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Live Blogs East Meets West! Let's Read Sailor Moon: American Kitsune!!
Psyga3152012-01-03 09:45:16

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Defeat the Monster! Love At First Fight!!

When we last left off our heroes, they found Jedite, transformed, and proceeded to go fight the Monster Of The Week. Let’s find out what happens!

Part Four of Eleven

So they run and try to find Jedite, and they find a Monster of the Week who looks like a reject from The Exorcist. It turns out to be Morga, the first monster Sailor Moon took on. Interesting choice. She is referred to as Ms. Demon until later on when she calls her by name. There’s a Korean restaurant owner’s wife who bashes a chair over the monster and mentions WWII. Arg... So anyways...

Sailor Moon: That's my clue to say my little speech, FoxFire*


CUE! CUE! IT’S FUCKING CUE! Anyways, Serena asks Davey to fire up some Crowning Music Of Awesome. With pleasure. And so Sailor Moon delivers a speech on what the monster is in front of a crowd of people. She compares the monster to Rouge. Okay, now this is where a bit of my suspension goes. Now, I get if Serena knew who Rouge was (see last instalment) but I don’t think everyone knows who Rouge is. Sure, people may have caught a glimpse of her, but I’m pretty sure they might remember her as the girl with the Texan accent. I was one of those kinds of people. In fact, I wasn’t even sure what her power was until I played the first X Men Legends, where during the non-action scenes, you can learn what Rouge does.

Moving on, Morga throws a chair at her and Davey calls her out for it. Okay, that’s another pretty funny scene. Morga says the word frack wrong (Phrack) and we get some very racist undertones here (“you phracking Yankees'll do it

to me in a hot second”) before Davey shoots her with his Power Rifle. A football reference later and suddenly Putties attack. And they are of the Season Two variety, where you hit them on the Z and they crumble faster than you can say “That was easy”.

Meanwhile, Zordon sees this and he’s all like “We need to monitor this!” and doesn’t care if Davey is all like “Lol, I’m keeping my identity out in the open!”. One can imagine Zordon got so annoyed by how many close calls the Power Rangers got with revealing their identities that he decided to screw the rules. And Alpha calls Davey cute... Alpha, I’m really starting to question you. It’s not enough that you had Zordon beam some kids down to the center to celebrate Christmas*

, you had to call Davey cute. Sorry. I need a stiff drink.

{one drink later}

Alright, were are we? Oh right, the villains gush on how powerful the Kitsune is. Lord Zedd then mentions his Monster Of The Day (that’s what he actually calls it).

Moving on, Davey and Serena use the Moon Septer... like... a football... Sorry, I’m going to use this song for this scene. So yeah, they fight the Putties using team work and their own signature attacks. One old lady decides to make pottery out of one of the Putties. So... she’s going to make pots out of a mook’s corpse? Nice. So anyways, the duo goes to the Korean restaurant to save the two Koreans from the monster. They try to take her on, but Morga has a gun of her own. The two hide in a corner until Serena whips out her Moon Tiara and throws it to Morga, knocking her out the window and in the path of a cheering audience. Okay, this is a bit interesting. Both Power Rangers and Sailor Moon have touched upon bystanders cheering for the heroes, and in some cases, a crowd of people would witness battles. Anyways, moving on, Davey fires off a Data Spear (A tech version of Scorpion’s spear) and hurts Morga to the point where it gives them a Robotic Reveal. The two decide to combine their weapons to take the robot down. It blasts her head off and Davey laments that he doesn’t get a Quickening for that. Uh, Quickenings only work on Immortals. He compares the Mecha-Morga to the Boomers from Bubblegum Crisis and they check the head out, finding out that it was made by something called Zitkor. Zitkor is the Big Bad from VR Troopers. This is what I like about these Mega Crossovers, you’ll never know who will pop up, and if you don’t know who he is, you get the wonderful chance of learning about them! Oh, and the head explodes.

The two complement their teamwork as Serena says that they’re like Beauty And The Beast. Uh... okay then... that kind of makes sense, given how one’s drop-dead cute and the other is a furry. Though that's basically it. However, a little more of my disbelief goes away when Davey, who is previously established to hate being the city’s hero, is now posing for the fans. Is there something I’m missing here? Here’s a guy who doesn’t want to be a hero after losing his arm during an incident involving The Piasa Monster, returned the key to the city because of that, refused to join the Power Rangers, and does nothing to prevent that “don’t reveal who you are” rule. Obviously, he wouldn’t like fans because fans will think of him as a hero, which is what he doesn’t want to be perceived as, but here he is, lapping it up like Tony Stark! I’m sorry, but that seemed to break a bit of his character. It’s weird to see OC Character Derailment in fanfiction, but there you go.

Moving on, Putties attack and Serena whips out her Tiara again while Davey whips out his Bloody Card and throws they throw it at the Putties. Serena realizes that he’s using a Bloody Card, as that might injure a spectator and it won’t be a good way to keep fans. Wait, did he intend to use the Bloody Card for that reason? Anyways, Davey reveals that he got the Bloody Card from a convention for the Dirty Pair, the anime where the Bloody Card came from, but it was interrupted by Serena, invoking the You Wanna Get Sued? Trope. Or in Serena’s case: You Wanna Get Shot To Death By Kei and Yuri. In fact, when Edward comes in his mech to kick some Putty ass, he too tells Davey not to let the pair know he’s using that card as well. Well, given how they only used it once in the anime, I’m sure they wouldn’t mind.

So they joke around a bit, some exposition is made on Edward now having Eyes of Gold, and upon the revelation that Edward has Big Ol' Eyebrows, he screams. Thus ending part 4. Stay tuned for part 5!

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