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Live Blogs And Yet Another Fire Emblem Draft Run
hnd032012-05-28 16:08:06

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Seriously, these early chapters really suck.

Eirika and Ross brute forced their way through the walls fighting off the Fighters, Thief, and Archer that attacked them. Neimi recruited Colm, took his sword and busied herself with the Fighter near the upper chests. Colm stole stuff from the chests.

Once the bottom right was cleared out, Eirika and Ross took out the Mercenary. Eirika basically let the boss attack her while she healed off the damage. Ross took a back seat because he would have been doubled by the Hand Axe.

11 turns. 30 turns total.


  • Eirika: Level:9/0, HP:22, STR:5, SKL:14, SPD:13, LCK:9, DEF:5, RES:2
  • Ross: Level 7/0/0, HP:20, STR:10, SKL:4, SPD:3, LCK:9, DEF:6, RES:1
  • Neimi: Level 1/0, HP:17, STR:4, SKL:5, SPD:6, LCK:4, DEF:3, RES:2

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