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Awesome / The Dirty Dozen

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  • General Warden proves that he's no pen-pusher by putting Reisman in his place.
    Reisman: I didn't write those reports.
    Warden: And what's that supposed to mean?
    Reisman: I may not agree with what's in them.
    Warden: Now you hold it right there. This war was not started for your private gratification and you can be damn sure this army isn't run for your personal convenience either.
  • Wladislaw, Jefferson and later, Posey, stopping Franko from deserting, and therby saving the twelve of them from getting hanged.
  • The Dozen practise hand-to-hand combat and Franko has a little too much fun in throwing Bravos to the ground. Then Posey shows up...
    You're being kinda rough on the little fella. You wanna try that with me?
  • The Dirty Dozen uniting as a team during Colonel Breed's raid of their training camp.
  • And when the Dozen exact their revenge on Breed during the war game by seizing his HQ.
  • The actual mansion scene. All of it, but more specifically:
    • Jefferson taking out the racist teammate (Maggot) by running through one of the rooms in between the halls they were ducking for cover in, get the drop on and kill him.
    • Wladislaw shooting the sniper that took out Vladek with a sub-machine gun (not normally known for long range accuracy), who was sniping them from the decorated window on the second floor.
    • Posey and Bravos holding off an entire platoon of reinforcement with only one machine gun and a few pre-set bombs.
    • And for the Germans, that one soldier that took several rounds to the torso, only to get the drop on Sgt. Bowren, who shot him earlier, before being put down for good.
    • Jim Brown showing off his football skills during the run with the grenades.
