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Awesome / The Brave

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Moscow Rules

  • The SOG using the paranoia of GRU-trained rebels against them.
    Adam: See, the thing about traps is the people who set them tend to get tunnel vision. They fixate on their prey.
They imagine everything turning out exactly how they orchestrated. And they don't stop to think for one second maybe they're the prey themselves.
  • The sheer determination of Cassie Connor to survive in Eastern Ukraine despite being shot and injured several times.

The Greater Good

  • The SOG framing Booth's own partner.

Break Out

  • Patricia getting Nate to stop threatening to stab her in the neck.
  • The SOG getting out of Helmand Prison despite being overwhelmed by Taliban escapees.
  • Preach and Amir clear out the control room in quick precision.
    • Jaz providing cover fire with the SR-25.

Enhanced Protection

  • Amir manages to convince Nigerian commandos to pretend to breach the mall so that the hostiles are distracted.
  • Jaz gets the drop on a hostile holding a girl hostage by shooting him from the side.
