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Awesome / Frog Fractions

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As a Moments subpage, all spoilers are unmarked as per policy. You Have Been Warned.

The Original Game

  • The moment at the end of the pond stage, when we all realized what kind of game we were playing. First, when you finally find that massive stash of fruit by swimming down, and seeing it at the bottom of the pond, which leaves you with enough in-game currency to purchase that mysterious "Hyperdrive" upgrade. Then, when you try the Hyperdrive out for the first time...and find yourself leaving Earth's gravity and hurtling directly into an asteroid field on a dragon's back! The game just gets crazier from there.
    • As soon as you finish flying through space, you land on Bug Mars, where you have a boss fight with a mechanical giant squid to some epic sounding music.
  • When you dance your way to presidency.
