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Live Blogs Mass Effect 3. Let's play it!
KilgoreTrout2013-07-01 12:59:29

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I'm Commander Shepard and EDI is my favourite AI EVER!

Haha, I talk to Victus in the war room and he told me Garrus was busy with the ship's weapons. Something about calibrations. Of course. ^_^

EDI just went offline. Great.

Oh man, I cannot wait to see Joker's reaction to the new, sexy robot EDI!

CHAKWAS: Was that EDI who just walked by?

SHEPARD: Yes it was.

CHAKWAS: Joker is going to have a field day with this!

I love you, Karin. Marry me. Seriously.

Samantha is telling me that Grissom Academy needs help and, in the first instance of any dialogue in these games acknowledging what class you are that I'm aware of, she tells me that if the Academy had been open twenty years ago, I might have been sent there since I'm a biotic.

But more importantly, THAT'S WHERE JACK IS! Jack with her freakishly-quick-growing-hair that I've seen in screenshots before playing this game! (I remember growing my hair from short to long, and it took a much longer than six months, and I wasn't even starting with a shaved head at the time!) I am heading there as soon as I can! Chakwas, our marriage will have to wait, I'm gonna be busy picking up my ME2 romance where it left off.

Cerberus is using fake turian distress signals now? It may not mean anything, but on the other hand it may mean that Cerberus and the Reapers are on the same side, hence the usage of the same tricks. Or the Illusive Man just looked at the turian signal and thought "Good idea. I'll have to try that sometime." Who knows?

EDI's sitting right in the copilot's chair! She think's she's people, LOL! Nah, I'm kidding, I do consider EDI a person. Joker's happy about it, although this might lead to the first time an AI ever makes a sexual harassment complaint against somebody.

Oh boy, EDI just lobbed Joker a pitch right in his wheelhouse. She said her body seemed "adequate" and of course Joker leered at her and said that wasn't the word he'd use to describe it. EDI, undoubtedly thinking that this was even worse that time I ordered her to probe Uranus, suggested that we speak privately.

EDI wants to know if she should disobey an order on moral grounds. I told her that she should think for herself instead of blindly following orders, and she'll be asking my opinions on certain things later on. Man, I hope she doesn't turn out to be under Cerberus control in the end or something. I like EDI a lot. It would suck HORRIBLY if she pulled a Faceā€“Heel Turn.

Oh man, I can tell EDI is gonna be a lot of fun with her new body. Shepard asked her if she would be distracted by what her new body was experiencing, and she told him not to worry, because she only forgot to recycle the ship's oxygen if she experienced something really interesting. And Shepard got this hilarious horrified look on his face like he thought they were all gonna suffocate and die at any moment. I totally saw EDI's "That was a joke" coming, unlike my character.

Message from Kaidan! Good.

But that's not the only new e-mail I have. Aria wants to see me in Purgatory (the club, not the prison ship, thank Quetzlcoatl), Hackett wants to me visit a Dr. Bryson about something, I have a message from THANE so apparently that was not him with the Illusive Man earlier but perhaps somebody who just stole his coat, some Spectre guy wants to see me about something, and speaking of Spectres, Udina has offered to make Kaidan one. Yeah, I think he'd be good at it.

Talking to Hackett now, and he says the time for unity is now. Unity? I'm confused; none of my squad members need healing. Also, the outcome of this war will depend on how fast I can get what I need to build the anti-mechanosquid weapon, and everything Hackett does is a delaying action to give me more time. No pressure, though.

Garrus says that if there's one thing we're gonna need, it's giant guns. Yup. And holy shit, Garrus actually thinks we have a chance of winning! This is perhaps the least optimistic guy in any of my squads. That gives me hope that regardless of how sucky the ending of the game is, at least maybe the bloody Reapers will die.

In Liara's office, the Shadow Broker terminal contains a transcript of a Cerberus operative exploding while being interrogated by the Alliance.

Huh, talking with Diana Allers I have the option to tell her "Get off my ship." I wonder what she might do to make me tell her that, and while we're either over Palaven or in deep space too.

Time to go back to the Citadel. Which, hopefully, has not had to deal with a crazed asari with a gun who thinks everybody around her is a husk since I left.

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