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Awesome / Blast from the Past

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  • The fallout shelter created by Adam's father, it had been stocked with enough supplies to support a modest sized family for decades. And it was set up to grow vegetables and even had a fish farm.
  • Eve calling out her boss at the Collectables Store after he nearly swindles Adam out of his baseball cards. True it gets her fired, but that didn't stop her.
  • The dancing at the club scene.
  • Adam using his boxing skills to effortlessly defend himself against Eve's ex-boyfriend when the guy tried to attack him. Even apologizing for doing so.
  • The whole family's skill set in general. Crazy scientist dad and housewife mom teach their son at a minimum: boxing, physics, ballroom and swing dancing, and three languages. Given the dad's Omnidisciplinary Scientist status, Adam would have continued to reveal more Hidden Depths had the movie gone on longer.
