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  • This comic (the last frame, at least) calling out notorious Jerkass anti-gaming activist Jack Thompson out on his "video games cause violence" rheotric.
  • After generally being treated as the Butt-Monkey of the Console Wars series of strips to that point, Nintendo strikes back.
  • After being tormented, taunted and defamed by The Troll, Ethan confronts The Troll at the rooftop, and acquiesces to The Troll's demand of apologizing on his knees. Ethan considers his dignity to be less valuable than saving lives, and he refuses to play by The Troll's script simply by surrendering. And it works, such a selfless act baffles The Troll, and he doesn't know what to do when Ethan simply stops playing his games.
    • Drawing to the Batman-Joker dynamic, this is a very interesting examination of what could have happened in The Dark Knight if Bruce actually turned himself in. In the movie proper, Harvey Dent took the fall instead.
