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Live Blogs Let's Play "Meddling Kids"
MadWritter2013-03-05 15:02:04

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Time for the sidekick.

Question: Is the sidekick a female? My View: 50/50. Mythic View: 88. Nope. The sidekick is a male.

Like the Innocent, I’m going to give the Sidekick 6s in all stats — boring, but speeds things up. I thinking of naming him Kevin Gear.

Beside the “Best Friend” ability — the Sidekick’s freebie ability, I pick the following ability for Kevin: “Bookworm”, “Webworm”, “Winning Smile”, & “Steel Memory”.

Appearance and Background are in the Full Stats below as par for the course.

Full Stats: Kevin Gear

  • Name: Kevin Gear
  • The Sidekick
  • Stats:
    • Strength: 6
    • Moves: 6
    • Smarts: 6
    • Health: 6
  • Abilities:
    • Best Friend (Health + 1d6) = The character can make friends with anyone if the roll succeeds. (Cost: Freebie)
    • Bookworm (Smarts + 1d6) = For any roll when researching a subject that’s in a library, or to remember something you’ve previously read in a book. This does not apply to online research. (Cost: 7)
    • Webworm (Smarts + 1d6) = For any roll when researching a subject that’s in a library, or to remember something you’ve previously read in a book. This does not apply to online research. (Cost: 7)
    • Social Studies Wiz a.k.a The Wiz (Smarts + 3) = The character has a good grasp of any one subject in school. The character can have more than one Whiz specialty, but each one must be purchased separately. (Cost: 4)
    • Winning Smile (Health + 1) = The character uses this to have anyone feel at ease just because he or she smiles. [Cost: -1]
    • Steel Memory (Smarts + 3) = The character has the amazing ability to remember anything, even the most trivial stuff.
  • Appearance: Kevin Gear appears to a tall teenage African-American with black hair and black eyes usually dressed in a yellow shirt, blue jeans and sneakers.
  • Background: Kevin Gear has small show called “History Time” on You Tube. His family life is going fine: his mother is head librarian of the town’s library, and his dad is a dentist.

Well, that’s done. That’s 5 down and 3 to go before. What left you ask: The Temper, the Wild Card and the Fluff.

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