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Analysis / Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare

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The game is an unbuilt trope in terms of the stereotypical first person shooter game. Despite frequently being accused of promoting jingoism the game actually deconstructs blind jingoistic interventionism. The game is deliberately vague about just WHY N.A.T.O is getting involved in Russia and the Middle East, and if one pays attention to the enemy forces they very clearly think that The player and their allies are imperialistic bullies intervening in their countries affairs. Not that this makes them good guys by any means but it shows that the conflict isn’t as black and white as it seems, and the United States and it’s allies aren’t saints. The game also brutally subverts America Saves The Day at one point by having a nuclear explosion go off wiping out what’s probably almost the entire U.S Marine corps, 30,000 lives lost in a likely unecessary war. While the action and spectacle might make it hard to see there is definitely an anti- war message if one pays attention closely.
