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Live Blogs Blog of the Slightly Damned
TotemicHero2013-10-08 13:23:04

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Let's get Damned, if only Slightly! Wait, that didn't come out right...

Page 46:


Well, that's one way to open up a strip. It's certainly enough to leave Buwaro speechless at the sight of the giant two-headed dog.

Despite the initial reaction, it quickly comes off as friendly, noting that it didn't think anyone was left in the Ring of the Slightly Damned.

Anyway, as Rhea fearfully establishes, this is Cerberus! For the two and a half of you who don't know, Cerberus is the three-headed dog from Greek mythology that guarded the gates to the Underworld. Apparently, for the purposes of this comic, it lost its head.

Excuse me while I run from the pun police.

Apparently, the green-colored head (they are Color-Coded for Your Convenience) missed the memo, and continues to act ferocious, leading the red head to...well, headbutt it.

Regular stooges, these heads are.

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Cerberus then randomly turns the scary act back on, demanding to know what Rhea and Buwaro want. They tell Mr. Big Doggy they are here to see Iratu.

Cerberus then concludes that the business must be urgent, because 1) Iratu was drinking just yesterday (as we saw), and 2) disturbing Iratu while he sleeps is not the smartest idea.

Nonetheless, Cerberus lets them in, with a warning for them to return before SUDDENLY NIGHT strikes again. While Rhea has a bad feeling, the two heads of Cerberus reach the conclusion that our intrepid heroes are doomed.

Page 48:

Rhea comments on how different the center of Hell is. Buwaro responds by asking to carry Thadius. A bit dumb, but actually better than his usual self, since he probably has seen this before.

Someone one randomly calls out for help. It's a man, lying there with one arm outstretched. He calls out again to Rhea, when a giant scaly claw grabs him by the neck, drags him out of sight, and then...

...blood spatter amid death cries ensue. This freaks Buwaro out, making him want to go home.

Hmmm, maybe he hasn't been here after all.

Rhea tells him they can't (in her own less than polite fashion) before noticing that she hears music.

Page 49:

Guess what the music is?

"This is the song that doesn't end, yes it goes on and on my friend..."

Wow, they are really evil in Hell.

Anyway, there is another Fire demon sitting there operating the phonograph playing that song (this one with orange fur), so the pair approaches him to ask about Iratu.

Apparently he's in a bad mood, as he immediately flies into a rant. And a very interesting rant it is. Let me quote.

"SHIT! First they send me to do this lame ass peon job just a few days before ascension! What the fuck is up with that? I should be working level 5 tortures! Not dealing with a senile bastard like this guy!"

Said senile bastard then randomly asks if the orange demon is his grandson. This pissed him off further, before asking Rhea and Buwaro who sent them. He speculates that it was someone named Tsavo, before flying into another rant, and revealing that his name is Azurai.

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Azurai is highly amused that they want to see Iratu after he got drunk. Buwaro is clueless, while Rhea presses on, asking if Azurai could help.

Azurai responds with a "only if you do something for me first" line, adding that he doubts that they could figure out anything they could do for him.

Buwaro had an idea. Oh's me quoting him.

"First, I know she's cute, but you can't have Thadius. She belongs to me! But we can play a game together. I bet you get bored and lonely by yourself! I know I was... Or we can have a party where everyone's invited!"

He throws up his arms at the last line, which tosses Thadius into the air. Let me guess, you think it's going to come down on his head, right?

Wrong. It comes down on the phonograph, breaking it and ending the song that supposedly doesn't end.

Will Rhea demonstrate incredible repair skills with phonographs? Will Buwaro ever learn how to aim his Thadius tosses? And will Azurai drop even more F-bombs? Stay tuned.

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