating unusual foods, the Gourmet Corp do this as well, but they become more terrifying as they grow stronger.
  • Evil Makes You Monstrous: Compared to the Bishōnen heroes, most of the Gourmet Corp are monstrous, truly beings of Humanoid Abomination levels.
  • Evil Makes You Ugly: As they continue to eat certain foods, they become more and more repulsive in appearance.
  • Evil Plan: To control GOD and all of the world's foods and capture chefs to prepare meals out of them; so that they can Take Over the World.
  • Evil Poacher: The most badass (and Jerkass) group of these you'd find in anime.
  • Exotic Entree: Bugs and rare ingredients are their usual meals.
  • Gluttony: All of them have this, but Grinpatch and Midora embody it.
  • Heel–Face Turn: Implied; they more or less turn over a new leaf after the final battle against Neo Acacia.
  • Humanoid Abomination: Most of the Gourmet Corp have mutated to animalistic, sometimes outright demonic beings.
  • Jabba Table Manners: Compared to more mindful Gourmet Hunters, Gourmet Corp tend to be very repulsive when scarfing down food. They also throw away any foods that they don't need, leaving it for scavengers to eat.
  • Kick the Dog: Compared to IGO (who will often Pet the Dog), they kill animals For the Evulz and don't even bother eating their kills—which is viewed as a heinous act in the series—and scorn their enemies and their own comrades for weakness.
  • Knight of Cerebus: The situation always gets much darker when they show up, especially the Ice Hell and Gourmet Temple Arcs.
  • Power-Upgrading Deformation: Compared to the IGO, who become more badass with each consumption, the Gourmet Corp members noticeably become uglier when they get stronger.
  • Unwitting Pawn: On the whole, they were this to NEO in hindsight.
  • Villainous Glutton: All of them, Midora and Grinpatch especially.
  • What Happened to the Mouse?: Yu and Lemon are implied to have survived the Cooking Festival along with Starjun and Grinpatch.


Voiced by: Masaki Terasoma (Japanese), Patrick Seitz (English), Bardo Miranda (Latin American Spanish)

  • The Ace: Like his fellow disciples, he was trained by the Gourmet God Acacia, and is one of the strongest Gourmet Hunter today, he was even stated to destroy the entire planet if he wished.
  • Animal Motifs: Tiger, namewise. His Battle Aura beast, however, is a turtle man beast.
  • Anime Hair: A huge mass of whip-like hair.
  • Anti-Villain: Type 2
  • Antagonist in Mourning: After finally landing the final blow on Ichiryu.
  • A Pupil of Mine Until He Turned to Evil: To Acacia.
  • Attack Reflector: He can use the opposite effects of Minority World to redirect attacks backto Acacia.
  • The Bad Guy Wins: Has managed to defeat Ichiryuu as of Chapter 254.
  • Big Bad: The main antagonist of the Human World Act, prior to NEO's debut, he’s been forced to share the spotlight with them.
  • Big Bad Ensemble: When NEO shows up he shares the Big Bad role with them. But…
  • Big Bad Friend: To Ichiryu.
  • Big Bad Wannabe: Both he and NEO are reduced to this when Acacia and his Appetite Demon Neo are revealed to be the true main villains of the Gourmet World Act.
  • Tri-Beard Of Evil
  • Berserk Button: It is not a good idea to insult the woman he thinks of as his mother.
  • Berserker Tears: After nearly killing Ichiryu.
  • Body Horror: He produces several tongues out of his mouth to attack and defend himself.
  • Cain and Abel: The Cain to Ichiryu's Abel, albeit by adoption rather than blood.
  • Combat Tentacles: Can do this with his tongue, by multiplying it into several thorny tendrils.
  • Cursed with Awesome: Undying hunger sucks, but Midora has managed to put it to good use in battle. His entire battle strategy is to basically eat everything around him.
  • Even Evil Has Standards: Midora may be a Villainous Glutton with an unceasing appetite who wants to deprive other humans of food, but even he thinks the Blue Nitro are crude gluttonous beasts that embody the worst parts of the Gourmet Age.
  • Evil Counterpart/Shadow Archetype: To Toriko. Further details on his past show that he's what Toriko would be, had the latter not learned kindness and restraint.
    • He's also this to Zebra, as the latter was very close to being like Midora had Komatsu not influenced him for the better.
  • Extreme Omnivore: Quite possibly the single biggest example of this in Toriko. Hell his entire fighting style essentially involves eating everything around him. How does he attack? Eat his opponents. How does he defend himself? Eat his opponent's attacks. Hungry Space takes this up to eleven allowing him to devour the very atoms around him.
  • Freudian Excuse: Born to a village that would attempt to feed their infants to wild pigs, he had no one and stole food till he met Froese.
    • Her death in trying to save his life. The kicker, he risked his life in order to find the Cure Water needed to make her feel better. From that point on, he became a Villainous Glutton incarnate.
  • Generation Xerox: Is very similar to Toriko in his youth, in not only Big Eater tendencies but had an uncanny resemblance to the latter, especially as a young man.
  • Good Scars, Evil Scars: Has scars running over his eyes.
  • Improbable Weapon User: Uses the Overly-Long Tongue to digest high level beasts in seconds and produce a myriad of thorny tongues as well.
    • Not to mention how he can tear the landscape in half with just a tongue.
  • "Instant Death" Radius: His "Hungry Space" in which an invisible "Dinner of Kings" (yes, like the one the Four Heavenly Kings used) fills the vacuums created by his tongue and thus consumes everything within its radius.
  • Lack of Empathy: Doesn't seem to care that only four people returned from the expedition in the human world, and has no qualms about devouring his own mount, the Octopard, when Ichiryuu takes it out of commission.
  • Misanthrope Supreme: Despises humanity in general, believing that they do not deserve the bounty of the Gourmet Age. So he single-handedly ended it, bring about a worldwide famine.
  • Morality Chain: Froese's kindness turned him from a feral predator to a human being, and after inadvertently becoming the final factor that caused her death he not only plunges right back into total selfishness, but also blames the rest of humanity for what happened, shirking his own guilt.
  • Never Speak Ill of the Dead: Despite him defeating and declaring that his brother was Not Worth Killing, when a Blue Nitro slays Ichiryu and tries to eat him, Midora claims that his brother is far too high a quality meal for scum like it, and he vows to bring Ichiryu's body to a place he cherished in life.
  • Not So Stoic: Nothing rattles him in the present, but he actually cries when killing Ichiryuu.
  • Off Screen Moment Of Awesome: Subverted, as chapter 246 is about to get into the details of how Midora beat Ichiryu.
  • Older Than They Look: Even if he was a student of Acacia 400 years ago, he looks far younger than he should be (40s at least) when his fellow disciples Ichiryu and especially Jirou are much older-looking in appearance.
  • Overly-Long Tongue: Weaponized, not only he can pretty much istantly consume anything including space itself nearby, but he can multiply it, cover it in Spikes of Villainy or turn it into a gigantic thing several times the size of his body.
  • Picky Eater: Not even Century Soup can satisfy him, claiming only GOD can truly be a dish to be savored.
  • Post-Stress Overeating: The reason for Midora for being a massive Villainous Glutton is because he's actually binge eating in order to cope with the loss of Froese.
  • Power of the Void: The power of "Hungry Space, it consumes not only simple matter such as objects, but every atoms that revolves around the "space" that it touches, consuming even air itself, rendering any ability to manipulate atoms around it useless. And since it's invisible and its effects can only be seen by the tracks of its aftereffects...
  • Pure Is Not Good: Froese notes that he truly respects food, especially since he shed Tender Tears at someone who wasn't grateful for food. Zoom to the present, and his pure obsession for food has turned him into something else.
  • Really 700 Years Old: Was apparently a student of Acacia.
  • Redemption Equals Death: He sacrifices himself at the very end to atone for everything he did.
  • Rule of Three: Has three scars under each eye and his beard is tri-pointed.
  • Sealed Evil in a Can: a more literal version of this trope, as he is sealed inside an actual golden can by Joie at the end of Chapter 368.
  • Seven Deadly Sins: The embodiment of Gluttony, eating several mountains of food at a time, and he even weaponizes it with his tongue.
  • The Stoic: Even Century Soup, which can make anyone smile goofily did absolutely nothing for him.
  • Together in Death: Reunited with his mother and the rest of his family in the afterlife. Turning back into a young man and going to eat with them at the same table once again.
  • Story-Breaker Power: Midora's "Hungry Space" which is essentially an invisible "Dinner of Kings" that fills the vacuums created after his tongue eats the air giving him an "Instant Death" Radius.
    • This also includes Midora's "Chameleon Cells" which lets him copy ANY AND ALL signature moves used against him. He's completely copied Ichiryuu's Minority World power, thus making him a Reality Warper; he used this power to revive completely dead soil in an instant for his eldest brother's grave. He later copies Joie's Gourmet Luck.
  • The Unseen: Until chapter 171.
  • Unwitting Pawn: He was Acacia's. Acacia manipulated him into gathering Cure Water for some reason. Midora was also unaware that several of his higher ranked subordinates, including his tech expert and his head chef, were actually members of NEO.
  • Used to Be a Sweet Kid: Played with. While he started off as being extremely hostile, having to fend for himself in order to get food, he becomes a very lively child with Froese and Acacia's influence.
    • But then Froese dies trying to save him, the kicker being that Midora only got that way in order to cure her. From then on, he was evil.
  • Tiger Versus Dragon: With Ichiryu. The latter is noble, wise and has the best interest of anyone in mind, while Midora is a ravenous loner leading a gang of monstrous criminals.
  • Villainous Glutton: Like most of the Gourmet Corp, but he leaves a large pile of bones after each meal. He weaponizes it by making his tongue into an instant digestive, landscape-cutting, tendril-mass-attacking and blocking weapon.
  • Villain Teleportation: He seems to be able to do this. It's actually a form of Chameleon Camouflage.
  • Woobie, Destroyer of Worlds: Very much so, the one person that showed him kindness died protecting him, right after he risked his life to save hers. This pushed him into the final step towards evil.
  • World's Strongest Man: When Toriko met him face to face, he was convinced that Midora is the strongest being on the planet and could easily destroy it. Even Jirou a fellow disciple of Acacia believes that he is no match for Midora now. He manages to fight near evenly with Acacia even after he'd already eaten his Full Course and assimilated Neo into himself.

Executive Chef and Head Chefs


Voiced by: Sonobe Keiichi (JP)

  • Beard of Evil: Has an imposing thri-parted beard and massive moustaches.
  • Hellish Pupils: In the manga he has snake-like eyes.
  • Katanas Are Just Better: His three kitchen knives resemble katana in shape and size.
  • Meaningful Name: May be also read as "Dress", in the culinary sense of the word.
  • Rank Scales with Asskicking: As the Executive Chef, he's the highest authority inside the Bishokukai, except for the Boss, and he's the only member alongside Alfaro to face off their IGO opponents escorted by Nitro alone, without the support of another Bishokukai.
  • Villain Forgot to Level Grind: Gets killed easily by Starjun and the other two Sous-Chefs.


Voiced by: Kusunoki Taiten (JP)

  • Arrogant Kung-Fu Guy: Two times he express his wish to fight Ichiryuu in combat.
  • The Dragon: He's the Executive Chef Assistant, which means that he directly obeys Dores.
  • Flying Seafood Special: His unique mount is a huge winged nautilus with massive spider-like legs beneath his shell.
  • Rubber Man: When Ichiryuu challenges the whole group, Niceny raises his arms, which proceed to lengthen and enlarge to ludicrous size.
  • The Worf Effect: He's ultimately defeated easily by the Sous Chefs near the end.

Voiced by: Tetsuo Kaneo (Japanese), Bill Jenkins (English), Bardo Miranda (Latin American Spanish)

  • All Webbed Up: He's defeated when Tommyrod wraps him in silk, allowing Starjun to land the decisive blow and cut him in half.
  • Brainwashed and Crazy: "Cooked" by Joie so he would join NEO.
  • Black Eyes of Evil/Black Eyes of Crazy: Has black sclera with white pupils.
  • Guyliner: Wears black lipstick.
  • Kill It with Fire: The last time we see him, he's immobilized by Grinpatch's Worm Breath, wrapped up in Tommyrod's silk and cut in half by Starjun's Flaming Sword.
  • Man of Wealth and Taste: In his introduction he eats a disgusting-looking caterpillar showing all the grace and preparation usually seen in good guys.
  • Rank Scales with Asskicking: He's the head chef of the Gourmet Corp. Subverted, as Starjun and possibly Alfaro are stronger than him.
  • Sinister Scimitar: Wields a kitchen knife in combat that, like many others, looks like a massive Dao.
  • Supreme Chef: The Head of the Gourmet Corp chefs. That being said, he's never seen cooking something himself, only giving orders to the Base Chiefs and Sous-Chefs.

Kairiu and Boneless

Voiced by: none

  • Body Horror: When Boneless prepares to attack, he sprouts centipede legs all over his body, with a couple of eyes appearing in his mouth.
  • Creepy Centipedes: Boneless wears red centipede-like bug like a sash over his body. He can also grow legs on his body to fight.
  • Off with His Head!: Toriko kills them both by punching their heads squarely off their torsoes, their headless corpses immediarely absorbed by AIR's roots.
  • Single-Stroke Battle: All that Toriko needs to take care of them.
  • Sticky Situation: Kairiu is always chewing a gum he can turn into the "Fly Net", sticky net which entraps his opponents.
  • The Voiceless: Boneless never talks.
  • We Hardly Knew Ye: Possibly lampshaded by Malisman, who claims that they feel like second-rate characters.

Sous Chefs

Click to see his unmasked look 
Voiced by: Shin-ichiro Miki (Japanese), Scott Freeman (English), Jorge Roldán (Latin American Spanish)

  • Almighty Janitor: Despite being the second-strongest Gourmet Corp member, there are more than just a few people who rank above him. But, thanks to him still being a high-ranking member, the below also applies.
  • Arch-Enemy: Is this to Toriko especially after making great impacts on each, Starjun finally finding a possible Worthy Opponent and Toriko suffering his second loss to a Sous Chef and Komatsu being taken away as a result.
  • Arrogant Kung-Fu Guy: When he taunts Toriko in Bar Meria and the latter braces himself, Starjun calmly comments that his reaction (barely a second) was too slow, and if he wanted he could have killed him ten times.
  • Badass Cape: Worn over a Badass Longcoat that Toriko proceeds to destroy in a barrage of 50 Nail Punches.
  • The Bad Guy Wins: Following Tommyrod's example, he manages to defeat Toriko albeit being beaten badly.
  • Black Knight: His appearance with his helmet and medieval style clothing invokes this.
  • Blood Knight: Is elated when Toriko literally "beats" the clothes off of him.
  • Character Tic: Early on, he would flip the hair from his forehead with his index finger, a trait that informs the audience which G.T. Robot he's piloting. After he stops appearing in G.T Robots, this trait disappears.
  • Chef of Iron: Unlike the other two, Starjun is seen cooking at least once (preparing what seemed to be a Bubble Fruit) and he refers to his Flaming Sword as his knife.
  • Cool Mask: His Shiva Helmet. Toriko manages to destroy it in Chapter 218, in his No-Holds-Barred Beatdown.
  • Combat Clairvoyance: An ability he obtained after his Gourmet Cells awoke. Starjun even claims he can follow an ingredient if it goes all the way to space
  • Cool Sword: For a while it seemed like an Ornamental Weapon, which is lampshaded by Toriko at one point; then in Chapter 236, he uses it to No-Sell Toriko's barrage of knives and forks by melting them with fire. He refers to it as a special preparation knife.
  • Cyclops: His Intimidation and Appetite Demon is a massive, one-eyed Oni.
  • The Dragon: First appears on a flying dragon? Check. Snags a Knight of Cerebus moment when his power isn't even fully transmitted by a remote control robot? Check. It takes everything The Hero has to beat him in that weakened state? Check. Able to No-Sell an attack from every single Heavenly King in his first real fight? Check. Withstands a No-Holds-Barred Beatdown from Toriko just to measure his growth? Check. Shakes it off and defeats protagonist? Check. And for the kicker, Joie then confirms that Star is the second in strength among the Gourmet Corp., as Starjun's Gourmet Cells awaken for the first time as a result of fighting with Toriko!
    • Dragon with an Agenda: He seems to be looking for a mysterious ingredient, and has partnered with Ootake for his Food Luck.
  • The Dreaded: His first appearance had him radiate such a lethal aura that Toriko and Coco instantly prepared to fight for their lives just from seeing the G.T Robot he was piloting. Even his own comrades are terrified just by being in his presence.
  • Evil Counterpart: Interestingly, he seems to be this to Ichiryu - absurdly strong, holding back in almost every appearance, and it was recently revealed that his Gourmet Cells were sleeping for much of the series.
  • Flaming Sword: His Burner Knife, which "cuts and grills" at the same time.
  • Generation Xerox: In the current arc, he looks a lot like a younger version of Midora.
  • Giant Flyer: The first time he appears he's standing on a colossal, serpent-like dragon. During the assault on the Chowlin Temple he rides the even more colossal Big Bang Shark.
  • Knight of Cerebus: Just look at his helmet!
    • But for real, he is the first major antagonist to make an appearance (by proxy) and marks the introduction of the Big Bad group in the series (by extension). Even though he's in a robo, he takes one look at Toriko and Coco and immediately puts them both on high alert. He then walks right past them. And slaughters everything in his path on his way out of the cave.
  • Lightning Bruiser: The new G.T. Robots can faithfully reproduce the user's movements with a measurement error of less than a millisecond. For Starjun, that's still too slow.
  • Long-Lost Relative: Chapter 361 reveals him to actually be Toriko's brother.
  • I Let You Win: His "fight" as a G.T Robot counts as this, since his full power wasn't displayed inside the machine
  • Noble Demon: So far, he seems to be the least murderous of the Gourmet Corp, only killing when presented with an obstacle, compared to his colleagues who'd soon as kill anything that moves for no reason and then not even eat it.
  • No-Sell: When Coco and Zebra uses a combo attack to poison him through sound, Starjun uses his fire powers to overheat his body and disinfect the poison.
  • Playing with Fire: It is foreshadowed since his first appearence (when he cooks a Buttbug alive by touching it once) and eventually confirmed that Starjun has power over fire, either as an Incendiary Exponent or to turn his hands into shields or spears of fire, capable of melting iron with ease.
  • Pragmatic Villainy: He has no problem with killing, but only does so when someone gets in his way. His first appearance has him almost completely ignore both Toriko and Coco because they weren't an obstacle to his mission. Why would he waste time killing when he could be gathering food?
  • Rank Scales with Asskicking: He's implied to be the strongest of the Sous Chefs, thus earning justified fear from the lower ranks. Joie confirms that he's actually the second strongest member.
  • The Rival: More and more of their interactions set up him being this to Toriko.
  • Separated at Birth: Upon reviving his 'Food Memory' by eating Fish Dish Another, he remembers as far back as being in the womb... which he shared with his twin brother, TORIKO.
  • Stealth Hi/Bye: In chapter 217, he appears inside the completely enclosed tent where Komatsu and Zaus were supposed to cook. Komatsu notices him only after being grabbed by the arm.
  • The Stoic: Starjun reacts to most things with abject boredom, only getting excited when Toriko manages to hurt him.
  • Super-Reflexes: His first appearance in the flesh has him complain that a G.T Robot, which has a signal delay of 1/1000th of a second, is frustratingly slow to react to his inputs.
  • Technicolor Fire: In the anime at least, his flames are blue.
  • Third Eye: Grows one after his fight with Toriko awakens his hidden potential.
  • Took a Level in Badass: If it were possible, after having his Gourmet Cells awoken in his fight with Toriko, he's become even stronger than he already was.
  • Villains Out Shopping: Halfway through the quest for the ingredients requested by Ichiryuu, Toriko and Komatsu runs into Starjun, in civilian clothings, enjoying a drink in the remote Bar Meria.
  • Wreathed in Flames: His Camp Fire technique.
  • Worthy Opponent: He sees Toriko as this, especially after becoming elated when his over 100 Nail Punches manage to strip him of his clothes and mask, and leave him very bruised.

Voiced by: Akira Ishida (Japanese), Greg Ayres (English), Carlos Íñigo (Latin American Spanish)

  • Animal Motif: Parasitic insects in general, though his Intimidation is a weird octopus thing.
  • Animalistic Abomination: The only way to describe his Intimidation, really.
  • Ax-Crazy: The most blatant one of the Vice Chefs.
  • Back for the Dead: Sunny vomits him back so that he can fight alongside Starjun and Grinpatch, but as soon as he finishes off the former Gourmet Corps Chefs he's melt to death by Joie.
  • Bad Boss: While he employs bugs to fight and births them within his body, he doesn't feel the slightest respect for them and only does so because he feels like fighting in person is a pain.
  • The Bad Guy Wins: Takes down Toriko, though he loses an arm in doing so. He's then defeated by Teppei, while exhausted from his fight with Toriko.
  • Blood Knight: Seeks battles in order to compete over food.
  • Body Horror: He contains the insect eggs in his stomach and they hatch when he spits them up. Urrrgh...
  • The Beastmaster: Of the parasitic variety, and God is it scary.
  • Bee Afraid: Not just bees, though. ALL KINDS OF INSECTS.
  • Bee-Bee Gun: One of his techniques allows him to do things similar to this. With his mouth.
  • Big Creepy-Crawlies: He can spit these out. The manga implies that after being beaten by Toriko, Tommyrod's Gourmet Cells have evolved to let him keep even worse bugs in his arsenal.
  • Combat Pragmatist: Realizing that it's a bad idea to go melee against Toriko, he keeps back, not minding his taunts and just sending more and more insects at him.
  • Combat Tentacles: Cuts Sunny's hair with a huge, pincer-tipped tentacle seemingly composed of different insectile parts merged together, and worse, it comes out of his mouth, complete with Nightmare Face.
  • Eaten Alive: He's finally put down by Sunny's Satan Hair's Appetite Energy, which devours him completely.
  • Establishing Character Moment: Kills a Wall Penguin's parents and calls them trash, and does so for no reason other than they annoyed him by being "noisy".
  • Evil Cannot Comprehend Good: He doesn't seem to understand why people would be angry at his actions, often responding to their outrage with a blank stare.
  • Evil Counterpart: Once he fights Sunny it's obvious that they're the most emotional of the main trio of fighters in their groups, Sunny being extremely empathetic and passionate while Tommyrod is extremely unstable, though he hides it with a facade of calmness. Both focus on long range moves, which Sunny prefers to be elegant while Tommyrod doesn't mind being hideous.
  • Faux Affably Evil: Unlike Starjun and Grinpatch, his politeness (barely) covers up the fact that he is a disgusting sadist who would soon kill his own allies and intimidate them with death rather than care for them.
  • Graceful Loser: His last thoughts before being eaten alive by Sunny's hair are that he had fun fighting Sunny.
  • Humanoid Abomination: The most obvious of the whole Gourmet Corp so far, as he is a multi-fanged humanoid with functional wings, containing thousands of insects within his body, as well as being the largest of the three main attackers of the Corp.
  • Jerkass: Unlike Grinpatch and Starjun, he is unpleasant and uncaring, spending an entire arc showing how much of a jerk he is to everyone he knows.
  • Kick the Dog: His role in the Century Soup arc is this, killing a penguin's parents and not eating them while calling them trash (he did it because he thought they were annoying), tries to kill his own allies once they lose, kicks his own bugs because he considers the failures to be trash...
  • Killed Off for Real: By Sunny.
  • Knight of Cerebus: While Starjun was the first serious threat, the Darker and Edgier as well as Bloodier and Gorier elements truly appeared once Tommyrod unleashed his monstrous nature into what was a tame series for the most part. As well as the fact that he brings Toriko to the brink of death for the first time.
  • Lack of Empathy: He doesn't even seem to care about his subordinates, and Toriko notes this about his personality in their battle, comparing him to a bug.
  • Large and in Charge: While not obvious at first, one can even say he's normal-sized compared to his imposing fellow chefs. That's until he removes the bands that restrain his full power, and he bulks up—and by bulking up, we mean being twice the size of Toriko, who had dwarfed him before this.
  • Lightning Bruiser: Especially after taking off his limiter bands.
  • Monster Clown: Looks like one, and is definitely a monster compared to Starjun and Grinpatch.
  • More Teeth than the Osmond Family: And actually uses them to bite chunks out of Toriko.
  • My Death Is Only The Beginning: Well, he didn't die, but his release of the Parasite Emperor, when he knew he would be drained by it, counts.
  • Nested Mouths: He has bugs that burst out of his mouth, but but until he released the Parasite Emperor, a ghoulish face would show up frequently.
  • Nightmare Face: When he's ready to kill, though his "standard" look isn't exactly normal or comforting, either.
    • Made his ultimate one, complete with extremely wide, red eyes, as he prepared to kill Sunny.
  • Nightmare Fuel Station Attendant: From keeping hideous bugs within him to having razor-sharp fangs, he can even become bigger and more disgusting.
  • No-Holds-Barred Beatdown: Twice. The beatdown he gives to Toriko is the first time Toriko has felt so close to death. Then he beats Sunny to a pulp.
  • The Noseless: Lacks a visible nose.
  • Oh, Crap!: When he finally realizes that Sunny was using his cut hair as remote-control drones to take over his body and paralyze him.
  • Power Limiter: The bands around his arms, legs, and abdomen. When he takes them off, he bulks up to ridiculous proportions.
  • Sealed Evil in a Can: Not him, the sad bug in his mouth— the Parasite Emperor, a Level 81 Mutant Hybrid Insect.
  • Winged Humanoid: He has cockroach wings, probably surgically attached. He can even use them as shields.
  • Villainous Breakdown: In his fight with Toriko, he went from smug to a snarling monstrosity full of rage.
  • Worthy Opponent: Considers Toriko one after fighting him, and Sunny as the latter is killing him.
  • You Have Failed Me: He immediately tries to have Bogey and Barrygamon be eaten by bugs in a fit of rage for losing to their enemies. Fortunately, Toriko saves them, even if the gesture is not returned.

Voiced by: Yūji Mitsuya (Japanese), Chris Rager (English), Julio Bernal (Latin American Spanish)

  • Achilles' Heel: When Toriko fights him, it's revealed that whenever Grinpatch uses his Breath Gun his line of sight greatly narrows for a second, and the effect is bigger if he uses Breath Missile. This allows Toriko to close the distance and cut off his straw.
  • Affably Evil: Laid-back and playful. The evil part comes from him literally wanting to eat Toriko.
  • Ambiguously Gay: A lot of his interaction with Toriko show that Grinpatch might be have more in mind than just eating him. His endless appetite and focus on food is the only reason why it's only ambiguous.
  • Animal Motifs: The mosquito.
  • Acquired Poison Immunity: See Extreme Omnivore. His body acts as a filtration system for any and all toxic agents, even Coco's Poison Virus (which adapts to get around the victims' immune system) was useless.
  • Ax-Crazy: Like Tommyrod, but has Dissonant Serenity to back it up.
  • Back for the Dead: Coco summons him to take on the former Gourmet Corps chefs, but after defeating them he's suddenly turned into goo by Joie's bacteria.
  • The Bad Guy Wins: Ultimately averted for his battle with Coco, though we're lead to believe it is played straight.
  • Black Eyes of Crazy/Black Eyes of Evil: Black eyes with three white pupils.
  • Blow You Away/Super-Breath: With a straw.
  • Brainwashed and Crazy: Chapter 262 implies that Joie "cooked" him at some point, leaving Grinpatch listless and unresponsive. We later learn that he was simply in withdrawal from Coco's highly addictive Devil Poison.
  • Breath Weapon: What he can do with those straws, usually in the form of air blasts powerful enough to dig into deep caverns. or to shoot a rapidly-multiplying caterpillar to paralyze his opponents.
  • Brilliant, but Lazy: Was able to fight on par with Toriko, but threw it because he was being lazy and he's much smarter than his attitude would lead you to believe.
  • Dissonant Serenity: As pointed out by Coco, Grinpatch's careless and wild attitude results in a character which doesn't accuse stress or fear at all.
  • Gluttony: Aside from Midora embodies this the most out of the Gourmet Corp. Unlike Midora, it counts as his Fatal Flaw.
  • Extreme Omnivore: There doesn't appear to be anything he doesn't find appetizing. Beasts, high-class food, animals not suited for consumption, his own vomit, his own blood, Toriko's heart, metal trays and dishes, lethal poison, Grin can literally digest anything. Deconstructed when Coco uses a highly-addictive poison which makes Grinpatch subservient to him.
  • I'm a Humanitarian: He MEANS it when he says he wants to drink up Toriko and Terry.
  • Improbable Weapon User: Who says straws can't be badass?
  • Killing Intent: As he leaves Wul, he makes such a Nightmare Face and exude such a killing intent he turns the fields of Peace Flowers (whose petals rot in reaction to strong opponents) into a wasteland.
  • Multi-Armed and Dangerous: Has four arms, but the second pair is implied to be grafted on. He gets two more for the Cooking Festival arc.
  • Off Screen Moment Of Awesome: Zigzagged and ultimately averted: after he and Coco fall down a deep chasm, Grin is seen emerging alone, seemingly victorious. Then we learn that Coco manages to feed him a demonic venom which causes addiction and he simply explored the depths while Grinpatch went on a rampage.
  • Right-Hand Attack Dog: His giant beetle. Unlike many Gourmet Corp. members, he's pretty nice to it.
  • Scary Teeth: Black pointy ones.
  • Vacuum Mouth: Another thing he can do with the straws.
  • Walking Shirtless Scene: In comparison to his two now one colleagues, he wears no clothing other than bandana, pants and shoes.


Voiced by: Bin Shimada (Japanese), Brad Venable (English), Ferso Velázquez (Latin American Spanish)

Voiced by: Umezu Hideyuki (Japanese), John Swasey (English), Óscar Gómez (Latin American Spanish)

  • Battle Butler: As Midora's waiter and personal aide, this trope seems to apply to him.
  • The Dragon: To Midora, though he doesn't get much screentime compared to the sous-chefs.
  • Improbable Weapon User: He uses plates to cut down the Hellboros and the Parasite Emperor, beasts that are ranked in the 80s level in power and didn't seem like a big deal to him. He apparently coats them in possibly Appetite Energy before using them.
  • Karma Houdini: The sole survivor of the Corps and gets away with all his crimes and never once disobey his boss or show signs of repeantance, and yet he and Starjun were invited to Toriko's wedding.
  • Know When to Fold 'Em: Even though he's completed his goal of getting the Century Soup, he had planned to go after Toriko in his weaken state to eliminate a threat. Only to be confronted by Setsuno who broke all of his plates by pressure alone as a warning if he attempted it. Realizing the task would be more trouble then it worth, he wisely withdrew from Ice Hell.
  • Multi-Armed and Dangerous: Eight arms to use his weapons.
  • Noble Demon: With Starjun, the least psychotic and vicious of his organization and more than intelligent to know when he's outmatched. That being said, he had no qualms about finishing off Toriko's exhausted group when he had the chance.
  • The Stoic: He never loses his composure.
  • Undying Loyalty: Out of all the higher ups of the organization, he's the only one who didn't defect to Neo.


Voiced by: none

  • Attack Backfire: She has the ability to absorb lethal damage, make it ferment inside her body and release it back at the attacker, which allows her to wipe out the entire group of Yakuza mooks who tried to kill her with More Dakka.
  • Badass Boast: In the manga, as she prepares herself to fight, she claims that as Sommelier of Death she will show her enemies the best way to die.
  • Dark Action Girl: She's the only original female member of the Bishokukai, excluding Chiyo, and one of the few non-chef members able to enter the Gourmet World.
  • Demoted to Extra: In the anime, to the point that she's The Voiceless.
  • Facial Markings: The only monstrous trait she has are odd purple marks resembling tears around her eyes.
  • Made of Iron: The Gourmet Yakuza riddle her with more hole than a beehive: she survives just fine and turn the attack on the enemies.
  • Ms. Fanservice: She's rather glamorous and beautiful, and wears a pretty little dress with high boots and opera gloves.
  • What Happened to the Mouse?: Judging from the silhouettes seen as the Bishokukai leave the Cooking Festival, she's implied to have survived, but she doesn't reappear in the story at all.


Voiced by: Shirakawa Shusaku (JP)

  • Amazing Technicolor Population: Has dark green-grayish skin.
  • Badass Armfold: Having six arms, he's introduced twice doing this with four of his arms.
  • Dual Wielding: He carries around in his upper arms large machete-like knives.
  • Fat Bastard: One of the few people in the Torikoverse to have quite a paunch. Ironically, as seen below.
  • Green Thumb: In combat he uses some sort of thorny roots to grab and mutilate his opponents.
  • Multi-Armed and Dangerous: Six arms, all the same tone as his skin, unlike Grinpatch.
  • No Mouth: Unusually enough, Kaitora's face is completely devoid of an actual mouth.
  • The Rival: Dialogue with Yosaku seems to imply that there's some bad blood between the two, as Kaitora is the only Saiseiya serving the Bishokukai.
  • Sticky Situation: His first technique, Tablecloth, releases a purple tablecloth which acts like an extremely sticky surface, gluing people to it.
  • What Happened to the Mouse?: Unknown what happened to him after the timeskip.

Zaragira and Gur

Voiced by: Kikumoto Taira (Zaragira) and Takahashi Naozumi (Gur) (JP)

  • Alien Blood: Gur's blood resembles foam.
  • Beware My Stinger Tail: Zaragira uses his short spike-like tail to Stun and capture the chefs.
  • Family-Unfriendly Death: Zaragira is crushed to death by Zebra's point-blank Voice Press, while Gur bursts into foam when hit by Beat Punch.
  • Full-Frontal Assault: Zaragira doesn't weark clothes, but is also a case of Barbie Doll Anatomy.
  • Monstrous Humanoid: Zaragira is a massive and muscular gray humanoid with many horn-like appendages on his head and a tail. Gur resembles a massive green human with a turtle-like head.
  • Single-Stroke Battle: They decide to go after Zebra. They don't last beyond 2 panels.
  • We Hardly Knew Ye: They only appear during the Cooking Festival arc and don't survive their introduction.

Base Commanders

Voiced By: Takahashi Hiroki (JP)

  • Blood Knight: When he gets going...
  • Fate Worse than Death: Brunch charges every one of Elg's bodies with electricity that will shock him as long as he's alive. Since Elg is immortal...
    • Turns out it exhausted even the immortal life capacity of the Herac, leading to his death.
  • Go Out with a Smile: Dies content when Tengu assures him that his hideous face would have been normal, or even handsome, in Tengu's home village.
  • Gonk: His true face is utterly hideous.
  • Healing Factor: He regenerates from a lightning attack into an army of clones!
  • Immortality: Due to merging with a rare horse beast called "Herac", he achieved regenerative immortality.
  • Implacable Man: Takes all of Tengu's attacks without flinching due to his regenerative powers.
  • Killed Off for Real: By Brunch the Tengu.
  • Me's a Crowd: If he's ripped to pieces, each piece will regenerate into a full copy of himself.
  • Not So Stoic: Tengu's defiance brings out his Nightmare Face angrily stomping on him for thinking he stood a chance
  • One-Man Army Literally.
  • Our Centaurs Are Different: For one thing, it gives him immortality.
  • Really 200 Years Old: By his own admission, making him officially the second-oldest member behind Midora.
  • Red Baron: "Ageless Elg".
  • Villainous Breakdown: Has one over the course of his fight with Brunch the Tengu.
  • Was Once a Man: He merged with a baby Herac, with the implication that it was forced.

Voiced by: Tomoaki Maeno (Japanese), Eric Vale (English), Unknown (Latin American Spanish)

  • Acid Attack: Releases clouds of salt which is incredibly corrosive.
  • Black Eyes of Crazy: His eyes are black, with lavender irises.
  • Curtains Match the Window: Lavender hair and irises.
  • Karma Houdini: He beat up Komatsu and got the Century Soup, and so far in the manga has suffered no repercussions for this.
  • Kick the Dog: Yuu's taking of Komatsu's rightfully sought out Century Soup, causing trauma for the latter.
  • Improbable Weapon User: He uses seasoning to fight. Which appears to be corrosive.
  • Lightis Not Good: Wears lighter colors than most of the Gourmet Corp, but is just as evil as the rest.
  • Sole Survivor: Implied to be the sole surviving Base Chief from the Cooking Festival, though he still doesn't appear again.

Jerry Boy

Voiced by: Takahashi Hidenori (Jp), Michael J Tatum (En)

  • Boisterous Bruiser: From what we see of him, he seems to be energic and prone to action.
  • The Generic Guy: Compared to his colleagues, Jerry Boy is rather mundane, being a muscular guy with a whip and no apparent gimmick.
  • Impaled with Extreme Prejudice: Aimaru impales his chest with a volley of a thousand arrows.
  • Unusual Ears: His only monstrous trait are his unusually long earlobes, marked by a series of black dots.

Bogey Woods
Voiced by: Eiji Takemoto (Japanese), Jerry Jewell (English), Carlos Torres (Latin American Spanish)

  • Achilles' Heel: His sacrum bone. When Takimaru shoots it out of his body, he becomes paralyzed, though he eventually manages to heal it.
  • Animal Motifs: Hermit crabs, both for his masks and his disgusting "Lodge" ability. To drive the point home, his co-worker Cedre calls him "Hermit Crab freak" at one point.
  • Artistic License – Physics: While it's explained how his body can be so flexible, the fact that he can apparently squeeze his human-sized body inside another similarly-sized corpse by taking the place of his skeleton alone without changing the hosts' size isn't dwelled upon.
  • Body Horror: He can elongate his body because he has a skeleton composed of 4000 bones and 4600 joints.
  • Cool Mask: Too bad he ditches it after his initial appearance. He manages to get another one by the next raid on the Gourmet Chefs.
  • Eaten Alive: The Hellboros gulps him down after Teppei revives it. He manages to survive, though.
  • Epic Flail: He holds a weight and sickle in each hand while using his arms as the chains to emulate a kusarigama.
  • Fangs Are Evil: He sports asymmetrical long canines, the upper righ one and the lower left one jut out of his mouth even when closed.
  • Grand Theft Me: His flexible body allows him to take control of all sorts of bodies and even keeps a collection of bodies he likes to wear. He plans to use Takimaru as a host, but changes his mind after seeing that he's "cursed".
  • Healing Factor: Even if his sacrum bone is removed, he can still re-arrange his skeleton to compensate.
  • Jerkass: Belittles Takimaru and makes no secret that he despise his beliefs.
  • Oh, Crap!: Has an epic one when Barry accidentally smashes his extracted sacrum bone with a headbutt, without damaging it. He does an even bigger one when Match cuts it in half.
  • Rubber Man: Played with; his bone structure allows him to elongate his body to become very flexible.
  • Smug Snake: Despite having an overwhelming advantage over Takimaru, his ego prevented him from finishing him off.
  • Suicidal Overconfidence: Takimaru is only able to defeat him because Bogey's arrogance gave him enough time to concentrate enough for the final blow.

Voiced by: Masafumi Kimura (Japanese), Mark Fickert (English), Leonardo García (Latin American Spanish)

  • Animal Motifs: Boars: he's a massive, hairy brute with two tusks and direct attacks. Match's men even call him Pig and Boar in their combat.
  • Armor Is Useless: Averted—wears a skimpy but extremely durable armor made from the Crush Turtle's shell. Too bad it's no match for Match's katana, made from the fang of the Crush Turtle's only predator.
  • Arrogant Kung-Fu Guy: Prides himself on his brute force.
  • Bald of Evil: When his helmet shatters, it's revealed that the top of Barry's head is completely bald.
  • The Brute: Relies on brute strength and isn't too bright.
  • Fangs Are Evil: More like tusks.
  • Healing Factor: The narration states that he has this, and is what allows him to recover from the battle.
  • Kick the Dog: He inflicts an atrocious beating on Match's men and mock their efforts to stop him, calling them trash all the way.
  • Lightning Bruiser: He's surprisingly quick and agile for such a big guy. Zigzagged in that, as he himself states, it's mostly because his opponent, Match, is getting slower and slower because of the icy enviroment, while Barry's own anti-freeze oil allows him to work in a frigid enviroment at full regime.
  • Slippery Skid: Sort of. He can secrete oil from his skin to deflect gunfire. Furthermore, it allows him to walk around almost naked even in Ice Hell.
  • Spikes of Villainy: Sports some on his helmet and armor in chapter 221.
  • This Cannot Be!: When he realize that Match's katana can actually carve through his armor.
  • Walking Shirtless Scene: Aside from his armor and some speedoes, he doesn't require clothes, not even in the frigid Ice Hell, as the antifrost oil produced by his body keep him from freezing to death.
  • Wrestler in All of Us: His attacks are similar to wrestling moves.


Voiced by: Suyama Akio (JP), David Trosko (EN)

  • Bad Boss: He treats the creatures he tamed badly, bosses them around and eventually pluck their eyes for his collection of eyeballs.
  • The Beastmaster: During the Regal Mammoth arc, he's first seen riding the Obsaurus and later he tamed a Megaoctopus and used it to fight Sunny.
  • Butt-Monkey: After his failure to get the Jewel Meat he was beaten to near-death by Starjun, and when he blamed his defeat on the G.T. Robots like Starjun, Joejoe claims that Cedre did make use of the robot's greatest potential and was still defeated.
  • Covered In Bandages: When he first appear in person, he's covered in bandages after being brutalized by Starjun offscreen.
  • Eye Scream: Cedre adores eyeballs, both as food and as collector's items to admire, and loves to pluck the eyeballs of various creatures and add them to his private collection for as long as they move. In his second appearence he's even wrapped in eyeballs.
  • Genre Savvy: One look at Sunny's hair demon is enough for him to decide to keep the distance and let his tamed beasts fight Sunny in his place, only jumping in to attack him in melee when he's too tired to react.
  • Nightmare Fetishist: Adores the sight of still-moving eyeballs. He also gets very defensive when Bogey calls him out on that.
  • This Is Gonna Suck: When he realizes that he has fallen for Sunny's trap and his Hair Demon is about to crush him.
  • Trademark Favourite Food: He apparently loves to eat eyeballs as well.
  • Troll: He tends to mock his opponents while keeping himself out of range, and even claims to have already got the Jewel Meat when the group run past him, only for Toriko to counter that he only smells of corpses.


Voiced by: Masahito Yabe (Japanese), Chris Cason (English), Gabriel Ortiz (Latin American Spanish)

  • Abhorrent Admirer: When he catches sight of Ling, he claims that the sight of her exposed thighs was enough to keep him from sleeping. Fortunately, she still kicks his ass.
  • Adaptational Modesty: His speedo was lengthened into shorts for the anime.
  • Amazing Technicolor Population: He's green-skinned.
  • Fan Disservice: Guy hangs around in a tiny black speedo and is as ugly as sin.
  • Humanoid Abomination: Resembles a goblin. By the time of the Cooking Festival arc, he's grown into a more grotesque monster.
  • Kick the Dog: He's the one who kills Terry's mother and boasts about it.
  • Oh, Crap!: When he realize he's just bumped into Starjun's boots.
  • Red Baron: "Bei the Omnivorous".
  • Small Name, Big Ego: Believes himself to be very powerful. As Joejoe noted, he took the equivalent of 16 lethal attacks from both Toriko and Mansam.
  • Sore Loser: His rant after he loses to Toriko is really something to behold...
  • Stupid Evil: Immediately kills Terry's mom for no reason, while gloating, which provokes Toriko enough to kill him. In addition, he is unable to control the robot to its full extent and uses the slicer attack attack constantly which Toriko easily counterattacks, leading to his defeat.
  • Trademark Favourite Food: The odd-looking Buttbug, Eaten Alive as well... Starjun comments on his poor taste in food.


Voiced by: Oobayashi Youhei (Japanese), Martin Cervantes (English)

  • Facial Markings: Has several markings on his face.
  • Failed a Spot Check: Apparently he somehow doesn't notice that a mountain-sized mammoth is walking his way until too late and is crushed underfoot.
  • I Can Still Fight!: When Gido finds him, Zyper claims that the core is repairng the robot and soon will be able to act again, and only needs to be put back on his feet. Gido just finishes him off.
  • Oh, Crap!: His rage against Gido ends when he's told that Starjun is piloting one of the robots.
  • Red Baron: "The Mysterious Man" Zyper.
  • The Unfought: He's the only opponent not fought by the heroes during the Regal Mammoth Arc.
  • Winged Humanoid: When he reappears during the Festival, he's sporting two massive feathered wings.


  • Arrogant Kung-Fu Guy: Crushes Zyper's robot believing that he can handle the Mammoth alone and is highly dismissive of Coco, believing that his robot will prove impervious to poison.
  • Attack of the 50-Foot Whatever: Gido has enough skill to control the heavy Giant Model G.T. Robot, which is at least 20 meters tall, more or less. Still finds himself outmatched by the colossal Regal Mammoth.
  • The Faceless: We never get to see how he looks like.
  • The Mole: Starjun killed him because he found out he was a spy sent by NEO.
  • Kick the Dog: When he runs into Zyper's robot recovering from the damage and begging for help, Gido callously finishes him off to take the glory for himself.
  • Sore Loser: When Coco finally explains him how he got the better of him, Gido blames his defeat on the "faulty" robot he was using.
  • Stupid Evil: He realizes that Coco has created huge quantities of gas and is goading him into shooting his laser in order to cause a giant explosion. And yet he does it, just to prove that the Robot is invulnerable. It allows Coco to send the chemicals which turn into Aqua Regia inside his body.
  • You Have Failed Me: After the fiasco, Starjun beats him to death. There was an ulterior motive though.

Lady Chiyo
Voiced by: Chika Sakamoto (Japanese)

  • Ax-Crazy: Her killer intent is so great, she can force the timid Invisible Forest to show up by intimidation.
  • Barrier Warrior: Her Manaita Shield, which is just an over-sized chopping board she uses as a shield. In the anime, it's is composed of Appetite Energy.
  • Body Horror: Can fillet you to a skeleton from a distance, leading to certain death.
  • Cool Old Lady: Chiru and Gourmet National Treasure Chin miss her greatly and laud her cooking, until her return.
  • Et Tu, Brute?: Everyone is shaken by her reappearance, coming to slaughter them all.
  • Eyes Always Closed: Since it's not a pretty sight when she opens them.
  • Face–Heel Turn: She used to be a nice old lady who cooked at Disappearance Cuisine and was versed in Honoring the Food at a Master's level. When she comes back, she's riding a gigantic zombie condor with a lyebeast and a new member of Gourmet Corp., and her first act is to show how delicate her 100 Million Yen Slice is... by removing all but the bones of an Apprentice Master's midsection... some fifty feet away... without visibly moving.
  • Fallen Hero: Especially on how Chin laments on how far she fell from the Cool Old Lady she was.
  • Freudian Excuse: The death of her son drove her to become a Gourmet Corp member.
    • Not just the death of her son. Chin's attitude/mantra towards the incident: "Give thanks to all events in life" right as her son died was the last thing any mother would want to hear.
  • Heel–Face Turn: It appears she's turning out this way after being nursed back to health by Chin, Setsuno and Nono in chapter 257.
  • Hero Killer: Slaughters most of the Gourmet monks before Toriko arrives.
  • Madness Mantra: "Gratitude, gratitude...can you appreciate this? Gratitude, gratitude..."
  • Mama Bear: The death of her and Chinchin's son was her breaking point. She couldn't "appreciate" that tragic event the way Honoring the Food demanded of her, and she joined Gourmet Corp. because one of the ingredients they are seeking is the rumored hors d'oeuvre of Acacia's Full Course, which can raise the dead. She wants to use it to bring her son back.
    • After meeting with the spirit of her son in the world of souls, she is now at peace and no longer wishes to try and revive him with CENTER.
  • The Noseless: Lacks a visible nose.
  • Never Mess with Granny: Lady Chiyo might not be one of the Gourmet National Treasures, but a single swipe of her knife was valued at 100 MILLION yen. She also completely removes the flesh, muscle, and organs of Apprentice Master Wagon from his underarms to his hips... without him feeling a THING. Only Coppwo was able to tell Wagon to watch out as she was attacking him, but to everyone else, Chiyo moved so fast no one saw a thing.
  • Nightmare Face: Seriously, her facial expressions can be even scarier than those of Tommyrod.
  • The Resenter: To Setsuno.
  • The Smurfette Principle: The first female Gourmet Corp member to be shown.
  • Supreme Chef: Master of Honoring the Food and Food's End, capable of cooking and eating all of Disappearance Cuisine's dishes.
  • Sword Beam/Razor Wind: Seems to be able to do this, since she can fillet her victims at a distance with her kitchen knives.
  • Walking Spoiler: One can't talk about her past identity and Face–Heel Turn without revealing one of the biggest twists of the Bubble Fruit Arc.
  • Weak, but Skilled: She has precision in executing filleting and barrier techniques, but has notably less stamina than most of the members due to her age.
  • When Elders Attack: Lady Chiyo arrives at Chowlin Temple in order to kill one of the Gourmet National Treasures and all of the Apprentice Masters, as doing so will render the ultimate technique of Honoring the Food, "Food's End", no more threat to Gourmet Corp.

Voiced by: Hiro Yuki (Japanese)

  • Ambition Is Evil: Though Starjun likes the ambition he has.
  • Took a Level in Badass: When we first see him, he's a normal human. When he reappears, he has Gourmet Cells implanted in him.
  • Freudian Excuse: Was raised in an orphanage; however he considered his past shameful and ignored them after he graduated. Even so the kids there were extremely proud of him...until an incident where they all accidentally ingested poison and died. After this he came to realize just how much they admired him and felt incredibly guilty about the fact that he'd ignored them, as well as his lack of fame at the time they died. Now he's obsessed with doing everything in his power to raise his reputation, so at least they'll have something to be proud of in heaven.
  • From a Certain Point of View: When Starjun calls out his claim of being Midora's partner, Otake simply retorts that Midora said he considered all chefs in the Gourmet Corp. his partner.
  • Meaningful Name: Komatsu means "Small Pine", while Otake means "Great Bamboo". And there's a popular story about a bamboo stalk and a pine tree... and like the bamboo, he "bent" to evil.
  • Rival Turned Evil: He came to Chowlin Temple to show Komatsu his new skill and proclaim his intention of making GOD as the partner to the Gourmet Corp's leader Midora, with his words before leaving that Komatsu and Toriko should polish their skills to see who the stronger combo is when they next meet.
  • Took a Level in Jerkass: Now all he cares about is the money and prestige that comes with being a famous chef.
    • An even bigger one when he stabs Komatsu and revels in the destruction of the temple.
  • Used to Be a Sweet Kid: Apparently, he was much kinder and less arrogant in his youth, just wanting to be a good chef.

GT Robot
  • Arm Cannon: The "Armored" model can shoot bullets from his hands and shoulders.
  • Energy Weapon: It can fire one after opening its beak horizontally. This is likely based on the Blue Nitro.
  • Fire-Breathing Weapon: The Giant model is equipped with a flamethrower.
  • Flechette Storm: Its Peeler Shot where it shoots its hairs at its target.
  • Giant Mook: The Giant Model.
  • Killer Robot
  • Mecha-Mook: They serve as this for the Gourmet Corps, as well as mecha-avatars for certain members.
  • Elite Mook: The mass-produced ones are this, especially the Giant Model during the Cooking Festival arc.
  • Ridiculously Nitro Robot: Based closely on Nitro, safe for their tails.

Scum Beasts


Tropes Associated with NEO

  • Brainwashed: Going by Teppei's example, at this point it's impossible to tell who was a NEO spy all along and who was brainwashed into switching allegiance. According to Alfaro, all of the Gourmet Corps' chefs were brainwashed into joining NEO. To make matters worse the only way currently known to undo it is to beat it out of them, the problem being they most likely will not survive the level of beating you need to deal.
  • Big Bad Ensemble: After their debut they share the role with Gourmet Corps.
  • Big Bad Wannabe: Both NEO and Gourmet Corps are reduced to this after the true main villains of the Gourmet World are Acacia and his Appetite Demon Neo.
  • Evil All Along: Those that belonged to the IGO at first.
  • Knight of Cerebus: Even more so than Gourmet Corp. Their arrival on the scene not only marks the beginning of the story getting really serious, coinciding with the heroes beginning their journey into the Gourmet World, but The Reveal of just who is behind NEO turns everything our protagonists have known on its head.
  • The Mole: Almost all of the elites in the IGO and Gourmet Corp are actually spies for NEO.
  • Nothing Is the Same Anymore: Before its appearance, it was a classic battle of good and evil with IGO and the Gourmet Corp. Following NEO's debut, the struggle has now become a three way battle, with the former two being severely crippled in staff and resources.
  • Tomato in the Mirror: Most of the members are actually characters that we'd come to associate with other groups, making the surprise more legitimate.
  • Walking Spoiler: Once they appear, the entire conflict undergoes a major game changer.

Voiced by: Kouji Ishii (Japanese), Doug Goodrich (English)

  • Dying as Yourself: The mortal injuries inflicted by Toriko restore his true self right before he is devoured by predators. In his final moments he apologizes to Ichiryuu.
  • Growing Muscles Sequence: After opening both eyes and removing the thing on his nose, he becomes much more muscular and wild-looking.
  • The Mole: He's actually an agent of NEO.

Uumen Umeda
Voiced by: Katsuyuki Konishi (Japanese), Christopher Sabat (English), Antonio Merlusa (Latin American Spanish)

  • Ambiguously Gay: A lot of lines suggest this.
  • Brainwashed and Crazy: Revealed to be another victim of Joie's "Taste Change". Once Joie is beaten, he finally snaps out of it.
  • Four Eyes, Zero Soul: As he reveals his evil nature by killing off higher ups of IGO. Subverted, he's actually loyal to IGO but had the misfortune to encounter Joie who changes his alliance.
  • The Mole: He's actually an agent of NEO via brainwashing.
  • Not So Harmless: Would you have expected that a guy who looks like Prince Valiant crossed with Leisure Suit Larry would even be dangerous, let alone evil? Lampshaded by Zaus himself, who points out that Uumen, in spite of everything, is a though opponent.

Voiced by: Keiichi Nanba (Japanese)

  • Action Girl: When his hood came off, he was shown to look exactly like Froese, which has the fans thinking that Joie was a clone of her and a woman. Eventually revealed to be a male spirit though.
  • Battle Couple: With Acacia. If indeed this is Froese... As a human, yes. Now, nooope.
  • Born Lucky: Weaponized. Froese's Gourmet Luck is so unbelievably strong that ignoring any actual combat progress she might have had, when Midora attempts to seriously kill Joie NONE OF HIS ATTACKS CAN HIT HIM. This is -solely- from his Gourmet Luck - he doesn't even need to try and dodge. However, Gourmet Luck is finite, which seals Joie's fate when he has a rematch with Midora. Not only did Midora's Mirror Neurons copy Gourmet Luck, Joie's own Gourmet Luck had already been drained fighting Starjun.
  • Came Back Wrong: If Joie is truly Froese, who was dead...but there are serious doubts. He's not.
    • Chapter 253 shows something happening to Froese's grave as the ground begins to move up. Whether Joie has anything to do with that is currently unknown.
    • Chapter 338 reveals that Froese's spirit refused to return. Another Food Spirit was drawn in to her revived body.
  • Dead Person Impersonation: Jiro and Setsuno think this is the case, because the monster in front of them isn't Froese. Eventually confirmed. It's indeed not Froese but an evil Food Spirit that took her body.
  • Demonic Possession: Sorta, the body was already long dead. But is being inhabited by a food spirit.
  • The Dreaded: People are petrified of him. The knowledge he's on his way is treated as seriously bad news.
  • The Dragon: To Darnil Kahn.
  • Dude Looks Like a Lady: Despite looking exactly like Froese, Joie is actually a male spirit using her body after she refused to be revived. This panel from chapter 338 confirms this, as while the Froese we know has big boobs, Joie is shown flat-chested and muscular. The fact that he has a male voice actor also helps.
  • The Heavy: Strongly implied to be this to NEO as a whole. Given he put a scar on Zaus...
    • Justified—Joie's been confirmed to be using the body of THE God of Chefs, Froese, making him one of the most powerful if not the single most powerful character in the entire series, predating even Midora. Though Jiro and Setsuno have doubts this is truly Froese, as Joie's monstrous inner beast is nothing like Froese's...
  • Evil Old Folks: He's over 200 years old, and probably far older.
  • Face–Heel Turn or Face–Monster Turn: He can change a person's "flavor", and in turn alter their morality, basically brainwashing them into joining his cause.
    • Face–Heel Turn: The Foreshadowing here is so thick you could cut it with a plastic knife—Froese is heavily implied to be the Dark Chef Joie, as Joie calmly retorts to Setsuno's exclamation that Cinderella (the best, highest-quality, legendary Great Knife) belongs to Froese: "Yes... that is why it is mine... Do you understand what I'm saying?"
      • Chapter 243 pretty much confirms it...though it raises questions if this is truly Froese.
      • Subverted, it's not her to begin with. Just a spirit using her body.
  • Gender Bender: Thanks to Froese having drunk the soup PAIR, which can switch genders, before her death. He revived in a male form, though he can shift back to female form as well.
  • Humanoid Abomination: He is just a failed clone of Froese, especially with the cracked skin.
  • I Am a Humanitarian: Was seen seeking a book on the preparation of human flesh...coupled with the fact that he broke a certain taboo centuries prior...
  • In the Hood: Wears quite the nice cloak to hide his true face.
  • Names to Run Away from Really Fast: 'The Dark Chef.' God Chef.
  • Person of Mass Destruction
  • Physical God: All but a step away from this. Jiro and Setsuno have confirmed that, whether or not Joie is Froese or something else entirely, whatever it is, it utilizes absolutely 100% of its Gourmet Cells at 100% efficiency—a feat only made possible by eating the entirety of Acacia's Full Course.
  • Non-Standard Character Design: Froese is drawn in a much more lighter tone than most of the characters.
  • Samus Is a Girl: Frequently referred to as male, but is actually the female God Chef and Acacia's Combo Partner. Subverted again, as chapter 338 revealed him to be a guy.
  • Smug Snake: For all his cockiness, it's clear from Joie's battles with Midora that he isn't as unbeatable as he thinks he is. Despite all the clever tricks Joie is capable of pulling off, Midora No-Sells just about all of them effortlessly, and even Joie sealing Midora away in a golden can was more of an inconvenience than anything else. In fact, when Joie brags to Toriko (who could sense all the fights going on at the time) about his victory over Midora, Toriko calmly retorts that Joie didn't win at all, leaving Joie at a loss for words.
  • Supreme Chef: The real winner of the first cooking competition, but his title was stripped away after he...broke certain rules.
  • Underestimating Badassery: He calls out Jiro on his Can't Hold His Liquor attitude. Jiro responds by literally stopping the world's axis by punching it.
  • Villainous Breakdown: Has one when Midora confronts him a second time. He throws everything he has at Midora only to realize that his Food Luck is preventing him from being killed. Joie soon finds himself on the opposite end of the power he once so proudly wielded, slowly panicking as nothing affects Midoria. Even trying to summon Acacia and attempting a Shapeshifter Guilt Trip all fail until finally his Food Luck runs out and he begins to disintigrate, begging Acacia to save him.
  • Villainous Harlequin: His appearance invokes this.
  • Walking Spoiler: It's impossible to talk about Joie without revealing that he's a failed clone of Froese.

Colonel Mokkoi
Voiced by: Shiro Saito (Japanese), Doug Burks (English), Gonzalo Curiel (Latin American Spanish)

  • Actually A Doom Bot: The Mokkoi who went to Ice Hell is actually a GT robo built in his likeness.
  • Bad Boss: When he hears that there's no Century Soup in Ice Hell after all, he flat up abandons the remaining Gourmet Hunters still there to pursue other ingredients. But he Gave Up Too Soon.
  • Evil Old Folks
  • Foreshadowing: In the Ice Hell arc, he assembled a group of Gourmet Hunters to retrieve the Century Soup. Now we know why.

Darnili Kahn
Voiced by: Unshō Ishizuka (Japanese)

  • Actually A Doom Bot: When confronted by Toriko after his group beats Livebearer.
  • Bad Boss: He's introduced having one of his maids feed him a top-class oyster... then he gestures her to come closer and spits it in her face, angrily telling her that she should have seasoned it first.

Voiced by: Kenji Hamada (Japanese)

  • Body Horror: He gets wings and his arms are turned into massive gorilla limbs. For some reason he loses all of this when Midora snaps him out of his brainwashing.
  • Brainwashed and Crazy: The reason he's with NEO is because he's been brainwashed by Joie. Getting hit by Midora's Meteor Spice snaps him out of it.
  • The Combat Pragmatist: Skewers Chiyo without looking while explaining his plans to Setsuno.
  • Diagonal Cut: His Rinne Oroshi, which cuts down to your genetic makeup so that even your offspring will carry the same scar.
  • Evil Old Folks: He's a member of NEO, though not by choice. Not only is he the number one chef in the world, but he's also incredibly skilled with a blade both in battle and in the kitchen.
  • Passing the Torch: In the climax, despite being the nr 1 Chef in the world, he willingfully leaves to Nakaume the task of cooking GOD alongside Komatsu and Otake, while he pulls a You Shall Not Pass! on Uumen Umeda, the last remaining opposition.
  • The Rival: To Setsuno, which apparently extends to their respective Full Course Menu.

Voiced By: Mugihito (Japanese)

  • Body Horror: He was apparently force-fed Gourmet Cells and turned into a grotesque octopus man as a result.
  • Energy Absorption: His "Shokujutsu: Calorie Gui" which absorbs calories from a person.
  • Evil All Along: He was an agent of NEO along with Zaus and Kuribo.

Voiced By: Kōzō Shioya (Japanese)

  • Evil All Along: He's really a member of NEO until chapter 324.
  • Good All Along: He is actually good, and gave information about NEO in chapter 324.
  • Fat Bastard: Or so it would seem, he's actually a very nice person.
  • The Mole: Ordered by Ichiryuu to infiltrate NEO.
  • Super-Strength: When it comes to make the Golden Pots, he shapes them barehanded. And keep in mind that we're talking about the hardest material known to man.

Mohyan Shaishai

Voiced By: ???

  • Anime Hair: His hair and beard are shaped like drills.
  • Evil Mentor: To the Saiseiya Pukin, though she's reluctant to consider this possibility at first.
  • Face–Heel Turn: According to Teppei, he once brought the Continent of Death back to life, making it into a verdant heaven. Now he's a servant of NEO.
  • Giant Spider: When Teppei meets him inside the ship, Mohyan has mutated into a colossal, spike-covered tarantula capable of spitting webs or spears of thread, with only his head remaining.
  • Gonk: Has a grotesque Face of a Thug.
  • Good Powers, Bad People: He's the greatest Saiseiya, skilled enough to revive a whole desert continent. Too bad he choose to throw his lot with Joie.
  • Reality Warper: When he fights Teppei, it's revealed that he can use his powers to treat reality like a video recorder: he can pause, rewind and play time as he sees fit. For some reason, Midora proves to be immune.
  • What Happened to the Mouse?: Teppei swore to remove the brainwashing from him, but he wasn't seen after Midora unleashed the Spice Meteor inside the ship.
