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Awesome / Twister

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  • As the tornado is approaching the drive-in theater, we catch glimpses of the movie screen showing Jack slamming his axe on the door as it's being ripped apart. Then the tornado completely destroys the screen the moment after Jack says "Here's Johnny!".
  • The first time we see the final tornado: an awe-inspiring yet terrifying F-5. And there's no doubt as to its power and sheer destructive potential.
  • The part where Aunt Meg insists she drives to the hospital by herself despite being quite seriously hurt and having lost her house and car in the storm.
    • Then again, the paramedics in the scene say she probably has a concussion. Add that to being in shock from a catastrophic event, she’s most likely not firing on all cylinders at that moment.
  • The technology the stormchasers use (a wireless sensor network is deployed inside a storm and can be monitored (at least seemingly) in real time), especially by 1990s standards.
    • In his biography published in 2009, Tim Samaras said that being able to track even ONE "smart debris" sphere throughout its flight inside a twister was several years ahead of current technology. So when Jo built a system that tracked a whole barrel full, she was at least 15 to 20 years ahead of her time. That is some Tony Stark level stuff right there.
    • Sharp eyed viewers will note that both Bill and Jonas' teams are equipped with mobile Doppler radars. This movie came out only one year after the first Doppler on Wheels vehicles were built and even by today's standards the ones seen in the movie are far more portable.
  • When the Chasers get rolling for the first time, Dusty flips on one of the many TVs in his van at the exact point Deep Purple brings forth one of the greatest solos they have ever produced. He proceeds to blare it across the countryside from loudspeakers!
  • The team is getting ready to roll out to chase down an F3 and they need to take some shortcuts to get there. Cue Humans' Being with a full orchestra intro. A "walk in the woods" indeed.
  • A (sadly offscreen) one is how Bill came to be known as "The Extreme." The team tells a story about how during a chase, Bill showed up piss drunk and buck nakednote  carrying a bottle of Jack Daniels. Bill proceeded to walk up to the Tornado, say "Have a drink!" and then threw the bottle into the Tornado! ... And it never hit the ground.
    • Bill's response to all of this?
      Bill: Honey, this is a tissue of lies. See, there was another Bill, an evil Bill, and I killed him.
  • A subtle mixture of Awesome and Heartwarming happens after the first chase, Jo's truck smashes down right in front of Melissa's truck after being picked up by the tornado, what do the entire team do? Laugh and/or stare dumbstruck at her bad luck? No, they instantly get out of their vehicles, and rush towards her truck to make sure that she was okay! They don't know her, barring the fact that she is Bill's fiancée, but rush straight in to make sure she isn't hurt. Storm chasing is not for the timid, and the team knew that Melissa was waaaay out of her element.
    • In addition, they head to Wakita to check up on Meg. Jo and Bill first enter the house because the house is unstable, no thanks to the tornado. But when the house is starting to come apart, the team all rush in to help save her, because, DAMN IT! Aunt Meg is in trouble!
