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Awesome / A Fish Called Wanda

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  • REVENGE! Revenge for WANDA!
  • In real life, Kevin Kline winning an Oscar for his work as Otto, becoming one of the few actors to earn the achievement for a comedic performance.
  • Wanda knocking out Otto in the airport, muttering, "Ciao, stupidissimo!"
  • Milquetoast Archie engaging in some Xanatos Speed Chess to come out on top, even though he had no real idea what was going on for 80% of the film.
  • Archie's wife gets one in a conversation with Otto. She points out that his story about debriefing KGB defectors makes no sense. She tops it off with a badass moment when he says "Don't call me stupid" and she responds with a flat "Why on Earth not?".
