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Live Blog Fight It Out! Let's Play Ogre Battle: The March of the Black Queen

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Table of Contents
Installment Title
Prelude! (Part 1)
Prelude! (Part 2): It's all in the cards. 2
Scene 1: Beginning 3
Scene 2: Rally 3
Scene 3: Revolution 2
Interlude: Troop Review #1
Scene 4: Advance
Scene 5: Full Moon
Interlude: The 22 Major Arcana cards 3
Scene 6: Glass Pumpkin
Scene 7: Days Long Gone 5
Scene 8: The Black Knight 2
Scene 9: Legend 2
Interlude: Troop Review #2
Scene 10: Crimes 1
Scene 11: Thunderstorm 4
Scene 12: The Paladin 3
Scene 13: The Lost Knight 2
Scene 14: The Prince
Scene 15: The Cloud City
Scene 16: The Snow Fields
Interlude: The Great Witches!
Interlude: Troop Review #3
Scene 17: The Wizard 2
Scene 18: Imprisonment
Scene 19: White Nights
Scene 20: Angel 1
Scene 21: The Empire
Scene 22: The Dragon Rider 2
Interlude: The Road Ahead 4
Scene 23: The Assassin 1
Scene 24: Final Paradise
Interlude: The 12 Zodiac Stones 2
Scene 25: Separation
Scene 26: Grail 3
Scene 27: The End Nears 4
Scene 28: Ogre Battle
Scene 29: The Black God 2
Bonus: Dragon's Haven
The Beginning of the End
The End of the Endings 4