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Live Blogs Let's Attempt to Watch: Pooh's Adventures of Pajama Sam
SnickerdoodleHamster2012-10-16 19:34:35

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Several things happened when we last left off Pooh and his friends. Sam found a couple more socks, and Pooh and his friends got to meet Otto. However, most of the video still had the usual Railroading that is commonly seen in these crossovers.

Part Six out of Fourteen.

Sam meets Carrot, the leader of the Salad Liberation Front. He is wearing Sam's mask because he apparently thinks that it will protect his identity. The Salad Liberation Front is "A group of veggies fighting against the core system." Tired of being "relegated to the salad," their goal is to become the main course of mealtime. However, their plans are cut short when a majority of the carrots were taken prisoner by the appliances in Darkness's kitchen. This starts a mission to free the carrots in exchange for Sam's mask. Let's add this Carrot, the Live Item, to our inventory! Sam proceeds to the next area: the bridge. However, he needs one pound of gold to get across (which is REALLY hard to find in real life). NEXT!

Sam goes to the next screen. I like to call this the "outhouse area" because of the outhouse/shed outside on the dock. He gets an oil can, which is yet another important thing for later. The next two screens consist of an Inevitable Waterfall. Meanwhile, Pooh and his friends ride a wagon for some strange reason. Sock number five is found.

We visit a screen which features a geyser. Sam and Pooh think that it would be very fun to ride it, so they go try it. However, Otto isn't too pleased. Sock number six is found. Misty from Pokémon has some strange sort of amnesia, so she asks Otto what a geyser is. Wait, if Misty is ten years old (at least in the anime), then wouldn't she already know this? After all, if I remember correctly, learning about Earth's natural features such as geysers are part of the third or forth grade standards for Earth Science. And if Misty is ten, then she must be in the fourth or fifth grade, and she should already know about this stuff. This next part is my favorite part of the original game because it is so darn funny! Otto explains what a geyser is, with the text "GRATUITOUS EDUCATIONAL CONTENT" constantly flashing on the bottom of the screen. This is so much of an Overly Long Gag that Sam falls asleep for half the explanation. That part makes me smile every time I see it!

What will happen underground next? Find out next time!

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