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Live Blogs Let's Attempt to Watch: Pooh's Adventures of Pajama Sam
SnickerdoodleHamster2012-10-26 22:30:49

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Part Nine: This Should Not Take Long

VERY few things happened when we last left off Pooh and his friends. Sam went to Darkness's treehouse, and another McDonalds mascot tried to see what he could "fine". Meanwhile, a musical number was used to free the entire carrot army, and Sam finally found his mask!

Part Nine out of Fourteen.

Sam enter's the living room and finds sock fifteen, where Everything Dances in the room until everything realizes that Sam (and apparently a bunch of cartoon characters as well) are looking at them. Sam, Rigby, Pumbaa, the cast of Dinosaurs, Francine from Arthur then constantly question how they could dance to cheesy music from The '70s in the first place. Tigger later suggests to turn back on the music via a subtitle that was typed in Times New Roman. God, I hate that font so darn much!

Next, Sam goes upstairs to the Brain Tickler doors, which introduce themselves like a Game Show Host would, complete with a cheesy theme song. Sam introduces the doors to all of his "friends". Due to Padding, this takes up A FULL MINUTE of this Crossover. The rules are explained, and the video abruptly ends.

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