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  • In Yu-Gi-Oh! The Abridged Series, we have two main characters that apply:
    • Yugi Muto is quite often a jerk, even to his friends, and can be very bitter and cynical at times, but he's really a good guy deep down.
    • His alter-ego, Yami Victor Yugi loves to manipulate people, when Yugi's friends are in danger his reactions range from indifference to joy, and in Season 0 he's completely Ax-Crazy. As with everything else in the series though this is subject to Rule of Funny — when Noah turns his friends to stone he doesn't care until he petrifies Tristan, which horrifies him. And on several other occasions he shows he does truly care for Yugi, Joey and Téa.
  • In The Angry Video Game Nerd, the titular character is notorious for his very short temper and legendarily colorful language, but the Nerd is unmistakably a force for good, and he can be quite friendly and passionate about a game he loves when he's not railing off on a bad game or dueling another foe—but he isn't afraid to call things as he sees it when it comes to crappy games, or even flaws in things he likes (i.e. the Zelda II review, a game he admires as a legitimate classic, but isn't above acknowledging it's flaws, such as it's schizophrenic, hair pulling difficulty), and he is more than willing to give his foes more than a taste of their own medicine.
    • Malcolm thinks this is his version of the Devil, as he's not a good person, but is good at his job and keeps heaven and hell in balance.
  • The Nostalgia Chick is only really still on the "good" side because there are people worse than her (like Dark Nella), but she's still likable, has a few Freudian Excuses and loves her puppy.
  • The entire title SCP Foundation. Pros: largely responsible for the continued existence of a mundane, workable, livable Earth, protected against even the knowledge of things removed from the realm of understanding. Cons: props up the North Korean government to keep a Keter-class secure and partially contains another by killing every Svalbard whale on Earth, to name a couple.
