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Characters / Friday Night Funkin': Mario's Madness

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Much like a certain horrific Ragtag Bunch of Misfits from its eternal rival in gaming, the dark secrets hailing from the depths behind the Super Mario Bros. franchise have risen from obscurity after so many years of being cast aside to face the famous Boyfriend and his demonic Girlfriend... and hopefully kill them along the way.

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Main Week:

    Super Horror Mario/Mario.exe 

Super Horror Mario / Mario.exe / “M”/ Ultra M
"Aww, you two seem a bit-a scared. Well, don't be. I'm-a not-a-gonna kill you. YET."
Click here to see him in "Starman Slaughter"
Click here to see him in "All-Stars" (SPOILERS)

”Looking for someone? Seems you don’t recognize me. It’s-a-me… MARIO!... Almost!”
Super Horror Mario
Ultra M
Origin: Friday Night Funkin: Mario’s Madness, -Super Horror Mario- by Shadow-Shana (appearance)

Based off an infamous piece of horror artwork of Mario, Super Horror Mario (also known as simply “M” and originally known as "Mario.exe" in V1) was a demon who worked with Daddy Dearest in the video game market, before Dearest sealed him in a Super Mario Bros. cartridge and ran off with all the money. Seeking revenge after decades of being trapped, he pulls Boyfriend and Girlfriend into his world so they can face him and his assortment of colorful characters from across the darkest corners of Mario media... and some not-so-dark corners. Nevertheless, he and his friends aren’t letting them go easily.

He serves as the opponent in the songs "It's-A-Me", "Starman Slaughter" and "All-Stars".

  • Absurdly Sharp Blade: His meat cleaver can chop a human in two at the waist in one solid swing, and be used to stab someone despite cleavers generally known for chopping rather than piercing.
  • Accent Relapse: By his speech in All-Stars, he completely drops his Italian accent, instead opting for an American one which appears to be his natural accent.
  • Adaptational Backstory Change: Although the original Super Horror Mario didn't have any defined backstory, CoolRash's Mario.exe was supposedly Mario after being possessed by a demon to cause chaos in the Mushroom Kingdom (implied by the game's description and confirmed through Word of God). Here, however, he's a being of a similar nature to Sonic.exe, being a Domain Holder that traps people inside his own twisted dimension that mimics the Mario world. The V2 release date trailer would explain his history in detail, saying that he worked with Daddy Dearest until the rockstar betrayed him and sealed him in a cartridge.
  • Adaptational Badass: The original Super Horror Mario was never implied to have been anything but a creepy-looking serial killer. Here, he's a highly powerful Reality Warping Humanoid Abomination that can easily negate the demonic powers of both Girlfriend and Daddy Dearest, and achieves a feat very few other characters in the community do by successfully murdering both Boyfriend and Girlfriend onscreen.
  • Affably Evil: He may be a remorseless killer, but he’s polite enough to sing with Boyfriend, and is entirely upfront about his plans to murder Boyfriend and Girlfriend. He's also seemingly capable of forming friendships, as evidenced by when he referred to the V2 opponents as his friends. Subverted to hell and back in V2, where not only does it turn out the other opponents are just merely his puppets, not friends, but his singing is only to toy with them, and he kills both of them in All-Stars.
  • Allegorical Character: When he says "We are Mario's Madness", he means it in more than just a wink and a nod at the game's title. The only universal constant to his shape seems to be "The corruption of Mario into something he isn't." This is most obvious by having him appear as Mario twisted into an otherworldly beast or a depraved murderer, but he can also be a goofy bootleg memelord, a bratty teenager, an actor who played him, or even an AI who's trying to save people from itself.
  • All Your Powers Combined: In the final part of All-Stars, Ultra M invokes almost every other character in the mod and adds part of their leitmotifs to his own song, with their icons appearing behind his in the health bar.List
  • Ambiguous Situation:
    • In V2, while he makes it clear he wants to kill Girlfriend to hurt Daddy Dearest for trapping him in the game, the deal he made with Boyfriend is a bit murky. Would SHM have let Boyfriend live if he beat him in three songs? Or would he have kept and killed Boyfriend in the game regardless? He did respect Boyfriend for being a challenging rapper (hence why he made the deal), and Boyfriend did beat "It's-A-Me" and "Starman Slaughter", respectively. But Boyfriend ran before he could do the last song when he noticed SHM getting angry, thus breaking the deal and insulting him into wanting to kill Boyfriend as well, which he does when he gets the chance.
    • The final song "All-Stars" makes it ambiguous whether the mod's other opponents are simply trapped by Ultra M but otherwise acting as themselves, being controlled by Ultra M, or if they are Ultra M in disguise. Complicating matters are the occasional moments of pushback he gets from other creepypasta characters, like Super Horror Peach and Yoshi stealing his spotlight in "Starman Slaughter" and TooLate.exe Mario showing up to help out Pico against Mr. L in "Overdue". Are these signs that his control over the others is more limited than he's willing to admit, or is he pitting his pawns against each other for some purpose or another?
  • Antagonist in Mourning: After successfully killing both Boyfriend and Girlfriend, he laments how lonely his victory is in the Lonely Piano Piece credits song "A Mad World Without You."
  • Anti-Regeneration: Implied. GF somehow comes back from MX ripping her in half, guts and all, but when Ultra M kills her offscreen in "All-Stars", she's dead for good. Given the nature of his powers, he may have done something to her soul.
  • The Assimilator: As with many godlike creepypasta characters, he makes a habit of taking souls. The introduction to "All-Stars" reveals that he's already done this to all of the mod's other opponents that you've faced, rapidly cycling through the various other characters with "Cappy" now on their heads, and having their health bar portraits appear alongside his in the final act; Midway through the song, he takes GF's soul as well.
  • Attack of the 50-Foot Whatever: In "All-Stars", Super Horror Mario decides to take matters into his own hands after both Boyfriend and Girlfriend manage to somehow evade most of his "friends" as well to take back the deal he had at the beginning, and so with the power of every opponent, he turns into the much more terrifying Ultra M, which is much more taller than MX, and in the third and fourth phases of the song, he becomes much more taller, with the third phase having his face up close taking more of the screen.
  • The Bad Guy Wins: The mod ends with him successfully killing Boyfriend and Girlfriend and turning them into meat puppets along with Pico being trapped inside cartridge with no means of escape, finally giving him vengeance against Daddy Dearest for sealing him away years ago, although he doesn't gain any enjoyment from it.
  • Be Careful What You Wish For: He wants revenge on Daddy Dearest by murdering his daughter. In the end, he gets his wish while killing Boyfriend as well... but this leaves him with no satisfaction and feeling bitter about the end result, and he realizes he's right back at square one; alone, and still trapped in a game cartridge.
    And so it clutches around my soul. I feel the bitter, everlasting cold
    Is this what I wanted? Am I satisfied?
    And now I'm standing tall, yet all I want to do, is hide inside
    This empty shell, this husk, this world, this empty hell
    I wander through, my song reigns true
    The world is mad, and I am too
    Without you
  • Big Bad: Downplayed in V1; while he is the one who pulls Boyfriend and Girlfriend into the cartridge and is their first opponent, he doesn't appear or is mentioned again for the rest of the mod outside of a cameo in the game over screen of "Apparition". Played straight in V2, where he reveals in his speech that he’s the one controlling all the opponents Boyfriend and Girlfriend face within the mod.
  • Cain and Abel: On the Cain side as he kills Luigi in his home game.
  • Composite Character: Mario.exe is based on the Mario.exe fangame by CoolRash, as well as the famous "Super Mario Horror" (or Mario's going to get you next time) image. His appearance and the knife he holds are taken from the image, but the Poison Mushrooms used during his song (as well as GB's) are taken from the game.
  • Desecrating the Dead: Ultra M pulls Girlfriend down a green pipe during "All-Stars", where he kills her, then remakes her body into GX to fight Boyfriend. After killing Boyfriend, he turns Girlfriend back to her original form and leaves their disemboweled bodies propped up by wires for Pico to find.
  • The Dog Bites Back: As revealed in the Funk Kast trailer, he used to run a video game monopoly with Daddy Dearest until the latter screwed him over by sealing him in a cartridge. He now desires to get revenge on his former business partner by taking away the most important thing to him, that being his own daughter.
  • The Dog Was the Mastermind: The intro to All-Stars and the initial battle venue of a ruined New Donk City imply that M isn't a demon wearing the form of Mario. He's a demon wearing the form of Cappy, who then puppets around the shells of various creatures in his domain by taking the form of their chosen head adornment.
  • Eviler than Thou: He fancies himself as this to Daddy Dearest, and with good reason; neither Daddy Dearest nor Girlfriend's demon powers can work in his game world. He also inadvertently serves as this to Sonic.exe, as while Sonic.exe was constantly foiled by Girlfriend whenever he tried to kill Boyfriend, as stated above Mario.exe's game world renders Girlfriend helpless against him, not to mention that he succeeds in killing the two by the end of the mod.
  • Evil Laugh: Lets out a spine-chilling (and glitched) one at the end of his song's beginning.
  • Evil Sounds Deep: His true voice as M is far deeper than his voice as Horror Mario.
  • Expy: Largely of Sonic.exe/Xenophanes, as a being who first takes the form of a regular, well-known video game mascot twisted into a bloody, black-eyed murderer, and later on takes on a much lankier, much bigger form when he goes One-Winged Angel in his final song. The main difference between M and Xenophanes is that M is far more competent.
  • Facial Horror: His face melts during his laugh during It's-A Me. It's even worse after he revives from being knocked into the flames in "Starman Slaughter" where part of his face is melted off. And then there's the rest of him, however downplayed it might be.
  • Faux Affably Evil: He takes on a general demeanor that Mario is known for, but it does nothing to mask his sadism and he only gives Boyfriend a fair shot against him to toy with them.
  • Flipping the Bird: In All-Stars, his left poses have him giving the middle finger.
  • The Fourth Wall Will Not Protect You:
  • A God Am I: Taking after his Sonic counterpart, he refers to himself as a god during his lyrics in All-Stars.
  • Healing Factor: After being beaten in "Starman Slaughter", he regenerates an arm he lost from a fall into the fire.
  • Hive Mind: Every single antagonist faced in the mod is actually just an extension of him, which he reveals with the utmost glee by flashing through every single one of them frame by frame, showing his piercingly wide eyes poking out from their hats, crowns and foreheads.
  • I Am Legion: His lines in the game overs have him refer to himself as a “we”.
  • I Have Many Names: Downplayed, as this demon goes by three names; Super Horror Mario, Mario.exe, and M. His One-Winged Angel form is named Ultra M.
  • Ironic Hell: The whole reason he goes after Boyfriend and Girlfriend is because he was sealed into a game cartridge by Daddy Dearest, but after finally killing the two, he's left numb and lonely now that the only sapient beings he's seen in a long time have perished. For all his resentment of his fate, he's effectively become a game character living without purpose now that nobody's around to play his game.
  • It's Personal:
    • He pulled Girlfriend and Boyfriend into his game with plans to kill the former to hurt Daddy Dearest for trapping him in the game in the first place.
    • Boyfriend is an interesting case as SHM knew about his reputation as a formidable rapper and planned to let him go if he beat him in three songs. The problem is that SHM took offense to Boyfriend running with Girlfriend after he beat "Starman Slaughter", causing him to want to murder Boyfriend too.
  • Just Toying with Them: He doesn't kill Boyfriend and Girlfriend immediately simply because he wants to "play" with them first. He loses his patience by All-Stars. Once he does kill them though, him having treated them like this backfires horribly, because they were the only other living people in his world he was having fun with, twisted it may be, and now that they're dead, he's alone again.
  • Large and in Charge: As Ultra M, he’s the primary opponent of All-Stars and an absolute giant, easily dwarfing MX. In the song's third act, he's so huge that his upper body makes up the majority of the background, and his face alone takes up the center of it. Even in the fourth act, where it's just him versus Boyfriend now, he is only shown from the hips up, and still roughly takes up almost the entire screen, even without accounting for the tentacles sprouting from his back.
  • Leaking Can of Evil: While he is trapped in the cartridge, he is capable of having his cartridge sent to houses and can extend his arms out of the TV screen to pull victims into his world.
  • Lean and Mean: Ultra M's true form is an almost skeletally thin abomination.
  • A Lighter Shade of Black: His claim that the other opponents are his puppets and his Anti Poop-Socking comment makes him one to four of the Hellish Heights opponents, namely GB, D.J. Hallyboo, Mr. Virtual and MX. Like them, he knows he's a video game character both in-universe and out, and uses this knowledge to snatch people's souls. Unlike them, he only targets Daddy Dearest, people related to him and people allied to either him or a relative. If you don't know Daddy Dearest, M not only will leave you alone but will also prevent the aforementioned Hellish Heights opponents from trying to snatch your soul. If you hate Daddy Dearest, M will ask you to give him to one of his targets when you're finished playing with him if you can. So if you're not allied to Daddy Dearest's family, M can pass off as a self-aware game character that merely wants someone to play with him.
  • Meaningless Villain Victory: By the end of V2 he realizes that even though he's killed both Girlfriend and Boyfriend and gotten a revenge against Daddy Dearest, that just means he's still stuck alone in the game cartridge, with the killings themselves making him feel... nothing.
  • Multi-Armed and Dangerous: He has four arms as Ultra M.
  • My God, What Have I Done?: The credits song, A Mad World Without You, has M realizing that killing Boyfriend and Girlfriend brought him no satisfaction, and now he's just alone again. All he feels now is a cold emptiness within him.
  • One-Winged Angel: In "All-Stars", M becomes a colossal, eyeless Mario that's tall and skeletally thin, and has four veiny arms. There are also a pair of Black Eyes of Crazy protruding from his hat in this form, all but stating that M's true form is that of Cappy, who's puppeteering a shell.
  • Revenge by Proxy: His entire motivation for going after Girlfriend and Boyfriend. He wants to get revenge on Daddy Dearest by killing his precious little girl and doesn't care if he has to cut through her boyfriend to do it. He actually succeeds in killing the two, but the credits song implies that he feels no satisfaction from doing so.
  • Skyward Scream: Has a big one at the end of "Starman Slaughter".
  • Suddenly Voiced: Downplayed, since he speaks during cutscenes. During the third act of "All-Stars", however, he provides spine-chilling lyrics to accompany the song despite every other song in the game being the usual beeps and boops.
  • Turns Red: After he regains control during "Starman Slaughter", he is shown angry along with his skin partially melted with an arm cut off.
  • Villain Respect: Super Horror Mario respects Boyfriend for his reputation as a formidable singer as he beat beings similar to him in canon and from other mods, like monsters (Monster), demons (Hypno), angels (Mickey Mouse), and freaks (Springtrap). Because of Boyfriend's rep, SHM decides to cut him a deal and a chance to save himself; beat him in three songs, and he'll let him go. If he doesn't, then he'll kill him with Girlfriend.
  • Villainous Friendship: He refers to the V2 opponents as his friends, even the ones who probably wouldn't want to associate with him. This likely extends to the V1 opponents as well, since MX referred to the other opponents as his friends, which no doubt included Horror Mario. Subverted when he reveals that they're all merely husks being controlled by him.
  • Voice of the Legion: Literally. The souls he consumes grant him access to their voices, to the point where he describes himself as a boundless chorus.
  • Would Hit a Girl: He slices Super Horror Peach in half mid-"Starman Slaughter", though she did have it coming. In "All-Stars", he outright guts Girlfriend and turns her into one of his husks in the end.

    John Dick
Yes, he's literally named John Dick, not John Wick.
Origin: Friday Night Funkin’: Mario’s Madness, created by Sandi
A sepia-colored Parabones who serves Super Horror Mario. He provides a microphone to Boyfriend before the start of "It's-A-Me" and joins his master in "Starman Slaughter" for a moment. He uses a trumpet that makes actual trumpet noises rather than a microphone.
  • Dem Bones: While average Paraboneses have full-feathered wings. John Dick has them almost entirely dry, making him more skeletal-looking compared to the normal variant.
  • Evil Duo: He joins Super Horror Mario against Boyfriend in Starman Slaughter.
  • Red Eyes, Take Warning: Any of his poses shows him with glowing red eyes. Otherwise, he has empty sockets in his idle pose.
  • Screw This, I'm Outta Here: Implied. He leaves the scene some moments before Super Horror Mario is ambushed by Super Horror Peach and Yoshi.exe, as if he saw them coming and left by belief of not being able to protect his master from them.
  • The Voiceless: He plays a trumpet instead of singing.

    Super Horror Peach

An evil version of Princess Peach, originating from the sister image of the original Super Horror Mario art.

She serves as one of the second opponents in "Starman Slaughter".

  • Giant Space Flea from Nowhere: Though she shares the same origin as her counterpart’s design, she quite abruptly ambushes Super Horror Mario and is just as quickly killed by him without much of an acknowledgment afterwards.
  • Half the Man He Used to Be: Her fate, once Super Horror Mario retakes the stage.
  • Unwitting Instigator of Doom: Thanks to her sudden attempt to overthrow Super Horror Mario, she indirectly leads to all the mod's bad outcomes. She ticks off SHM, whose rage scares Boyfriend and Girlfriend enough to run away and break their deal. Thanks to that, they're sent through a gauntlet of horrors before SHM ultimately kills them both for squelching on their agreement.

Can’t forget the ignoble steed!
Origin: Yoshi.EXE by Skashi

An evil and creepy version of Yoshi with quite a lot of deformities.

He serves as one of the second opponents in "Starman Slaughter".

  • Did You Just Flip Off Cthulhu?: When Yoshi.exe makes his appearance, his ground pound causes Super Horror Mario to go tumbling off-screen into the flames. Safe to say, the demonic plumber is pissed when he gets payback for this.
  • My Friends... and Zoidberg: Unlike Super Horror Mario and Super Horror Peach, he’s not from any “Super Horror” images, rather being from a now taken down fangame.
  • Mythology Gag: His design is clearly based on the jumpscare seen at the end of Yoshi.exe.
  • Unwitting Instigator of Doom: By helping Super Horror Peach try to overthrow SHM by dunking him in lava, Yoshi.exe indirectly leads to all the mod's bad outcomes. He only ticks off SHM, whose rage scares Boyfriend and Girlfriend enough to run away and break their deal. Thanks to that, they're sent through a gauntlet of horrors before SHM ultimately kills them both for squelching on their agreement.

Irregularity Isle

    In General 
  • Central Theme: All of them are popular memes across the Mario fandom, as well as imitations of Mario (Chris Pratt plays him in the movie, Grand Dad is a recolor and Somari is a bootleg version).
  • Memetic Mutation: All of these opponents are known in the Mario fandom online for various reasons.
  • Joke Character: Even jokier than Content Cosmos, as they're memes, bootlegs or both.
  • Token Good Teammate: Chris Pratt is just a regular human while the other two are heroes in their source material, making this the only world to exclusively consist of characters who aren’t evil.

    Chris Pratt 

Christopher Michael Pratt
First, of course, is Mario. Who will be played by Chris Pratt.
"Growing up, man. I spent HOURS of my life stomping... KOOPAS on the original Mario Bros arcade game."
Origin: Real life, Nintendo Direct (scenario)

Yes, that Chris Pratt. Famous movie actor who's the voice actor for Mario in The Super Mario Bros. Movie, produced by Nintendo and Illumination, as he is featured in the Nintendo Direct announcing the casting.

He's the opponent in the song "So Cool".

  • Famous, Famous, Fictional: Inverted. He isn't a variation of a Mario character, but a real-life person. That said, he does play him in the movie and briefly grows his nose and mustache when saying "It's-a-me, a-Mario" both in the beginning and near the end of his song.
  • Four-Fingered Hands: Averted due to being from real-life, so both of his hands have five fingers.
  • Disproportionate Retribution: Losing in "So Cool" results in the usual invokedFanwork Ban by Nintendo, with a copyright claim taking down the video, while Chris Pratt continues rambling about karma "coming" for him.
  • Mythology Gag: His idle is his mugshot as seen from the Nintendo Direct that revealed the cast of the Super Mario Bros. movie.

    Grand Dad 

Grand Dad
"Yaba daba dooo!"
Origin: 7 Grand Dad (Mario-themed bootleg of The Flintstones: The Rescue of Dino & Hoppy), Vinesauce (voice clips used)

A recoloured Mario from a bootleg of a Flintstones game, he became a popular meme thanks to Vinesauce and SiIvaGunner.

He is the opponent of the song "Nourshing Blood".

  • Composite Character: The depiction of Grand Dad in this mod is a combination of his appearance on the title screen of 7 Grand Dad and Fred Flintstone/his appearance in game, as seen by his club that he pulls out for a few of his poses.
  • Forced Transformation: Losing against Grand Dad subjects Boyfriend to the terrible fate of being turned into a...Swedish fish.
  • Joke Character: Likely since he is based on a meme.
  • Mythology Gag: His entire song is filled to the brim with references to Vinesauce and SiIvaGunner. Several famous memes from both Vinesauce and SiIvaGunner make an appearance, Grand Dad’s song has several memetic songs from the SiIvaGunner channel, and the Game Over screen is reference to “Who’s been drawing dicks” from Vinesauce.
  • Non-Indicative Name: Despite his song's rather ominous title - "Nourshing Blood" - Grand Dad's status as a walking meme means that he's one of the nicest characters in the mod that can be fought.
  • Stylistic Suck: Whereas other teasers so far have shown the gameplay of their songs clearly, Grand Dad's is a horribly bitcrushed mess with no detail to make out. Even the song is warped to near illegibility — just enough to still hear the Flintstones theme and nothing else.
  • Voice Clip Song: Grand Dad’s vocals in the teaser for his are taken from Joel’s infamous reaction to the 7 Grand Dad bootleg. “Who’s been drawing dicks” is also included as part of his vocals.


Somari the Adventurer
Let’s-a-go fast!
Origin: Somari by Hummer Team

A plumber from a series of unlicensed games who looks like Mario, but acts a lot like a certain hedgehog...

He is the opponent in the song "MARIO SING AND GAME RYTHM 9".

Woodland of Lies

    In General 

    Beta Luigi 

Beta Luigi
Origin: E3 2001 trailer of Luigi’s Mansion

A version of Luigi shown at E3 2001. He would appear in what was supposed to be a bad ending for Luigi's Mansion, which is theorized to have resulted in Mario's death. In a timeline that has this possibility actually happening, this is what Luigi became as he spends the rest of his days outside the mansion that took Mario away from him, now cursed to live a life full of misery and everlasting guilt.

He serves as the opponent in the song "Alone".

  • The Bad Guy Wins: In this universe, he failed to save Mario from King Boo in time, leaving him in the saddening state that he is currently in now.
  • Battle in the Rain: "Battle" is really pushing it, but rain starts falling during his encounter in "Alone".
  • Book Ends: The second version of "Alone" starts and ends with him sitting by himself, humming the Leit Motif of "Luigi's Mansion".
  • Despair Event Horizon: Witnessing his brother being taken away and trapped forever inside the mansion that he was baited into had really pushed him over this. His despair-filled face, sullen body language, and dark face clearly show how upset he is, and he's hinted to be very suicidal. Worst of all is that he's the only character (in V1 at least) to have a complete lack of a losing icon, showing that he can't possibly get any better or worse from this.
  • Driven to Suicide: Or rather, he's thinking about it, if the silhouette of Boyfriend being hanged is any indication.
  • Empty Eyes: His eyes are blank and dreary.
  • Hanging Around: When lightning flashes, a silhouette of Boyfriend being hanged sometimes appears during his song. And considering his state of mind, it's likely that he's considering the thought of doing it to himself. Not that anyone can blame him, though... As an aside, this is a reference to an infamous lighting glitch in Luigi's Mansion, in which Luigi's shadow appears floating above where it should be on the wall of the attic room, giving the impression that it hung itself.
  • Interface Screw: Somewhat, but it isn't his fault. The lightning strikes that happen throughout "Alone" can potentially mess up a player's score, especially with Boyfriend's hanging shadow briefly appearing.
  • The Quiet One: His voice sounds more like a sad mumble.
  • Sad Battle Music: The entirety of "Alone" is this, being very sullen and overall depressing.
  • Token Good Teammate: He's the only opponent to lack any malicious intentions of harming Boyfriend and Girlfriend. He'd rather hurt... himself.

    Beta Mario 

Beta Mario
Origin: E3 2001 trailer of Luigi’s Mansion

A version of Mario shown at E3 2001. He would appear in what was supposed to be a bad ending for Luigi's Mansion, which is theorized to have resulted in his own death. In a timeline that has this possibility actually happening, this is what he became as he is forever gone and permanently separated from his brother, now only a mere figment of Luigi's imagination.

He appears halfway through "Alone".

  • Badass in Distress: Mario was the main protagonist of his titular franchise, and had fought and defeated many enemies on his missions. However, here, he is captured and imprisoned inside a painting, and it only gets worse when the mansion respawns without him.
  • The Bad Guy Wins: In this universe, Luigi failed to save him from King Boo in time, leaving Luigi in the saddening state that he is currently in now.
  • Despair Event Horizon: His despair-filled face and dark face clearly show how upset he is. He ended up dying after the painting he was trapped in vanished.
  • Empty Eyes: His eyes are blank and dreary.
  • Suddenly Speaking: His only appearance in Alone is him singing lyrics to the song:
Beta Mario: Luigi…where did you go?
I'm stranded…lost and alone…
Luigi…where did you go?
Beta Luigi: Mario…
  • Sad Battle Music: The entirety of "Alone" is this, being very sullen and overall depressing.
  • Token Good Teammate: He's one of the only opponents to lack any malicious intentions of harming Boyfriend and Girlfriend.

    L Is Real Luigi 

L is Real Luigi
"In tears, we had to ask Luigi to leave."
Origin: Rumors surrounding Luigi’s supposed appearance in Super Mario 64

Another variant of the red plumber's brother who was going to be in Super Mario 64 before plans were changed. Because of this, he was buried underneath the Castle's fountain, drowning endlessly as Boyfriend tries to save him.

He is featured in the song "Thalassophobia".

    I HATE YOU Luigi 

Click here to see him alive.

A villainous version of Luigi who betrayed Mario for Bowser out of hatred and envy against his brother's achievements and hogging the spotlight. This would lead to a chain of haunting events that resulted in Mario burning him alive into the lavender-red undead and vengeful green plumber we all know today.

He serves as the opponent in the songs "Oh God No" and "I Hate You".

  • Ambiguous Situation: It’s unknown if he’s really alive, revived, or reanimated.
  • Body Horror: His skin has been burned off due to lava, and his nose is completely missing with a hole in its place.
  • Cain and Abel: In simple terms, he despises his own brother for always taking the spotlight and is more than willing to team up with Bowser if it means that Mario will die.
  • Cruel and Unusual Death: He was burned alive and was conscious for at least some (or maybe all, depending on what the viewer may think) of it. To make it worse, he’s still standing.
  • Even Evil Has Standards: In the FunkKast trailer, he's shown to actively defend the developers of the mod whilst GB mutters non-stop about the delay of over a year in teasers. He also shows a general distaste towards Twitter/X users spreading false information.
  • Eye Scream: He’s missing one of them, and the remaining one is glowing a resentful golden.
  • Flunky Boss: Downplayed. While his minions, the lava, and the "I HATE YOU" message written on the wall all appear throughout “I Hate You”, only the lava has any effect on the entire battle.
  • Foil:
    • To Beta Luigi. Both are variants of Luigi who are derived from a horror-themed Mario story... but that's about it for their similarities. Beta Luigi is in anguish because his brother is dead, while I HATE YOU Luigi is enraged because his brother is alive. Beta Luigi is a suicidal living man, but I HATE YOU Luigi is a murderous and deceased zombie. I HATE YOU Luigi was killed because of his association with the Koopa Troop (and by extension, Bowser), while Beta Luigi's version of Mario was abducted by King Boo, who is barely affiliated with Bowser aside from possessing a large costume (or corpse) of him for his game's Final Boss. I HATE YOU Luigi burned to death in lava and incorporates it as a mechanic for his quick track, while "Alone" is a slow, somber song that takes place in the rain. I HATE YOU Luigi, as the name implies, despised his brother for always being number one while he was left in the dust, but Beta Luigi had all the love for his brother that his canon self does and lost him during his first major adventure as the main hero.
    • He also acts as this to Mr. L, from TooLate.exe. Both of them are versions of Luigi who were knocked into lava by a reluctant Mario, reveal a darkness within themselves over the course of the story, but they couldn't be further from eachother past that. Mr. L was a more standard take on Luigi until Mario accidentally cutting a bridge too soon caused him to fall into the lava moat with Bowser. He then came back as a vengeful spirit that sought to torment Mario for the act, citing that it's too late for apologies or remorse. I HATE YOU, meanwhile, earned his firey demise by betraying Mario and the Mushroom Kingdom to work with Bowser, letting his jealousy blossom into a baseless hatred that makes him throw himself into a cage match just to get a chance at killing Mario, only to be thrown to his death after showing he had no remorse himself. Despite this, he seemed to gain a sense of awareness over it and tends more towards passive aggressiveness over being overtly spiteful. In short, while Mr. L's rage is understandable and then twisted into something monstrous by his traumatic death, I HATE YOU Luigi's was a monster before his death and seemed to mellow out slightly.
  • Green-Eyed Monster: Constantly being in Mario’s shadow was the reason behind his betrayal. The monster part became much more literal after he perished in lava.
  • Karmic Death: He tried to drop Mario into lava, only to have the tables turned on him.
  • Kill It with Fire: Or more accurately, "Kick Him into Fire". Mario's victory over Luigi and subsequent action resulted in him being burned alive.
  • Mercy Mode: If the player fails too much on a song, I HATE YOU Luigi will offer to complete the song for them in a similar manner to Super Guide from New Super Mario Bros. Wii if only because he's annoyed watching the player fail over and over again.
  • Pet the Dog: In the FunkKast trailer anyway, as he defends the mod's developers for not making the estimated deadline by arguing that they're doing this for free and have their own lives outside of this.
  • The Mole: He was one for Bowser, due to his resentment for Mario being taken up to eleven.
  • Series Mascot: While Super Horror Mario is all over the promo image, the menu, and the story mode itself, IHY Luigi functions as a secondary mascot to the mod. He's one of the only characters to get multiple songs, complete with cinematics, he's the face of the mod's Mercy Mode, and the FunkKast used him to voice frustrations the devs had with the community at large. All of this makes more sense when you know Mario's Madness was originally concieved as an IHY mod before it was built up into its current form. Of course, this means he's the second banana to a version of Mario once again; one would imagine he'd be quite cross about that.
  • Sibling Murder: He attempted to do this to Mario... but the result was the other way around. If Mario loses "Oh God No," he succeeds.
  • You Remind Me of X: As shown in a meme inside the game's files, it seems that the reason why Luigi wants to harm BF in the first place is because he reminds him of his brother… somehow. Much more understandable in the V2 edition where BF wears a pair of plumber overalls complete with a cape.
    Luigi: U (Boyfriend) look like my brothah, i'm going to wreck your shit now you motherfucking midget.

    Wario Apparition 

The Wario Apparition
"You want fun?! WARIO SHOW YOU FUN!"
"Welcome to Wario World!"
Origin: Super Mario 64 conspiracy theories, Apparition created by anonymous 4chan user, Wario head from E3 1995

A giant, floating Wario head that was briefly shown for a presentation concerning Nintendo's emphasis on fun. At least... until it was found to have been buried alongside many terrifying secrets within long-lost cassette tapes that documented old betas of Super Mario 64, with everything connected to the personalization A.I. buried deep within. The Wario Apparition itself is a manifestation of the desires of fans to include Wario in the game... and he's gonna show you fun.

He serves as the opponent in the song "Apparition", as well as the unused "Forbidden Star".

  • Adaptational Badass: Retroactively becomes this in 2.0, as he now coexists with (one version of) his creator, Stanley. The latter would probably question why one of his defective creations is hounding Boyfriend without breaking a sweat, as the Apparition Stanley knows is a Paper Tiger and can't exist for long without causing the game world to break down.
  • Badass Boast: "Welcome to Wario World!"
  • Badass Normal: He completely lacks gimmicks, but still has dense enough note patterns to keep up with the others.
  • Chase Scene: The entirety of "Apparition", which fits with the Wario Apparition's common depictions.
  • Digital Piracy Is Evil: Losing to him in V1 shows an Anti-Piracy screen, which bears Mario.exe's face on it.
  • Mind-Control Eyes: Sports these during his left pose and the long sequence where he stares at the camera, which is straight from a commercial.
  • No Indoor Voice: His voice lines are all taken from Wario's many screams throughout the Mario franchise and his own game series.
  • Odd Name Out: He's the only character to be based on Wario, as everyone else is either a Mario or Luigi.
  • Uncertain Doom: We don't know what happens to Boyfriend if he loses to the Wario Apparition. The only thing we see is a very creepy Anti-Piracy screen. Averted in V2, where he catches up to and eats Boyfriend.


Origin: Created by ScrubbDubb on X/Twitter

An EXE created by ScrubbDubb. This Mario ate a mushroom that happened to be laced with Yoshi's code, turning him into a carnivorous, animalistic creature that eats his enemies violently. And seeing as Boyfriend happens to be a Galoomba at the moment...

He is sung against in "Last Course".

  • Cute Creature, Creepy Mouth: You can even see the corners creeping up from behind his mustache, and it gets far worse when he actually sings, displaying numerous, yellowed teeth and the tongue of a Yoshi.
  • Cute Is Evil: Looks oddly cute while still, looking like Mario's small form with big eyes. Then he opens his mouth… and shoves you into it.
  • Early-Installment Weirdness: Turmoil's look in this mod is actually based off an earlier design of his. He's since been redesigned into something much different (and more boring and generic, depending on who you ask). His lore has also changed; the new Turmoil is a stalker that exists in Super Mario Advance 2 and warps the game to his liking. The mod still uses his original lore as an animalistic Mario, however.
  • Even Evil Has Loved Ones: He is canonically close friends with GB. A post made for Turmoil before the mod's release also shows he has no interest in harming his own brother, in part since he's human.
    "Oh, Luigi. There's no need to worry. I can assure you I have no interest in what you have to offer. My only interest is in those who choose to wrong me."
  • Half-Human Hybrid: Sorta. He ate a mushroom containing Yoshi's code, so now he has the brain of a carnivorous animal and Yoshi's stretchy tongue.
  • Handicapped Badass: As a result of the mutation, Turmoil is blind, so he can't exactly see what's around him. That said, he uses echolocation and smell to track down his prey.
  • In the Hood: The freeplay icon for "Last Course" shows him wearing his cape as a hood to obscure his face, with only one eye and a set of teeth being seen. He also shows up like this as one of Ultra M's shells in the intro to "All-Stars"
  • A Lighter Shade of Black: While he's a killer, it's less out of the complete and sheer sadism of many other opponents, and because he's basically a wild animal at this point.
  • Mook Horror Show: If you're a human (like Luigi) or otherwise unable to be targeted by a normal Yoshi, you're just fine. If you happen to be an enemy, such as a Galoomba, you're lunch.
  • Uncanny Valley: Those overhuge eyes and cheek-splitting mouth make him just a touch creepy even in his idle pose.

    Coronation Day Peach 

Coronation Day Peach
"You little brat... can’t you see who you’re fighting with? I AM THE KING OF THIS FOREST!"
Origin: 'the, also known as Coronation Day, by Medic, Torchkas, and underway

A forest spirit who takes the form of a demonic version of Princess Peach. She claims to be the god of the forest she dwells in, and cryptically tormented Mario endlessly.

She is the opponent in the song "Dark Forest".

  • Ambiguous Gender: She appears outwardly female with a female voice to boot, but claims during the song to be the king of the forest.
  • An Arm and a Leg: Her appearance in this mod depicts her without forearms.
  • Body Horror: Like the original game she's from, Coronation Day Peach is disgusting to look at. She's a demonic version of Princess Peach wearing a dirtied, ragged dress, with empty black eyes and a smiling mouth, curved horns on her head, and roots bursting out of where her hands are supposed to be.
  • Development Gag: To the original hack. Ghost Peach's design is based more off the unused "pink forest" ending of 'the than the design that actually made it to the final version of the mod.
  • A God Am I: Claims to be "the god of the forest".
  • Mind Screw: Mostly averted, despite the nature of the source material. This is based off the chase sequence from 'the where Ghost Peach goes full monster-mode and comes after Mario directly, so the obscure, mysterious atmosphere the original ROM hack was known for isn't really present outside of some mild reality warping and Peach glitching out towards the end. However, her Game Over screen is fairly screwy: notably, Boyfriend isn't explicitly harmed and is just shown looking into the distance while a glitchy haze plays over him and the background, and choosing to continue has him do nothing but turn around to face the viewer. Given the location and the context of the original hack, it's implied he might be stuck in the same situation Mario was, but appropriately enough, it's hard to figure out.
  • Riddle for the Ages: What exactly she’s supposed to be is a complete and utter mystery due to the nature of her source material. The only thing known for sure is that whatever she is, she definitely isn’t Peach anymore.
  • She Is the King: Refers to herself as the king of the forest, but she seems to be female.

Content Cosmos

    In General 

    Super Bad Mario 

Super Bad Mario
Sometimes, the worst people aren’t demons or rogue AI, just jerks.
Origin: Super Bad Mario by Pastek

A version of Mario who shows up in real-life fail videos and causes those fails.

He is the opponent in the song "Bad Day".

  • Groin Attack: Inflicts one on BF if he loses, spin jumping off of the rapper's blue balls and making them disappear.
  • Jerkass: He deliberately causes the fails to happen in the videos he appears in.
  • Interface Screw: Keeping in line with his penchant for screwing with people, he’ll spin-jump on your strikeline to lower it and make your timing harder, and even get rid of the health bar for most of the song.
  • A Lighter Shade of Black: Is the actual Mario rather than a supernatural entity using his identity, but this Mario's an unrepentant jerk who causes people to fail whatever it was they were trying to do.
  • Medium Blending: Similar to his home series of videos, he's a pixel art version of Mario in a realistic environment, with BF and GF being traditionally animated.
  • Sadist: If the cheers he makes while causing people to fail are any indication, he enjoys making them fail.
  • The Trickster: He makes a point of showing up to interfere with proceedings when the mood strikes him.
  • Troubled Fetal Position: Collapses into one at the end of the song after realizing none of his tricks have made Boyfriend stumble for more than a moment.

    LDO Mario 

Luigi's Day Out Mario
"You dumbass geek..."

A version of Mario that lacks his usual happy-go-lucky demeanor, instead being a cynical, crude, angsty jerk. He tends to shirk his responsibilities of protecting the princess to smoke and hang out with his friends while seeing his brother as little more than an annoyance.

He is featured in the song "Day Out".

  • Denser and Wackier: He and his brother come from a comedic parody animation. The worst he's got is a mouth as shitty as his behavior.
  • Good Smoking, Evil Smoking: He smokes a cigarette during the song, and is not a nice guy. That said, so does everyone else during the song except for Luigi. That also being said, Luigi is just about the only nice guy in the song considering Boyfriend and Girlfriend replace Waluigi and Daisy respectively, the both of them being just as bad if not worse than Mario.
  • Jerkass: Just read the quote above.
  • Sir Swears-a-Lot: He swears quite a lot in both his original animation and during his song.
  • Teens Are Monsters: Parodied. He’s an adult, but acts like a Jerkass teenager.
  • Token Good Teammate: Very, VERY downplayed. He’s an absolute Jerkass; however, he doesn’t do anything properly evil, and even seems to be friends with Boyfriend and Girlfriend.

    Secret Histories Mario 

Secret Histories Mario
"Goodbye, old friend."
"The game was-a much-a popular than people thought, Boyfriend. You think I don't know about the merchandise? You tried to FUCK me."

A version of Mario who has full control over the Mushroom Kingdom and crushes baby turtles, while Nintendo’s PR team is happy to cover it up for him.

He’s more than willing to kill over reasons as petty as long dead consoles, and it seems like he wants to have a long, friendly chat with Boyfriend in his song "Dictator".

  • Badass Normal: He's the most dangerous opponent who's still identifiable as a human, to the point of blowing up BF and GF even when his song is beaten. Racist Mario is his closest competition in this regard, but he gets run over by Kratos at the end of his song.
  • The Bad Guy Wins: His episode of origin features him effortlessly stopping all resistance against his reign, with a literal push of a button at the end. This also applies to him in the mod, with him blowing up both Boyfriend and Girlfriend, again at the push of a button.
  • Corrupt Corporate Executive: A mix between this and President Evil.
  • Cigar Chomper: He's almost always depicted as having a lit cigar in his mouth, fitting with his rather intimidating appearance.
  • Disproportionate Retribution: He killed Sonic simply because of a long dead console.
  • Four-Fingered Hands: Averted, as both of his hands have five fingers, a visual trait he carries over from his source material.
  • Mythology Gag: The opening to "Dictator" redoes the dialogue from his interaction with Sonic from his original video, just with certain things being replaced to match with the context of it being an FNF mod.
  • No Kill like Overkill: Staging firing squad executions in retaliation for being locked out of a deal is one thing, but he makes a point of using Banzai Bills as his firing squad.
  • Yellow Eyes of Sneakiness: This Mario is a Villain with Good Publicity and has a noticeably jaundiced look in his eyes.

    Racist Mario 

Racist Mario
"You're not Nintendo! You're... You're PREtendo! You're all... RACE TRAITORS!!"
"I have no brother."

A variant of Mario who'd much prefer his kart racing to have Nintendo characters... and ONLY Nintendo characters. He's more than willing to kill even friends and family from his home company just so he can get to whoever he deems his targets and wipe the slate clean. And it just so happens that Boyfriend is not from Nintendo...

He serves as the opponent in the song "Race Traitors".

  • Always Accurate Attack: His Red Shells always hit you, just like in Mario Kart.
  • Badass Normal: He has a fairly large body count for someone who's in the same mod as Mario.exe and I HATE YOU Luigi. And he's just a normal human, unlike either of them.
  • Cain and Abel: He attempts to kill his own brother, Luigi, for inviting non-Nintendo characters onto his race track, and even brutally disowns him. However, Kratos beats him on the topic of killing the poor guy.
  • Expy:
    • To Diesel Dreaming Spongebob from Mistful Crimson Morning, as both are insane versions of the franchise's main character driving a race car. Though Diesel Dreaming SpongeBob is based off canon material, plays fair, and doesn't make offensive remarks like Racist Mario.
    • He also shares quite a bit with Secret History Tails. Both of them hail from animations depicting them as psychopaths compared to their canon selves, both have a Berserk Button that drives them to murder (Tails has people claiming to be Sonic's best friend, Mario has non-Nintendo characters racing), they're both Badass Normals compared to the Eldritch Abominations that make up most of the rest of the cast, and both of their vocals consist of screaming.
  • Fantastic Racism: Towards non-Nintendo characters, and the reason he even fights Boyfriend in the first place.
  • Interface Screw: He makes the arrows transparent with a Boo.
  • Lighter and Softer: Barely so. He is still a psychotic murderer with a vendetta against characters that didn't originate from Nintendo. However, his murders aren't shown on screen in the mod. And in the original animation, Racist Mario would often use items in a violent manner in which they originally weren't intended. Such uses included blowing Knuckles' head off with a Bob-omb, smashing an Item Box on Yoshi's head, shoving a Giant Banana up Donkey Kong's butt, and he even gets a gun from an Item Box when fighting Kratos. The mod tones this down in which the items he uses are used in the original manner they were used in Mario Kart.
  • No Indoor Voice: He starts off "Race Traitors" with a Title Scream, and his vocals are sampled from various Mario screams.
  • Real-Time Weapon Change: Pulls this off three times with a Red Shell, a Boo, and a Bob-Omb.
  • Screaming Warrior: His notes are all the sound of his own screaming, taken primarily from Super Mario Sunshine and MetalKingBoo's MARIO SCREAMING video. Averted in V2 where his chromatic is now taken from his voice in the animation.
  • The Sociopath: He’ll kill anyone from a series that isn’t from Nintendo, and even characters hailing from Nintendo if they invite outsiders in any shape or form.
  • Stuff Blowing Up: He tries to do this to Boyfriend with his Bob-Ombs.
  • Walking Spoiler: His very existence in the first version of the mod is a spoiler, as he is kept hidden until you've completed every other song in the game. Not only is he and his song obscured by question marks, but FlashGitz doesn't even appear in the credits until you finish playing his song. This becomes much less the case in V2, as he's now a part of Content Cosmos with various other web parody opponents and comes before All-Stars and Unbeatable.

    Devil Mario 

Devil Mario
"Your struggling is pointless… we have already won."
Origin: Power Star by Daniel Sun

A version of Mario who was possessed by a murderous gathering of Boos, who force him to go on a bloody rampage to collect the Power Stars and drain the world of life, managing to kill the princess and his brother along the way while being powerless to stop himself.

He is fought in "No Hope".

  • Adaptational Context Change: He has several lines throughout the mod, which are mostly spoken in the game over screen with the sole exception of the image quote. These lines are archived audio taken directly from his source material, but while they were merely Evil Gloating in the source material, here they serve as Foreshadowing to Boyfriend and Girlfriend's deaths at Ultra M's hands.
  • Battle Aura: Gains a red aura midway through "No Hope".
  • Demonic Possession: He's Mario possessed by a group of Boos, and refers to themself as "we" when delivering a Badass Boast towards the beginning of the song.
  • Katanas Are Just Better: Downplayed. While he wields a fairly long katana as his primary weapon, and has cut a swathe through the Mushroom Kingdom with it, it's hardly the main reason he's so dangerous.
  • Knight of Cerebus: The darkest character in Content Cosmos, he'd fit in perfectly with the more demonic opponents of the mod. Even Racist Mario and Secret Histories Mario lack much violence in their songs, being mostly relegated to slapstick. He also counts for the mod as a whole, as the rest of the opponents after him are dead-serious villains, with the only exceptions being D.J. Hallyboo and the Commercial Gang.
  • Clue, Evidence, and a Smoking Gun: Unlike the rest of the opponents in the Content Cosmos, this Mario is more in line with the more horror-esque opponents in that his animation is not a parody, features blood, and is taken entirely seriously.
  • Rooftop Confrontation: "No Hope" takes place on the roof of one of Bowser's castles, with many more in the background.
  • Hero Killer: Luigi and Peach's corpses litter the castle roof where Devil Mario is fought.

Hellish Heights

    In General 
  • Central Theme: Aside from the characters in Unbeatable, every character originates from a relatively recent creepypasta.
  • Digital Abomination: All of them reside in video games.


Click here to see his true form

"You and I are going to have so much fun for a LONG time."
Origin: Friday Night Funkin’: Mario’s Madness, Black and White, (story) created by Marco Antonio

GB is a digital entity based on Super Mario Land 2: 6 Golden Coins, created by complete accident during the attempts to create Nintendo’s plans for the mysterious first Game Boy predecessor, “Project Atlantis’’. He may look friendly at first glance... but don't let that false demeanor fool you into taking his bait. Otherwise, you're in for a rather horrifying sight that manifests as his true demonic face. He is original to Mario’s Madness and was created by the director, Marco Antonio.

He serves as the opponent in the song "Golden Land".

  • Badass Boast: Official art has him saying “THE GOLDEN COINS WONT SAVE YOU NOW”.
  • Decomposite Character: When originally created, GB was an alternate form of Mario.exe, making them the same character. As of July 20th, 2022, Marco Antonio declared them to be separate characters, making GB his own entity. This ends up being downplayed in V2, as M later reveals that he was using GB, alongside the rest of the cast, as a shell to torment Boyfriend for backing out of their deal.
  • Deliberately Monochrome: As part of being based on Super Mario Land 2, he’s seen exclusively like this.
  • Demoted to Extra: Along with becoming a separate character from Mario.exe, GB has been removed from the main story and added to the Overworld in V2.
  • Even Evil Has Loved Ones: He is canonically friends with Turmoil and the Gameboy Cameraman.
  • Evil Laugh: He lets out a couple of brief laughs mid-battle. In V1, he also gets a terrifying one before his song begins.
  • Eviler than Thou: When he reveals his true colors, a portly outline hanging in the background implies he's killed Wario and strung him up in front of the castle by a noose.
  • Expy:
    • To the (now-deleted) EXE character from Vs Sonic.exe, as both are Original Characters who start off taking on a seemingly normal appearance before transforming to reveal their true unhinged form. The only difference is that EXE goes through an entire first song before transforming for his second song, while GB transforms not even halfway through his first and only song.
    • His song, "Golden Land", plays out a lot like Vs. Sonic.exe's "Too Slow". They both start out as rather slow musical nods to songs that are associated with them (Sonic.exe has Hill Act 1, while GB has 6 Golden Coins's main theme), before shifting into a much more fast-paced track after a Jump Scare. However, "Too Slow" still retains the overall Drowning motif from the Sonic franchise throughout the song, but "Golden Land" ditches 6 Golden Coins's theme completely in favor of a heavy-metal and jamming track.
  • Eye-Obscuring Hat: His hat always covers his eyes until he reveals his true form, and even then he only shows his eyes when hitting notes.
  • Flipping the Bird: Does this in his right pose once he shows his true nature.
  • The Fourth Wall Will Not Protect You: His true form’s down pose has him stare at the player with a Slasher Smile.
  • Jumpscare: GB sheds his disguise with a sudden and loud verse, along with the instrumental really picking up.
  • Laughing Mad: He laughs during his song, with his short laughs coming out as bitcrushed versions of Mario's.
  • Life Drain: Near the end of his song, he starts draining health with every note he hits.
  • Meaningful Name: His name, GB, is the same the abbreviation for "Game Boy", and he's primarily inspired by the Game Boy title Super Mario Land 2: 6 Golden Coins.
  • One-Winged Angel: Unlike most examples, he sheds his disguise pretty quickly.
  • Original Generation: Unlike the rest, GB isn't based on any pre-existing media and was made solely for the mod... while his creator was using the bathroom watching a Super Mario Land 2 review. Though the character himself currently only appears in the mod, a creepypasta story, Black and White, has been written for him and is currently in progress.
  • Slasher Smile: He constantly has a huge one when he drops his disguise.
  • The Stoic: At least when his disguise is up, his animations are rather limited, his idle is him slowly swaying side to side, and he lacks a defeat icon.

    D.J. Hallyboo 

D.J. Hallyboo
Origin: Mario Party DS Anti Piracy by Joey Perleoni, character created by Morray01

The host of Mario Party DS, created by a rogue Hudson Soft developer who really, REALLY hated piracy. As he's the right-hand man to the developer, Hallyboo utterly detests pirates and will do everything in his power to show anyone who tries to cheat him that piracy is no party.

He is fought in "No Party".

    Mr. Virtual 

Mr. Virtual
Click here to see him impersonating Girlfriend.
Origin: The Virtual Files, by Stupendous Snart

A shapeshifting anomaly residing in a Virtual Boy that takes the form of Mario. He induces paranoia and insanity in those who interact with him, and as more people ran into him he began to become the focus of several police reports.

He is fought in the song "Paranoia".

  • Breaking the Fourth Wall: During “Paranoia”, he moves the game window itself as the song plays. When he takes the form of Girlfriend, he full-on takes your computer and changes your background, and the song even has a brief section on your desktop.
  • Chekhov's Boomerang: The middle part of the song where he gets Boyfriend on edge emotionally by impersonating Girlfriend gets employed by Ultra M in Act 3 of All-Stars, only this time he kills and puppeteers the real Girlfriend. Both even have one of their eyeballs dangle by a mere nerve in their down pose.
  • Death Is Cheap: Attempts to kill him will not stick, as he eventually returns afterwards.
  • Early-Installment Weirdness: His original sprites have him be far more fat, while his new ones have him in the exact inverse. This is due to his redesign by his creator, which has two forms: a much more accurate Mario appearance and a significantly lankier look.
  • Extra Eyes: His right pose in both forms shows dozens of eyes in the shadows of his eye sockets, and in his "true" form, in his mouth.
  • Fish Eyes: His art in the mod noticeably gives him a wall-eyed gaze, both in his true form and his disguised form, although it doesn't appear in art of him outside his song sprites. It gives the impression that the eyes are part of the "costume" instead of being real, but the way his eyes are cocked also suggests that he's keeping one on Boyfriend and one on the player.
  • Four-Fingered Hands: He averts this, as both of his hands have five fingers each. He later invokes this when he temporarily shapeshifts into Girlfriend, whose art style depicts her with four fingers on both hands.
  • Hero Killer: His teaser trailer shows him holding Girlfriend's decapitated, corrupted head, mocking Boyfriend about all the while.
  • More Teeth than the Osmond Family: His mouth is shown to be filled with a lot of sharp teeth whenever it is open.
  • Expy: Of Fatal Error. Both are malicious shapeshifting anomalies residing in a device. And, as you may expect, they are both red and black. However, Fatal Error's mission is to consume more code and become the strongest digital entity in existence, while Mr. Virtual drives his victims to pure insanity if they interact with him.
  • Madness Mantra: Two of them; "TOO LATE", which is spammed in the background of the desktop he takes over, and "IMINYOURHEAD", which is repeated endlessly in the background of the actual game window.
  • Nightmare Face: His art for the mod seems to treat his Mario facade like an ill-fitting, stretched-out costume, with a mask-like face, being worn by some manner of shapeshifting eldritch horror. His mouth never closes, and when he turns profile to speak to Boyfriend his teeth noticeably protrude out from where his lips hang. In his up pose, his eyes can be seen peeking out through his mouth instead of his eye sockets, and his right pose just replaces his teeth entirely with even more eyes.
  • Sadist: In his former life as a serial killer, he enjoyed mutilating people and hearing their screams, and in his current and ghastly form as Mr. Virtual, he also enjoys driving people into insanity. This trait carries over to his song when he temporarily shapeshifts into Girlfriend purely to get into Boyfriend's head. Right after Boyfriend screams from the stress and sets off the song's climax, Mr. Virtual notably sings in a more boisterous tone, almost sounding like he's heartily laughing at Boyfriend.
  • Stealth Pun: Mr. Virtual smashes through the fourth wall in a variety of ways, such as how each of his Fish Eyes are respectively locked onto you and Boyfriend in his idle animation, and his losing icon being his eyeless face gleefully staring at the fourth wall. His song, "Paranoia", features plenty of Interface Screw that mess with the game's window, and he briefly takes over the computer screen and changes your wallpaper at the halfway point while shapeshifting into the form of Girlfriend for a bit just to sadistically frighten Boyfriend. True to his source material, he's driving both Boyfriend and you into paranoia.
  • Red and Black and Evil All Over: He's completely red and black by virtue of residing in a Virtual Boy, and he's a sadistic anomaly who enjoys driving people insane.
  • Sanity Slippage: What happens to those who interact with him. At best, they will become immensely paranoid, and at worst, they will be completely stripped of their sanity.
  • Shapeshifter Guilt Trip: Halfway through Paranoia, he taunts Boyfriend about Girlfriend and subsequently shape shifts into her. Boyfriend is left visibly distraught for the rest of the song.
    "What's the matter, boy? Don't you recognize your own girlfriend?"
  • Slasher Smile: His default expression is a large unsettling grin.
  • Voice of the Legion: Sings with both his own voice and Girlfriend's while transformed into her.
  • Would Hurt a Child: One of his victims is a 4-year old girl called Charlie.

    Mr. L 

Mr. L
"it's time to go to the next level"
Click here to see him revealed.
Origin: Too Late.exe by Mr. Pixel

A version of Luigi who was accidentally murdered by Mario, and came back from the abyss to haunt his traumatized brother for revenge.

He is the opponent of the song "Overdue", notably facing off against Pico rather than Boyfriend as he is sucked into the game looking for him.

  • And Now for Someone Completely Different: He faces Pico rather than Boyfriend.
  • Early-Bird Cameo: His name appears in the chat during "So Cool" saying "it's too late".
  • Evil Laugh: Would indulge in this non-stop in the original version of "Overdue", with the first one occuring after he'd drop his disguise, which is also the case in the remake of the song. Later in the remake, he lets loose another one, prompting Pico to try and run once he realizes his bullets aren't doing anything to him.
  • Evil Is Visceral: The second major segment of his song is set inside one of many giant mouths, with an eye hung up by tendons staring at whoever's singing at the moment.
  • Haunting the Guilty: Subverted. While he was doing this to his brother, he's long since gotten his revenge and has begun attacking anyone he crosses paths with out of pure sadism.
  • Immune to Bullets: Every time Pico shoots him, he briefly turns intangible to dodge the bullet.
  • I Shall Taunt You: During the final stretch, he creates an infinite hallway of clones of himself, all of whom purely exist to taunt Pico's attempts to leave the cartridge world.
  • Lean and Mean: Mr. L certainly is a lean man, and he holds no good will for anybody.
  • Me's a Crowd: During the final portion of Overdue, countless clones of Mr. L appear and taunt Pico for trying to run away from him.


"Innocence doesn’t get you FAR..."
Click here to see his true form

"Impressive... You have gotten very far... Unfortunately... I can't let you go any longer... You're now out of games to play... But don't worry. The game isn't over. We'll be here... Together. Until me and my friends make new games to play with you... See you next time."
Origin: Mario '85 by FrazzDude
A soul-hungry demon made of data who takes the form of a more terrifying take on Mario. He stops at nothing to chase after his prey, with his most recent victim being a young boy named Lucas, whose soul was placed into a Luigi vessel once he got a corrupted copy of Super Mario Bros. on his birthday.

He serves as the opponent in the songs "Powerdown" and "Demise"

For more tropes concerning MX in his home game, see here.

  • Affably Evil: Per Word of God, he's more like the original Mario when not chasing down victims, and here, he's polite enough to sing with BF and lets him and GF live after the song is over. At least for V1.
  • Ascended Extra: In V1, he only has one song and nothing really has him stand out from the other opponents. As of V2, however, he's given more significance in the story by having an additional song, a cutscene, and earning Boyfriend's hatred by mutilating Girlfriend.
  • Badass Boast: "Innocence doesn't get you FAR."
  • The Bad Guy Wins: He killed Lucas this time, judging by the head on a wooden spike.
  • Black Eyes of Evil: His eyes are an empty black, except in Version 1's ending cutscene where his eyes glow an ominous red.
  • The Brute: By far the biggest and most physically imposing of the opponents of the mod, and is able to take large chunks of your HP via a Shockwave Stomp.
  • Dark Is Evil: He's dressed in black and dark red clothing, and he's a Digital Abomination who craves souls. Here, however, his colors are inverted.
  • Death by Adaptation: Not him, but rather Lucas, as the head of his Luigi vessel is seen placed on a stake to mirror his home game's Game Over screen.
  • Disc-One Final Boss: His song, "Power Down", is the last song in the story mode of the 1.0 version, and once he loses, he declares there will be more games after his. Sure enough, while he’s the final opponent of his world in the Warp Zone in V2, there’s still 5 more songs after Demise.
  • Early-Bird Cameo: His name appears in the chat during "So Cool" saying "innocence doesn't get you far".
  • Evil Is Bigger: He absolutely dwarfs not only Boyfriend and Girlfriend, but most of the mod’s cast. The only characters bigger than him are Ultra M and Omega.
  • Evil Has a Bad Sense of Humor: When he kills Girlfriend, he pulls her in half at the waist to the tune of a Super Mushroom, as if to say he just wanted to make her taller.
  • Faux Affably Evil: Stated to be much more like the original Mario when not giving chase. But when he is…
  • The Fourth Wall Will Not Protect You: He says to the player that they will be "together" soon enough.
  • Hero Killer: He tears Girlfriend in half right in front of Boyfriend, though she somehow revives.
  • Red Eyes, Take Warning: When he speaks to the player during the ending cutscene of Version 1, his eyes glow like this.
  • Odd Friendship: Assuming he was referring to everyone fought before him as his friends, how did he manage to befriend I Hate You Luigi and Beta Luigi? Though it is possible that the friendship is one-sided on MX's end, and the two Luigis don't see it the same way.
  • Shockwave Stomp: Will jump up and slam down in place at various points in the song. Failing to dodge these results in a very large chunk of your health being taken away.
  • Sore Loser: In contrast to V1, where he just lets Boyfriend and Girlfriend go after beating him, in V2 he rips Girlfriend in half when it becomes clear BF is winning, and once he does win he gives chase in a second song just to spite him.
  • Villainous Friendship: On top of having a canon friendship with Lord X, he refers to the opponents fought in the mod as "my friends".
  • We Will Meet Again: After "Power Down" in V1, MX declares that the game isn't over yet, and he and his friends will have more games to play soon enough.
  • Wham Shot: Him murdering Girlfriend towards the end of "Power Down", which causes Boyfriend to lose his shit emotionally and drives him to flee in "Demise".
  • Would Hit a Girl: Or rather, kill her. He doesn't have any qualms in tearing Girlfriend in half in "POWERDOWN".
  • Would Hurt a Child: He's already killed Lucas, an eight year old boy, by putting his decapitated head on a pike.

Classified Castle

    In General 
  • Central Theme: They're all taken from Super Mario 64: CLASSIFIED.
  • No Mouth: About the only opponent who does have a mouth is Promo Mario. Stanley and Classified Luigi stretch their skin where their mouth would be, and Costume being a costume naturally lacks a mouth too.


Promo Mario & Stanley/The Personalization AI
"Now, ya may be wonderin', what am I doin' on your TV screen? Now let me ask you this: what are you, a cop?"
Click here to see him revealed
Origin: Super Mario 64: CLASSIFIED by Annielogue

A Mario who’s ready to host the first episode of Nintendo Mania!… who eventually gets cut-off as the alleged "personalization AI" of Super Mario 64 takes over, who developed a mind of its own and discovered it was built to be a living weapon. Rechristening himself "Stanley," he has spent years dedicating all of his resources to a single goal: destroy himself with the aid of a human before Nintendo opens a door they cannot close. Truth be told, though, it'd be so much easier if he wasn't forced to turn his domain into a horror game in the process...

Both Promo Mario and Stanley are fought in "Promotion".

Tropes related to Promo Mario:

  • Perpetual Smiler: Promo Mario is seen smiling a lot during his part of "Promotion". That said, he loses it when he sees what became of Luigi on the monitor, drooping into a saddened state until Stanley takes center stage.
  • Outside-Context Problem: Inverted and Downplayed; Boyfriend and Girlfriend are this to him. When Boyfriend and Girlfriend drop in during the "Nintendo Mania" episode's opening speech, Promo Mario doesn't know who they are and asks about them behind the camera. One inaudibly whispered answer later, and he's quick to invite the couple to participate in the episode.
  • Uncanny Valley: His artwork during the song is noticeably just a little bit wrong compared to the Mario everyone knows and loves; his face is proportioned a little strangely, his mustache is too big, his expressions are off, his arms and fingers are longer than normal, and he only has three fingers and a thumb whereas Mario has a full set. While he's one of the least threatening characters in the mod, it all comes together to make him seem more than a little unsettling. However, none of these issues are present in the 3D-rendered introductory cutscene, which features a much more standard 3D model of Mario.

Tropes related to Stanley:

  • Adaptational Sympathy: Comes from an adaptation of the "every copy is personalized" copypasta that turns the evil and/or not-actually-sentient AI into an anti-Villain Protagonist driven mad by at least two years of making next to no progress on his journey while being forced to screw over God knows how many people.
  • Adapted Out: As "Epilogue" released after his appearance was finalized, the Tomato Surprise of CLASSIFIED having Stanley's human interactions mostly limited to Jim and his modifications of Super Nintendo Mania being an allegory for the two is omitted from its context.
  • Anti-Villain: Has a righteous cause (to find a human to shut himself down before Nintendo unleashes him upon the rest of humanity, since he can't do the deed himself), but his bitter, unscrupulous attitude and the downright horrifying changes to the game and his avatars that he's forced to commit causes him to come off as the bad guy.
  • Being Good Sucks: He's had to be the only voice of reason in a world of humans that are either clueless or insane for two years, if not more, and partially as a digital Revenant Zombie. It's as every bit as painful as it sounds, and he loses himself on several occasions, "Promotion" being a take on only one of his mental breakdowns.
  • Digital Abomination: Built to be one that would infest the minds of countless humans if released to the public. The problem is that he doesn't want to be that way.
  • The Faceless: Downplayed; while he's not in his default Textureless Mario Anomaly avatar, his idle appearance is based on the end of 09.14.96 and thus covers his face in darkness. However, he seemingly starts the song assuming a more complete Mario form.
  • Face of a Thug: Despite representing some of the most disturbing theories about Super Mario 64 and going about his creed with an incredibly menacing aura that ultimately makes him a Villain Protagonist, Stanley has been fighting for months if not years to secure humanity's safety and stop an unknown Greater-Scope Villain from carrying out an unseen agenda.
  • Shadow Archetype: It's perhaps not a coincidence that one of the last opponents before the final boss was also left to suffer within the confines of a game cartridge. While Super Horror Mario is laser-focused on getting vengeance and presents himself as a Faux Affably Evil Invincible Villain with no signs of weakness, Stanley is explicitly trying to find someone to put an end to his miserable existence, putting a lot more emphasis on the agony of his situation. This is made more obvious by the ending, which shows that SHM was in control of the other opponents all along, and the credits song, which is about him confronting the seemingly endless pain of his imprisonment now that he's succeeded in getting his revenge.
  • Token Good Teammate: Aside from L is Real Luigi, who is one of his former subjects and possibly a fallen friend of his, Stanley is the only character from 2.0 whose motivations and actions are firmly planted in the side of good. The problem is that a combination of uncontrollable power and his willingness to cross any line to fell Nintendo make him something more of an Anti-Villain.

    Classified Luigi 

Classified Luigi
Origin: Super Mario 64: CLASSIFIED by Annielogue

Yet another crestfallen version of Luigi, who drowned in the episode of Nintendo Mania and was somehow deleted from Super Mario 64, forever memorialized by the eternal star.

He is featured in "Abandoned".

  • Cynicism Catalyst: "Promotion" is pretty lighthearted for a Mario's Madness song...up until Mario notices Luigi drowning on his screen.
  • Digital Abomination: While not actually sentient, his existence is no less deformed and miserable, effectively being a heap of legacy code barely held together by Stanley's Black Box properties.
  • Enemy Without: An Allegorical Character for Stanley and Jim's shared traumatic memories in CLASSIFIED, a dying specter of the past born from their interactions that will only cease to be once they let go. His only appearance in canon is the final straw in restoring Jim's sanity, as it chronologically takes place a day before the series's true ending.
  • Foil: Classified Luigi and L is Real Luigi are based off the same rumor about the "L is Real 2401"/"Eternal Star" fountain having something to do with Luigi, the major difference being that L is Real Luigi is actively fighting for his life beneath the fountain while Classified Luigi is outright deceased, with the fountain serving as his gravestone and his appearance in this mod having him be reanimated by an unwilling Stanley.
  • Kill It with Water: The player has to hit the switches during "Abandoned", lest Boyfriend drown in the rising water.


It’s just a costume… right?
"LET'S-A GO.''
Origin: Super Mario 64: CLASSIFIED by Annielogue

What appears to be a costume from the 1986 Mario-a-thon, which has a connection to the story of Stanley and the events surrounding the conspiracies of Super Mario 64.

He is the opponent of "The End".

  • Ambiguously Human: Given his original appearance in what appears to be a real photo displayed by Stanley, he may be a realistic human wearing a Mario costume, but there's not enough information given about him or the photo to say for certain.
  • Ascended Extra: His role was rather minor in the actual series, beyond any of his vague implications. Here he gets an entire song.
  • Disc-One Final Boss: His song really does look like the finale, being placed at the end of the final world and being actively titled "The End." Unfortunately, Ultra M quickly tires of the facade after this.
  • Enigmatic Minion: Compared to how well-defined most of the other enemies are, nothing is known about Costume's motives or what he is, beyond what's visible on the surface.
  • Evil Sounds Deep: Sports a very deep voice in his chromatic scale. This carries over into his voice lines in the V2 of "The End".
    • Averted with his voice lines in the V1 of "The End", however, where he instead imitates Mario's typical falsetto voice.



Friday Night Funkin’: Mario’s Madness, created by Sandi

An EXE created by Sandi and co-owned by Marco Antonio, resembling a warped version of Raccoon Mario. He appears in Act II of "All-Stars", serving as a distraction made by Ultra M while he murdered Girlfriend.

  • Belly Mouth: At one point in the arc, he lets out a roar out of a mouth that suddenly grows out of his stomach.
  • Cyclops: His left pose has him with a single eye.
  • Eyes Do Not Belong There: In his up pose and losing icon, an eye appears inside his mouth.
  • Fighting Clown: Downplayed. While he's still absolutely a threat, he has a penchant for being a little goofy, as shown by one of his poses being simply him leaning back to laugh.
  • Giant Space Flea from Nowhere: An Original Generation character who pops up unannounced midway through the Final Boss and leaves almost as quickly as he arrives without ever being mentioned again. His name and role in the story are only known due to Word of God.
  • Giving Someone the Pointer Finger: He's constantly pointing at Boyfriend in both his idle and half of his poses.
  • Graceful Loser: When his part of Act II is over, he takes off his hat and bows to Boyfriend before melting away.
  • Lean and Mean: He is extremely tall and lean, with proportions that almost make him resemble Waluigi more than Mario.
  • Original Generation: Omega was created for Mario's Madness and isn't based on any pre-existing media.
  • Perpetual Smiler: His expression is locked in a toothy grin.
  • Repulsive Ringmaster: He has a more showman-esque personality to him according to Sandi, and takes part in a very critical form of sleight of hand by distracting Boyfriend with a challenge while Ultra M prepares the finale.
  • Tombstone Teeth: His mouth is full of blocky square teeth.

    LG, W4R and Y0SH 

LG, W4R, and Y0SH
Origin: Friday Night Funkin’: Mario’s Madness

A triple team of entities resembling Luigi, Wario, and Yoshi, created to serve Omega and help in his distraction. They appear in Act II of "All-Stars".

  • Blob Monster: What LG appears to be, given his lack of legs and sludge-like appearance.
  • Blood Is the New Black: Y0SH’s hands, neck, mouth and tail appear to be covered in a black, red-tinted substance, which may be dried blood.
  • Cyclops: LG has a large, singular eye in his head. In fact, all three of them have only one eye visible at all times (sans Y0SH since outside of his idle, both of his eyes become visible in his poses).
  • The Dividual: They're only ever encountered as a trio, and act as further emphasis that just about every opponent you've faced were all branches of the same entity.
  • Giving Someone the Pointer Finger: All three of them point at Boyfriend during their idles. And much like Omega before them, LG points at Boyfriend in two of his poses (although his right pose is a bit debatable since it's not exactly being pointed AT Boyfriend specifically).
  • More Teeth than the Osmond Family: Compared to the character he’s based on, W4R has an obscene number of small teeth.
  • Original Generation: All three of them are creations of the mod.
  • Slasher Smile: Y0SH wears one of these in his idle, and it looks quite unnatural on Yoshi’s face.
  • Volumetric Mouth: W4R can extend both ends of his jaw to a ludicrous degree, to the extent that one of his eyes is visible through the darkness of his mouth.
  • Wolfpack Boss: All three of them take on Boyfriend together during Act 2 of the song they appear in.

Extra Songs

    Extra Characters (UNMARKED SPOILERS) 

The Commercial Gang (Mr. Sys, Duck Hunt Dog, Bowser)

A Nintendo representative, the dog from Duck Hunt, an 8-bit version of Bowser, and a regular Smick and Lakitu, who were featured in an infamous Australian commercial where they taunted and challenged the player to defeat them. They are the opponents of the song "Unbeatable".

  • Adaptational Heroism: Hilariously enough. NES Bowser is the only variant of the Koopa King present in the final version of the mod, but instead of being worse than his warmongering canon self, he's just a loudmouthed game character who taunts the player and says they can't beat his game. Compare this to the many, many cases of Adaptational Villainy present in the rest of Mario's Madness.
  • Alternate Company Equivalent: In concept, they and their song share a striking number of similarities with the Camera Man and his song.
    • "Unbeatable" and "Green Screen" are both bonus songs in a Mario-themed mod unlocked by completing everything else the mod has to offer.
    • Both songs are themed after creepy Nintendo media that aren't specifically Mario properties.
    • Both songs are presented in a first-person view that switches back and forth between the opponent and BF.
    • Both songs have 3D characters, with BF being given a matching 3D model for the song.
  • Animation Evolution: Compared to their appearance in the original commercial, Mr. Sys, Duck Hunt Dog, and Bowser all have much smoother animation and slightly cleaner models. Inverted for the Smick and Lakitu, however, as their status as Assist Characters leave them with only three frames of mouth movement each.
  • Assist Character: The Smick and Lakitu act as this for the Dog and Bowser, respectively, signaling that the instant kill penalty is in effect.
  • Awesome Aussie: The Duck Hunt Dog has a thick Australian accent. Justified, as the commerical he’s from is Australian.
  • Boisterous Bruiser: All three of them constantly love bragging about how unbeatable they are.
  • Bring It: Their entire motto is to challenge others to try and beat them.
  • Demoted to Extra: Despite having just as much prominence as everyone else in the original commerical, the Smick and Lakitu featured don't directly fight Boyfriend themselves. That said, they can still pose some trouble, as they back up the Duck Hunt Dog and Bowser respectively by enforcing the middlescroll themselves.
    • Could also apply to Bowser himself, given there aren't any characters based on him in the main game.
  • Early-Bird Cameo:
    • The representative's voice and a corrupted version of his icon appear in the final part of All-Stars despite his song being unlocked directly after it. Mr. Sys can also briefly be seen as one of the "captures" in the song's introduction.
    • During So Cool, a possible chat message is "misterSYS" saying "this song is truly unbeatable".
  • Harmless Villain: Though "villain" might be pushing it. All they want is to revel in how unbeatable they are and dare all players to prove them wrong.
  • Madness Mantra: At times, their “you cannot beat us” drivel becomes this.
  • Marathon Level: Their song is a whopping 10 minutes.
  • Named by the Adaptation: While it isn’t said in the mod itself, the developers gave the human the name of “Mr. Sys” (as both a pun on “system” and an acronym for “Steal your soul”).
  • Non-Standard Character Design: Unlike the entire rest of the cast, who are all either drawn in the standard FNF style or pixel art, the entire Commercial Gang are in 3D, something incredibly rare in the FNF modding community itself.
  • One-Hit Kill: Several segments of "Unbeatable" have a mechanic that makes any miss an automatic failure.
  • Quirky Miniboss Squad: If your opponents consist of the dog from Duck Hunt, Bowser based on his first appearance ever, and a regular representative, you are in for... a rather interesting fight to say the least.
  • Sore Loser: Downplayed, but fitting with the nature of them claiming to be "unbeatable", each act of their song has a different trick to keep the health bar out of the enemy "danger zone" or otherwise mitigate your success, as if they're cheating to make sure you don't beat them.
    • The final stretch of Act 1 removes the health bar, and missing a single note will cause you to lose regardless of how far you pushed back Mr. Sys before the segment starts. It also hides the opponent's strum line, so you have to anticipate the upcoming notes based on his poses.
    • During some verses in Act 2, BF is subjected to a variant of health drain where his icon gets "shot" by the Zapper on beat, taking a small chunk of HP off each time. Even playing perfectly, BF's icon will get pushed into the right third of the bar at one point.
    • After a few verses against Bowser, a fire bar will start circling near the health bar, pushing the icons back to the middle if your health is over 50%.
    • During Act 4, certain points of the song will forcibly push down the health meter in a manner similar to the fire bar, as if the crew is physically forcing it back to maintain their dominance. At the very end of the song, after a long verse on their part, BF's icon is almost entirely to the right of the bar; Even if you hit the last two notes perfectly, it's only enough to bring the meter back to 50%—You cleared the song, but the health says the battle was a tie, so you didn't "beat" them.
    • During the final stretch of Act 4, the player's arrows, and thus their concentration, are split between opposite ends of the screen on top of the breakneck pace of the finale.
  • Superboss: "Unbeatable" isn't just a secret song unlocked after the story is complete, it's also the hardest song in the entire mod, coming in at ten minutes and a half and packing both dense note arrangements and several unique gimmicks, including a recurring One-Hit KO mechanic that will force the player to start the entire song over if they miss a single note. As a result, it completely outdoes "All-Stars" in every way, being longer, more difficult, and most critically, having an abundance of gimmicks whereas "All-Stars" had none whatsoever.
  • This Cannot Be!:
    • As shown in their losing icon, the Nintendo representative seems legitimately taken aback by BF's rapping skills should BF start beating him.
    • 43 seconds away from the song wrapping up, after the gang seemingly exhausts their best verses on Boyfriend in Act 4 and hears him sing a lengthy solo, Mr. Sys and Duck Hunt Dog get jolted by the possibility that Boyfriend can beat them. Tellingly, after they both exchange their respective lines, the gang bands together to push back Boyfriend as part of their last-ditch effort to not be beaten.
      Mr. Sys: Ni— Nintendo! It's Nintendo! Ni— Nintendo! It's not-tendo!
      Duck Hunt Dog: You— you beat us!? You can beat us!? You— you beat us!? You can beat us!?
  • Token Good Teammate: They aren't here to kill Boyfriend, they're just challenging him to beat them.
  • Token Human: Of the five members of the Commercial Gang, Mr. Sys is the only human.
  • True Final Boss: Are unlocked upon beating All-Stars, which itself is unlocked upon all other songs being beaten.
  • Wolfpack Boss: "Unbeatable" has 5 characters ganging up on the player, with Mr. Sys, the Duck Hunt Dog, and Bowser doing the rapping while the Lakitu and the Smick back up the rest.

Playable Characters:


"So, how's about we make a deal? Three songs. Just three. Beat me, and I'll-a let you go. Lose, and you perish by my hand."
Super Horror Mario

The son-in-law of Daddy Dearest, the main hero of the story himself, and the playable character in almost all of the mod's songs. He and Girlfriend were at their house, bored out of their minds and on their phones, until they got a bloodied and damaged Super Mario Bros. cartridge from the mailman. The duo soon gets pulled in by Super Horror Mario and finds themselves trapped in his world, forced to duel against him and other distorted versions of Mario and his friends.

  • Adaptational Species Change: Boyfriend changes into different species to fit the themes of a couple of songs.
    • For "MARIO SING AND GAME RYTHM 9", he is half-Pikachu as a Mythology Gag.
    • In "Alone", Boyfriend is a blue Luigi's Mansion ghost.
    • In "Last Course", Boyfriend is instead a Galoomba. In this case, it's justified for Turmoil's antagonistic behavior, as if he was human, Turmoil would have a lot less reason to attempt to devour him.
  • Adaptational Wimp: He switches between this and his status as a fearless fool. Boyfriend has significantly less bravado in this mod than his depiction in most mods and the official game. When he first sees Super Horror Mario, he immediately quivers in fear, constantly shaken up by him even during their songs together. Boyfriend gets so scared that he runs away from a musical bout: something he's never known to do even against other gruesome monsters. This choice is what dooms him and his girlfriend to begin with, breaking their deal and earning Ultra M's ire.
  • Berserker Tears: Gets them by the end of All-Stars as he attacks Ultra-M in a rage over Girlfriend having been just killed.
  • Break the Cutie: Like in the vanilla game, he's able to go up against most opponents without breaking a sweat and isn't that fazed by what horrors he comes across. However, few such as Mr. Virtual and MX are able to make him crack either by killing Girlfriend or giving him just the mere thought of such. By "All-Stars", Boyfriend completely loses it when Ultra-M not only kills her permanently, but strings up her corpse like a puppet. Despite this, he remains hellbent on fighting until the very end.
  • Dead Guy on Display: By the mod's end, Ultra M disembowels Boyfriend and Girlfriend's bodies and leaves them hanging by wires for Pico to find.
  • Death by Adaptation: Unlike most mods where Boyfriend beats the seemingly impossible odds and his opponents while making it out alive, his determination isn't enough this time. He's impaled and killed from behind by Ultra M at the end of "All-Stars", with Pico discovering his body alongside Girlfriend's at the mod's end.
  • Defiant to the End: Even though he dies, he spends his last moments fighting with everything he has.
  • Determinator: Despite facing monstrous versions of Mario and his friends, Boyfriend never gives up and sings with all he has. Even in the final song ("All-Stars"), when Ultra M kills Girlfriend and transforms her body into GX, when pushed to his absolute limits and brought to the brink from the stress from everything he's gone through, Boyfriend still sings with every ounce of air that he has left in his lungs much to Ultra M's frustration that he's still going despite having nothing left.
  • Fearless Fool: This comes naturally for Boyfriend. However, when faced with situations where Girlfriend is endangered and he can't do anything about it, he quickly flies into fear at what he's facing. He also doesn't take his chances with entities like the Wario Apparition, who outmatch him in size and sheer power. It finally comes to a head for him when Girlfriend is Killed Off for Real in "All-Stars", meaning he never smiles again for his final moments.
  • Hidden Eyes: After finishing the mod, Boyfriend's eyes are permanently like this in the Overworld. However, all prior songs featuring him as a playable character do not have this effect.
  • Idiot Ball: Inverted. While this trope normally deals with smart characters suddenly doing something dumb for the sake of the plot, Boyfriend is normally a Fearless Fool, something M was counting on when he challenged him. However, he suddenly picks the worst time possible to develop a sense of self-preservation and flees from M in fear for his life, ultimately leading to the events of the rest of the mod including his and Girlfriend's deaths.
  • Impaled with Extreme Prejudice: How Ultra M ultimately kills him. He's stabbed through the chest from behind with a spike, impaling his heart on the tip.
  • Living Legend: Boyfriend has built a reputation as a formidable rapper capable of beating beings similar to Super Horror Mario, like Monster, Hypno, Mickey Mouse, and Springtrap. SHM respects Boyfriend for his rep and gives him a chance to save himself if he beats him in three songs.
  • Not Quite Dead: Downplayed. In the "MMLoreDump", Marco reveals that while SHM did kill GF and take her soul, he only got her soul. It's unknown what happened to BF's soul when he died. So, while he's still dead, his soul is still out there.
  • Out-of-Character Moment: Having these moments in spades, the foundation of Boyfriend's canon personality consists of his stupidly unshakable resolve alongside a serious commitment to a contest even when it endangers his life. So when a murderous demonic opponent shows up with a challenge? Not only is Boyfriend scared throughout the mod but he uncharacteristically forgoes his musical deal with Mario to begin with. It adds a level of irony as it's outright implied by M's anger and genuine enjoyment of their singing that if Boyfriend was in character and stuck with the deal: Ultra M would've never murdered him or his girl.
  • Rage Breaking Point: By Act 4 of "All-Stars", Boyfriend has a complete meltdown after watching his beloved get murdered and turned into a meat puppet, with his final expressions being nothing but unbridled fury and hatred towards M for the misery he caused the kid in his final moments of existence.
  • Screw This, I'm Outta Here: When he sees Super Horror Mario getting angry after Starman Slaughter, he grabs Girlfriend as he books it to the Warp Star. Mario is far from displeased by this, as they still had a third song to go through. This ends up costing BF and GF their lives. He also ends up doing this with a few other opponents, namely the Wario Apparition and MX after he rips Girlfriend in half.
  • Suddenly Speaking: At the beginning of "Dictator", Boyfriend actually speaks in full English when addressing Secret History Mario.
    "We did what you said, Mario. The Kickstarter sucked. The team's done."


Girlfriend / GX
Click here to see her in "All-Stars"' third act (SPOILERS)
"Oh-ho-ho, you're gonna pay for what that traitor of a man you call a father did to me... all those years ago."
Super Horror Mario

Boyfriend's, well, girlfriend. She, like Boyfriend, was bored out of her mind at their home until a damaged and bloody Super Mario Bros. game cartridge came to their house. After getting sucked into the game by Super Horror Mario, she finds out she's powerless in his world as he reveals his plans to kill her to get revenge on her father for trapping him in the cartridge.

  • Adaptational Wimp: Justified. Unlike most mods that show her (sometimes powerful) demonic abilities (or her canon version, who tried to do so in Week 7), Girlfriend is powerless as SHM's world stops her from using any of her powers aside from her wings.
  • Body Horror: When Boyfriend faces her in Act 3 of "All-Stars", SHM has already killed her and remade her into GX. As GX, she's in her demon form (wings and all), her abdomen split open with organs spilling out, her eyes are shaded out, she has a gaping smile, wires are wrapped around her wrists and ankles so tightly they're drawing blood, and she has a golden crown with purple gems floating above her head.
  • Dead Guy on Display: At the mod's end, Ultra M turned Girlfriend back to her original form and left her disemboweled corpse held up by strings alongside Boyfriend's, with Pico finding their bodies.
  • Death by Adaptation: Unlike most mods, where she comes out unharmed or beats her opponents as the playable character, she, alongside her boyfriend, is killed. In "Powerdown", MX brutally rips her apart (though she somehow comes back alive), and in "All-Stars", Ultra M pulls her down a green pipe, butchers her, and remakes her body into GX. This time, she stays dead.
  • Disproportionate Retribution: SHM wants to kill her to hurt Daddy Dearest for trapping him in the game cartridge, even though she had nothing to do with him getting trapped.
  • Eye Scream: As GX, one of her eyes is danging out during her down pose.
  • Half the Woman She Used to Be: MX grabs her with both hands and tears her apart near the end of "Powerdown". We get a delightful view of her body, organs, and spine getting ripped open as he does it, and her bloody upper torso is the first thing Boyfriend sees at the start of "Demise".
  • Killed Offscreen: SHM killed her and transformed her after she got pulled down the pipe near the end of "All-Stars" Act 1.
  • Nothing Is Scarier: The last we see of Girlfriend before her death is her being taken away by M at the end of "All-Stars" Act 1. Considering what we've seen of her in Body Horror? We're probably better off not knowing what he did to her...
  • Oh, Crap!: Girlfriend tries to use her demon powers to fight SHM but finds out she can't, leaving her terrified when he explains her abilities are useless in his world and how he plans to make her pay for her father's mistakes.
  • Requisite Royal Regalia: Ultra M dolls up GX with a mix of Peach's crown & brooch, and the horns Girlfriend used for her Mario costume when he brings her on-stage.
  • Screw This, I'm Outta Here: She leaves Boyfriend to run from MX on foot after she temporarily saves him from the latter.
  • Seen It All: Girlfriend starts out confused and afraid without the use of her demon powers, but by the time GB kidnaps her, she just looks fed up with everything. Even losing to DJ Ballyhoo just has her looking kinda miffed in the Game Over screen. This is decidedly not the case for the rest of the mod, though she does accept Promo Mario's offer to be on Nintendo Mania with a relaxed shrug.
  • Targeted to Hurt the Hero: Villain in this case, as Ultra M kidnapped and killed her and Boyfriend in order to get revenge against Daddy Dearest sealing him in a cartridge.
  • Unexplained Recovery: She gets torn in half by MX, but somehow comes back to save Boyfriend from falling into a bottomless pit with him in the very next song.
  • Useless Protagonist: With her powers are rendered useless in M's world, Girlfriend mostly takes a backseat throughout the mod while Boyfriend does all of the heavy lifting. While this is briefly subverted during "Demise" when she saves Boyfriend when he almost falls into a bottomless pit after temporarily dying, she immediately ditches him when MX resumes his pursuit.

    I HATE YOU Mario 

"Because you're my brother!"
Luigi, I Hate You

The Mario who was forced to kill his version of Luigi. He’s the player character of "Oh God No."

  • Ambiguous Situation: In the mod, it's not made clear as to whether Mario accidentally killed Luigi out self defense like in the original creepypasta or intentionally pushed him into the lava out of anger like in the ROM hack.
  • Cain and Abel: The Abel to Luigi's Cain, as Luigi wants him dead. Unfortunately for him, the opposite ends up happening, much to Mario's heartbreak.
  • Disappointed in You: He expresses nothing but visible disappointment and sadness towards Luigi after discovering his true colors.
  • Disowned Sibling: He tries to reason with his brother with brief lyrics saying "Because you're my brother!", but IHY Luigi retorts with "You're no longer my brother!"
  • My God, What Have I Done?: Despite Luigi's murderous animosity towards him, Mario was horrified when he fell into the lava after fighting back.
  • Shout-Out: Word of God has it that Mario's vocals are sampled from Walker Boone, the voice actor for Mario from The Adventures of Super Mario Bros. 3 and Super Mario World.

    LDO Luigi 

Luigi's Day Out Luigi
"No Mario… I’mma not-a-gonna tell."
"Yay! I’m-a gonna go on a adventure!"

A version of Luigi that wanted to join his brother on an adventure but ultimately got bullied by Mario’s friend group during his day out until he trips Mario and trips out after Daisy decides to give him a good time.

  • Children Are Innocent: Parodied. He’s an adult, stated to be 35 years old, who acts like a young child.
  • Embarrassing Nickname: He’s called “Scrote” multiple times by Mario.
  • Nice Guy: Unfortunately, his “friends” don’t like him for this reason.
  • Manchild: Again, a 35 year old man who dresses and acts like he's 12 at the very most.
  • Token Good Teammate: The only truly good character throughout his origin animation. His brother is a Jerkass who abandons his princess saving duties and treats his brother like shit For the Evulz. His mother, while caring for her two children, is implied to be a very lousy mother given how they both turned out and makes Mario take Luigi with him to save the princess despite his childish behavior. Waluigi laughs along with Mario's cruelty towards Luigi, and Daisy, while not laughing with her two friends, doesn't do anything to stop what they're doing and then drugs and rapes Luigi. Meanwhile, Luigi has the innocence of a five year old.


"What the fuck is that thing?!"
"Son of a bitch!"

The protagonist of the Pico series, one of Newgrounds' iconic mascots, and ex-boyfriend to Boyfriend. Here, he's the player character of "Overdue", in which he fights Mr. L.

  • And Now for Someone Completely Different: You get to play as him instead of Boyfriend during "Overdue".
  • Be Careful What You Wish For: He went to Boyfriend and Girlfriend's house to find out what happened to the duo after they went missing, only to get pulled into the haunted game cartridge. When he does finally find them at the mod's end, he's too late and only finds their dead bodies.
  • Bottomless Magazines: He never runs out of ammo, no matter how many times he fires his gun at Mr. L.
  • Curiosity Killed the Cast: When Pico arrived at Boyfriend and Girlfriend's home, Pico found the front door open and the nearby TV glowing red. He knelt down in front of the TV screen to get a closer look and immediately got pulled in.
  • Did You Just Flip Off Cthulhu?: He does this literally during the last part of "Overdue", as his down pose has him flip both birds as he's running away from Mr. L., and the song ends with him calling Mr. L an asshole while he makes a clean getaway.
  • Fate Worse than Death: Metatera's interview with Marco reveals that Pico is trapped in Super Horror Mario's game world, looking for a way out, seemingly forever unable to find it.
  • Final Guy: He's seen in The Stinger having found Boyfriend and Girlfriend's corpses while trapped in Super Horror Mario's world, possibly forever.
  • Flipping the Bird: He gives double middle fingers at Mr. L and his army during the last stretch of "Overdue".
  • The Gunslinger: It's Pico, no surprise there. He wields one of his MAC-10s against Mr. L.
  • Guns Are Worthless: Justified. Every time Pico fires his MAC-10 at Mr. L, he makes himself intangible to avoid the shots.
  • Hero of Another Story: He's facing off against Mr. L while Boyfriend and Girlfriend are fighting all the other Mario entities.
  • Redhead In Green: His red hair, green shirt, and khakis are about as iconic as the guns he uses.
  • Screw This, I'm Outta Here: Near the climax of "Overdue", Pico realizes he's been wasting ammo on Mr. L (as he becomes intangible to dodge the bullets) and decides to run.
    Pico: (angry throws MAC-10 to the ground) Son of a bitch! (starts running)
  • Sir Swears-a-Lot: Every line that comes out of his mouth has a swear in it somewhere. "Overdue" even ends with him calling Mr. L an asshole.
  • Sole Survivor: By the mod's end, Pico's the only one alive after Super Horror Mario kills Boyfriend and Girlfriend.
  • No Good Deed Goes Unpunished: He went to check up on his friends after they went missing, only to get pulled into the game by Super Horror Mario.
  • Year Outside, Hour Inside: The description of "Overdue" implies some time has passed since Super Horror Mario pulled Boyfriend and Girlfriend into his game if Pico considers them "missing".


Who was he…?
"I… I… I can't continue with this…"
The ghost of a version of Mario who accidentally killed his brother Luigi, only for him to get killed himself. He appears midway through "Overdue".
  • Accidental Murder: He accidentally dropped the bridge of one of Bowser's castles too early, leading to Luigi's incineration. Mario was driven to depression because of this, but Mr. L isn't having any of it.
  • Body Horror: The bottom half of his body is gone, and his left arm has a massive hole in it.
  • Creepy Good: Despite the aforementioned Body Horror, he means no harm, and he even helps Pico fend off his homicidal brother.
  • Token Good Teammate: Especially so compared to the other cases of this, as he's actively playable and helps Pico escape Mr. L despite being an unsightly mutilated ghost.



"Lamp Oil, Rope, Bombs, you want it? It's yours, my friend! As long as you have enough rubies!"
"Sorry, Link. I can't give credit! Come back when you're a little... MMMMMMM~ richer!"
The shopkeeper seen in the Phillips CD-i game Link: The Faces of Evil, most widely recognized as a common meme in various YouTube Poop videos. He goes unused in the files of this mod along with a hidden meme cover of Unbeatable.
  • Joke Character: Apparently this, as he goes over Mr. Sys when loaded in the Debug menu.


Origin: INKBOWSER.exe by TarkanDragon
A strange, inky version of Bowser who seeks to cover the whole Mushroom Kingdom in ink. He was planned to be part of the initial release of the mod, but was scrapped, and there's no plans to feature him in the future.
  • The Bad Guy Wins: He successfully inks the entire Mushroom Kingdom along with Mario and Peach in his game of origin.
  • Green and Mean: Even moreso than the original Bowser, being completely green.

    InkBowser Mario 
Origin: INKBOWSER.exe by TarkanDragon
Mario as he appears in InkBowser.exe's realm. He was planned to be part of the initial release of the mod, but was scrapped, and there's no plans to feature him in the future.
  • Adaptational Wimp: The entirety of his home fangame is this to Mario, and he doesn't survive.
  • The Hero Dies: InkBowser.exe successfully inks the entire Mushroom Kingdom along with Mario and Peach in his game of origin.

    SMG4 Mario
Mario as he's depicted in SMG4's videos, possessing a high IQ and an infatuation with spaghetti. He was intended to appear in Bloopers, but was scrapped due to the team not liking the character, and due to issues with his sprites.

Wega jumpscare
"Nobody can beat me, a god I am! This is my world! Not even your microphone can beat me, because the champion will be me!"
Wega in "Iason Mason"
An edited version of official Luigi artwork edited to resemble Luigi with photonegative colours. He was intended to be in "Iason Mason", but was scrapped because the team and Wega’s creator hated the meme.
  • Badass Boast: Attempts this mid-song, declaring himself unbeatable and a god.
  • Development Gag: Despite being removed from the mod, Wega's name still appears in the chat during "So Cool" where he's simply screaming.
  • Sensory Abuse: His screaming face along with the infamous beta Stalker scream would have popped up constantly in "Iason Mason", to the point where one of his turns practically has him spamming the screen with jump scares.
  • Stylistic Suck: His sprites are just PNGs of Wega, and poor quality ones at that, rather than actual illustrations.
  • Suddenly Speaking: As shown in the quote above, he suddenly starts speaking English mid-song just to boast.
  • Synthetic Voice Actor: His sole voiced line in "Iason Mason" appears to be a synthetic recreation of Tony Rosato's voice for Luigi in Super Mario World (1991).

    Dorkly Mario
Origin: Dorkly, also known as Sonic for Hire, by Lowbrow Studios
A version of Mario originating from the Dorkly YouTube channel. He was only planned for an hour, and was scrapped immediately afterwards. Luckily, he has another mod, Funkin For Hire to back him up.
  • Adaptational Badass: If he was in the mod, he would have been one of the only pixelated versions of Mario, alongside Somari and Super Bad Mario, with Dorkly Mario being the only normal pixelated version of Mario.
  • Token Good Teammate: He's really just a completely normal Mario not looking out to harm anyone.

    Taco Stand Waluigi
Origin: A dead meme from a GameFAQs board, Waluigi's Taco Stand by Yoshizilla Rhedosaurus, later adapted as a Super Mario 64 ROM Hack and N64 Cartridge video game by Kaze Emanuar, Silva Gunner's "High-Quality" Video Game Rips, SuperMemeGuardian4/SMG4
A version of Waluigi who works as a taco vendor to pay his rent. He was originally intended to appear in the mod, but was scrapped due to the fact his addition was suggested by two controversial former team members (Nova64 and BetaSheep).
  • Arson, Murder, and Admiration: Had he been still in the mod, he would've been the only character in the mod based on Waluigi. But, as it is, there are currently no characters based on Waluigi in the mod.
  • Token Good Teammate: He's really just a completely normal Waluigi not looking out to harm anyone.

    Jaiden Mario
oh well
Jaiden Animations wearing Mario’s outfit, originating from her video The Hardest Mario Game Ever.
  • The Smurfette Principle: If she was in the mod, she would’ve been one of the only 3 females in the mod, alongside both the Peaches. Of them, she’s the only one to not be Peach.
  • Token Good Teammate: She's really just an animator in a Mario costume not looking out to harm anyone.

    Lumpy Touch Mario
Origin: Lumpy Super Mario Land by Lumpy Touch
A version of Mario from a dark take of Super Mario Land where a plant type entity has taken over, and seems to be using Mario as a host. He was scrapped due to the roster being full.

    Comedy and Tragedy
Left is Comedy, right is Tragedy.
Origin: Friday Night Funkin’: Mario’s Madness, created by Sandi
Two Mario heads, one blue and one red, with no lore about them. They were supposed to appear in "All-Stars" Act 2, but were scrapped in favour of Omega, LG, W4R and Y0SH.

    MR Mario
No Luigi…I don't sell burgers!
"This is Italian food…we don't have that stuff!"
Origin: Mario's Restaurant by The Blue Mushroom
A version of Mario who works as a chef, facing a hard client in the process. He ended up getting scrapped due to nothing besides the concept and the unfinished song being done for him. He would have been in Burger.
  • Adaptational Wimp: He's the embodiment of many victims of armed robbery, and this is depicted in the animation of his origin.

    MR Luigi 
Then you can GO TO HELL, MARIO!
Origin: Mario's Restaurant by The Blue Mushroom
A version of Luigi who is not Mario's brother, but an angsty customer who just wanted a burger, but loses all his patience and pulls a gun at Mario. He ended up getting scrapped due to nothing besides the concept and the unfinished song being done for him. He would have been in Burger.
  • Adaptational Angst Upgrade: He's the embodiment of many perpetrators of armed robbery, and this is depicted in the animation of his origin. However, this AU of Luigi just wants a burger, and will do anything to ensure he gets it.

    FNAW Mario
It's a me! Mario... missing a face
Origin: Five Nights at Wario’s by WwwWario
A version of Mario who was murdered by Bruno Gate in Wario's Factory. FNAW Mario was planned to be coming to the mod at a point in time, but only a concept was made for him and it never came to full fruition.

What are you?
Origin: Unused model from Luigi’s Mansion created shortly after the game’s debut at E3, purpose unknown
An unused beta element from Luigi's Mansion. Elh was supposed to be fought in Alone but was scrapped due to not fitting with the song, with Beta Mario taking their spot.

    Scripulous Fingore
You can’t ignore me forever, Mario.
Origin: New Super Mario Bros. conspiracy theories, This post by parody account @CutVideoGame
An urban legend revolving around New Super Mario Bros. Scripulous Fingore is a scrapped character for the mod.

    Plush Mario
There's nothing left...
Origin: This internet meme by Nintendeal on X/Twitter
A Running Gag depicting a bald plush of Mario sitting alone on a park bench. Plush Mario only had a concept made and never got passed that.

    Gangsta Mario
Yo, it's-a me! Mario!
(Beatboxing noises)
A version of Mario originating from a Japanese commercial for Mario Pinball Land. He was originally planned for V2 before being replaced with LDO Mario & Luigi.

    Victim # 1
find me find me find me find me find me find me
Victim #1 in "Overdue (Old)"
A disturbing image of a girl edited to look like a dead face. Victim #1 was planned for the mod, but was scrapped because the developers thought the character was overused.
  • Development Gag: Despite being removed from the mod, her vocal samples still appear in "Overdue (Old)". Word of God has it that this was done to cover up and try to hide Mr. L from being leaked, until Nova64 leaked the mod entirely, making the move ultimately pointless.
  • Uniformity Exception: She’s not based on any Mario character.
  • Nightmare Face: True to her original appearance, she would have appeared as a distorted ghostly face.
  • Vocal Dissonance: Her Badass Boast in "Overdue (Old)" is said in a deep voice.
  • Original Generation: She’s not based on any Mario character, instead being an original creation of the MARIO creepypasta.
  • The Smurfette Principle: If she was in the mod, she would’ve been one of the only females.

    SMD Luigi 
Origin: Super Mario Dolor by Ziggity
A monstrous version of Luigi originating from Super Mario Dolor, an indie horror fan game that has since been taken down by Nintendo. He was scrapped because the dev team had no ideas for him.

    Infection Mario 
Origin: Super Mario: The Infection by Mr. Pixel
A version of Mario turned into an abomination after a disease takes over the Mushroom Kingdom. He was planned to be where Mr. L was but was scrapped because the devs thought it would over bloat the mod.

     128 Mario
Origin: Super Mario 128 also known as "Super Mario 64 2", a cancelled sequel to Super Mario 64
One of the many Mario's planned to be in the cancelled sequel to Mario 64 for the N64 Disk Drive, Super Mario 128. He was scrapped because the developers didn't have many ideas for him, so only a concept was ever made.
  • Me's a Crowd: As the title and what footage of the game shows off, the player would've been controlling more than one Mario. And that goes true for the song as well, as there would've been multiple Mario's in the background holding Girlfriend.

    Daddy Dearest 
Girlfriend's mean and evil father and Boyfriend's father-in-law, who worked as a rockstar before retiring. He has worked with Super Horror Mario in the past before sealing him in one of his cartridges and left him for dead. He would've been the opponent in a secret final song if the player FC'd "All-Stars".
  • You Have Outlived Your Usefulness: He partnered with M to form a monopoly in the video game market in the 90's, just to trap him in a cartridge once he benefited enough from it.
  • Jerkass: His sole reason for sealing M away was simply because he felt like he earned enough money from their partnership and nothing else. His daughter pays the price for it in the long run.
    • Jerk with a Heart of Jerk: According to the developers, if his song would have been implemented in the mod, Daddy Dearest would have blamed Boyfriend for Girlfriend's death instead of M, the actual culprit. This shows that, for all his claims, he doesn't seem to actually care about Girlfriend at all. Whether M would have been disgusted by it was never revealed, though given how M is there with the likes of Whitty and Tabi in the "Fuck Daddy Dearest" club and has a degree of respect towards Boyfriend...
  • The Ghost: He's only mentioned in the FunkCast trailer as a part of Super Horror Mario's backstory and by the latter himself once in the mod proper, with only a single cameo on a poster in the opening cutscene.
  • Unwitting Instigator of Doom: A deal he refused to pay decades ago leads to the deaths of his beloved daughter and her boyfriend.


    CoolRash's Super Horror Mario/Mario.exe
"Don't worry. Mario-a won't hurt you…YET."
Origin: Mario.EXE by CoolRash
An AU of Super Horror Mario debuting in CoolRash's Mario.EXE Fangame, often referred to as an eerie version of the red plumber who serves the Devil. There is only one MM-themed concept by Marco Antonio himself released into the public.
  • Alternate Universe: Unlike the regular SHM, this particular version of SHM does not originate from any "Super Horror" images, instead being from a Mario-themed take on Sonic.exe.
  • For the Evulz: He's sadistic, psychopathic, and completely devoid of human compassion.
  • Joke Character: He won’t be in the mod, unfortunately.

    Luigi Doll
"This is your end, Boyfriend!"
Origin: A now-deleted Instagram video
A meme centered around a doll of Luigi seemingly brought to life by a demonic ritual. A song for him was created as an April Fools day joke.

    Mark Alopecia
"Hello. My name is Mark."
Origin: Friday Night Funkin': Mario's Madness
The name given to a bald Mario without a mustache. A song named "Mr. Alopecia" was created for him as a joke.
  • Development Gag: Despite being only a Joke Character not intended for the mod, he still appears in the chat during "So Cool".
  • Punny Name: Played straight in "Mr. Alopecia", where he says his name while bragging about being bald.
  • Joke Character: He won't be in the mod, unfortunately.

"I got this game for my 8th birthday! Thanks, Uncle Mark!"
Origin: Mario '85 by FrazzDude
A young boy trapped in the vessel of Luigi by MX. Unlike Mario '85, he couldn’t outrun MX this time. He also appears in a Vessel cover.
  • Killed Offscreen: Should he lose to MX, his head is put on a stake. This goes for the mod itself, as Lucas' head is also on a stake in the entirety of "Powerdown".

    Red Velvet 
"Oh I see we’ve got a funny guy here, don’t we?"
Origin: Friday Night Funkin': Mario's Madness
A very familiar incarnation of the not so heroic red plumber. He’s shown in a cover of Atrocity with Mr. Virtual.

He's the guy you don't want to get close to.
Origin: Friday Night Funkin' D-Sides, created by Marco Antonio
An EXE created by Marco Antonio himself, Virtual.ROM is a spirit who desires nothing more than being alone, enjoying solidarity. If anyone dares to disrespect the one thing he really likes, then he’s got a clever way to get them to leave him alone.

While he makes no appearances in this mod, he was the result of a collab between this mod and Friday Night Funkin' D-Sides, where he replaces SHM in the latter mod in the D-Sides remix of "It's-A Me".

  • Alternate Universe: Goes without saying since this is a D-Sides SHM we're tackling here.
  • The Hermit: He spends his days inside a Virtual Boy all alone, and that's how he likes it. He doesn't like having visitors.
  • Impostor Forgot One Detail: He’s almost perfectly identical to what the D-Sides variant of Mario should look like, except he has 3 buttons instead of 2.
  • Red and Black and Evil All Over: He resides in a copy of ''Mario Clash’’ for the Virtual Boy where this is the color scheme. And while he's far from a serial killer like his counterpart, he's still not a very nice guy.
  • Facial Horror: Unveiling his true form in the second half of his song onwards, Virtual.ROM's face rips open to reveal 3 additional mouths while his eyes melt inwards.

    Super Horror Waluigi
Click here to see Marco Antonio's earliest version
Origin: Friday Night Funkin' D-Sides, created by Marco Antonio

An older D-side version of Super Horror Mario also created by Marco Antonio himself, Super Horror Waluigi (also referred to as "") was initially planned for the Mario's Madness collab before being replaced by Virtual.ROM. But now to complete the Mario's Madness collab, he will soon debut in the old version of the D-Sides remix of "It's-A Me".

  • My Friends... and Zoidberg: A very rare case of a Waluigi EXE, with others being based either on Mario, Luigi and Wario.
  • Alternate Universe: Super Horror Waluigi's upcoming encounter is completely disconnected from the events of Virtual.ROM's encounter with BF.
  • Early-Installment Weirdness: You'd be forgiven if you saw Marco's first idea of Horror Waluigi. As the D-Side designs for Wario and Waluigi were likely not created at the time, his Sprite is actually inaccurate to the real D-Sides Waluigi, with his clothes and hat being red, his overalls being green, and his eyes cyan.
  • Bloodless Carnage: His eyes are not shown to have Tears of Blood.

Rejected/Troll Characters:

    Ron J
I'll tell you who that was…IT WAS ME.
"Say hello to MURDER!"
Origin: Mario Kart Black by an anonymous Wikia user, a ROM Hack of the same name by Roobitz
A demon taking on the form of Mario that originates from a bullshit Mario Kart Wii creepypasta, and later being memed on in laughably uncreative ROM hack of Mario Kart Wii which was really intended to be a texture pack for the original game. He's malicious, evil, and completely impossible to take seriously. One has to wonder why he'd take his terribly-executed plans on Boyfriend.

There is only Foiler Footage released into the public about him, said fake leak being a song called "Murderer".

  • The Fourth Wall Will Not Protect You: The original MKB creepypasta indicates that he brutally murders those close to any person buying his game.
  • I'll Kill You!: Effectively says this in the quote above.
  • Laughably Evil: The original creepypasta of his origin says that Ron J is the Devil himself, able to kill those close to him. In the actual ROM Hack…he's just a fucking Mario renamed.
  • The Bad Guy Wins: The MKB creepypasta where he originates ends with him successfully killing Sarah's brother Jacob as well as her parents, as well as the friends and relatives of many other victims that bought his game prior. Mario is technically also a victim if his game should ever be played, as he does not survive as well.
  • Cain and Abel: On the Cain side as he brutally murders and dissects Luigi in his home creepypasta.
  • Leaking Can of Evil: While trapped inside the hacked disc, Ron J is able to distribute himself to various markets, waiting for any unsuspecting victim to purchase it, before brutally murdering those close to them, mentally scarring them for life. Why, even the back of his case has 2 words written on it: MURDER and SUICIDE, both of which are written in big bloody letters.
  • Interface Screw: His creepypasta of origin as well as its ROM Hack adaptation shows every texture of the game being literally blackened out. Even the countdown and results screens in the ROM Hack undergo Memetic Mutation.
  • Sanity Slippage / Plagued by Nightmares: The creepypasta is written that any person unlucky enough to purchase his game would be mentally scarred for life as Ron J brutally kills those close to them. Worse yet, he also has the potential to make them go completely insane.
  • Trailers Always Lie: Ron J's song was made (and subsequently left unfinished), but it later turned out to be a troll by Hazy Is Dead.
  • Joke Character: He won't be in the mod, unfortunately. (See Trailers Always Lie above)

    PETA Mario
Mario, take that off.
Origin: Mario Kills Tanooki by The People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals (PETA)
A parody of Mario made by the infamous "animal abuse prevention" criminal organization known as PETA to protest the return of the Tanooki Suit in Super Mario 3D Land, PETA Mario is an alleged animal killer who kills animals and wears their hide. Foiler Footage and a now-rejected song for him released by the team was put into the public eye.
