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Live Blogs It's the Wandoliveblog! Let's play MySims Kingdom!
Nyperold2013-12-29 23:41:08

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IMPORTANT: If you haven't seen the Candypalooza update yet, go back one chapter!

I go to Trevor Island.

LYNDSAY: All right! And now we're off to... Trevor Island? Doesn't Trevor just sound like some guy's name?

BUDDY: No, it sounds more like a clarinet.

LYNDSAY: What does that even mean???

BUDDY: Trevor was the name of my clarinet when I was in school!

LYNDSAY: Wow! You played the clarinet?


We walk ashore.

LYNDSAY: According to the map, this island was recently purchased by a man named Trevor Verily.

A man in stereotypical Shakespearean actor garb runs in front of the screen.

??????: WOE! Tragedy befalls meeeee!

He runs offscreen...

LYNDSAY: Well, I guess that's Trevor Verily.

...and back on, this time near the dock.

TREVOR: Where is my green dress?!

And back off.

LYNDSAY: I guess he wears dresses.

And on again, from the other side.

TREVOR: Where is the caterer?! I cannot act without a delicious continental breakfast! A BAGEL! My Kingdom for a poppyseed bagel! That's right, Skullrick! One with lox! MORE LOX THAN THE SUN!

And back off.

LYNDSAY: Sooo...who's up for King Points?

Having played this island a few times, I cannot blame her for her attitude.

TASK: Overture

I find two other people on this island: a bald African-Kingdomian with a beard and glasses...

??????: Let's get this show started! I didn't put on this ridiculous Renaissance outfit to stand around all day!

...and a woman with an afro.

?????: Oh my, um...Is the show about to start?

TREVOR: Lo, the curtain rises soon! We must away to the stage for Act One!

The play is apparently set up to run on three different stages. This likely means scene changes don't need to happen as often. Anyway, the first act takes place on the west stage.

TREVOR: Oh, goodness! This set shall NOT do for the scene with the introduction of the Woodland Princess! We need a forest! OF WONDERS!

TASK: Act One - The Forest

Said forest needs 22 Nature, 8 Cute, 8 Structure, and 4 Paint.

Also a gag to stop Trevor from overacting constantly while he waits.

I go ahead and open a chest to the right of this stage for Mana and...

SCROLL: Elegant Interiors

It requires 40 Stars, 25 Oranges, and 15 Diamonds. I'll get to gathering later.

Wooden Columns, Tall Bushes, a Teddy Bear, a Monkey, a couple of Monarch Butterflies, and some Cow Hide paint satisfy him.

TREVOR: You have done it! A verdant paradise worthy of the Woodland Princess! HUZZAH! Nay, DOUBLE HUZZAH!

Well, satisfies that aspect, anyway, because...

TREVOR: Now...this forest needs bunnies! The bunnies of the forest LOVE the Woodland Princess!

I must herd the bunnies from the bridge to the west stage. On an island full of things for them to get stuck on and corners to get stuck in. You know, where they're already in the corner and you going there too doesn't change their direction? It's kind of irritating, but not the worst.

TREVOR: I tip my feathered hat to you, friend! BUNNIES FOR ART!

I get Mana for that. As far as KP, guess I've gotta wait to find out how much I've got.

TREVOR: FRIENDS OF THE THEATRE! Now will be told a tale of love... ...of betrayal... ...and of love.


LYNDSAY: Buddy, it hasn't started yet...

BUDDY: I KNOW! I love introductions!

That explains that aspect of Agents, actually...

TREVOR: In a verdant forest wonderland, there lived a girl named Princess Alexandra... She wasn't a real Princess, but held some amount of sway with the woodland creatures. Thusly the title was relatively sensible and appropriate.

He spins, and a dress appears on him. I don't recall it being green, but I can't tell for sure now. He stands on the right side of the stage and poses... cutely?

ALEXANDRA?: Hi Mister Bunny! Hi Verdant Forest!

He spins back into his default attire, standing on the left.

SOME GUY?: Greetings, forest-woman! I love you!

He crosses, in more ways than one.

ALEXANDRA?: Really?!

And back again.


Back to center.

TREVOR: And then... ...they kiss! (Beat) WOE! I cannot kiss myself! Perhaps if somebody in the audience would be willing to help me...

Ah, and we got 50 KP for the last Task.

Whilst Trevor awaits my assistance...

?????: Oh dear, my heart was atwitter when that handsome young man was asking someone to kiss him. Is it OK for me to be jealous? Because I don't mind being rejected. Really, it's alright. It happens to me all the time...

??????: Audience participation is pretty cheap, if you ask me. What, he couldn't hire real actors?

BUDDY: Wow, you get to be on stage! That's so neat!

LYNDSAY: Heehee! It's love at first sight, Kara! Hee hee!

Okay, fine.

TREVOR: Kara! I need you to help me with the scene of romance between Darwellsforth and the Woodland Princess!

Yeah, okay. She gets the dress, right?

TREVOR: I'll be the princess, you be Darwellsforth! Let the art BEGIN!


TASK: Act One - The Kiss

Time to Socialize. (S)He's Talkative at the moment. I can Talk about Dragons or Compliment on Beauty. I do the latter, and now (s)he's Charmed. I can Be Tragic or Give Flower. Well, being in the woods, I'm sure she has plenty of flowers around already, so I'll Be Tragic. Now (s)he's Unimpressed. I can Tease or Be Heroic. There's nothing to Be Heroic against, but I've got this great Tease all lined up! Socialization ends, and I get Sad Essences. Starting over... I follow it back to where I can Tease or Be Heroic again, and Be Heroic. Now (s)he's back to Charmed, so I Give Flower. (S)he's Swooning now. I can Throw Bats or Petals. Bats! Now (s)he's Despairing. I can Flatter, Discuss Bunnies... or TORMENT. Torment also ends the Socialization attempt. Actually, I find that Talk About Dragons brings me to that choice again, so I try Discuss Bunnies. Friendly! Now I can Yell At or Talk About Love. Yelling At puts hir back to Despairing. I choose Bunnies again and Talk About Love. Now I Throw Petals instead of Bats. Now (s)he's Really Swooning. I can Blow Dandelions, Compliment Dress, or Talk About Unicorns. Huuuuuuuuh... fffffffffff! Back to regular levels of Swooning. Perhaps a nice unicorn discussion? No, that takes hir back to Friendly. Why Trevor, what a nice dress you're wearing. It's almost as nice as the one I was sweeping the mud in. Okay, (s)he's Super Delighted, so now I can Blow Kiss. Yes, that's what the kiss is. What, did you think it would involve lips actually touching? No way, man! Anyway, (s)he gives off a Happy, and when I talk to hir...


TREVOR: Now, the moment you've been waiting for...


LYNDSAY: Buddy, they didn't have the kiss yet...

BUDDY: I KNOW! I love suspense! He's using it as a literary device; ever so tenuously keeping my attention through the dramatic build-up of events!

LYNDSAY: Where did you even LEARN that?

TREVOR: It was truly love at first sight.

Looking at the audience...


He spins back to his normal clothes.

TREVOR: Intermission time.

That Task nets me 50 KP. I talk to people.

??????: What? We need to change seats to see the second act? That's ridiculous! Hasn't he ever heard of 'scene changes'?

?????: Oh, I suppose I was sitting in the wrong seat before? I'm sorry, but I'm dreadfully confused by this play.

I talk to Trevor over by the east stage.

TREVOR: In this scene, I ride my trusty steed through the forest! The set is perfect, but my steed...ALAS, he is slain from lack of power!

TASK: Act Two - The Chase

Through the employment of gears, belts, axles, and a gear box, I direct mechanical energy from the windmill, around the bushes, and to the mechanical bull. Talking to Trevor before he says "vadeesh" one more time...

TREVOR: HE LIVES! My trusty steed! Now...for the ART!

TREVOR: Now begins Act 2, friends! Deep in the forest, a furious chase was under way...

LYNDSAY: Psst...Buddy...

TREVOR: Our Hero, Prince Darwellsforth, was riding his trusty steed Parallax through the treacherous FOREST OF DOOM.

LYNDSAY: Hey...Buddy...

TREVOR: You see, it was so named the FOREST OF DOOM due to the slightly uneven terrain and periodic jaguar attacks...

LYNDSAY: BUDDY! If you sit that close to Trevor, you'll ruin your eyes!

He is, indeed, sitting really close to the stage as Trevor rides the bull.

BUDDY: Did you hear that, Lyndsay? There was UNEVEN terrain! Poor Prince Darwellsforth! I really hope he saves the Woodland Princess...


I got 50 KP out of that.

More talking to people.

?????: I do hope Prince Darwellsforth saves her! I wish a handsome prince would save me...that would be so romantic.

Would you wish to be in a situation that would require you to be saved from it?

??????: So, is this thing scripted, or is it all improv? It feels like he's just making this up as he goes.

I talk to Trevor again.

TREVOR: Fie! FIE on my poor planning! This castle will not do for the fortress of the evil Baron Spegula! Please, help me make it an epic citadel of doooooom!

TASK: Act Three - The Citadel

The Citadel requires 30 Spooky, 10 Structure, and 5 Paint, but before I do anything of the sort, I spy a flower on one of those pillars, and build stairs up to where I can pluck it. It's a Black Dahlia.

I finish the Citadel to Trevor's liking.

TREVOR: Yes! Kara, hero of the stage!

TREVOR: Friends, it is time for Act Threeeeeee! Our Hero, Prince Datrwellsforth, made his way to Baron Spegula's Citadel of Doooom! Meanwhile, the Woodland Princess was locked up in a tower! Tragedy of tragedies! THEN DARWELLSFORTH GOT ATTACKED BY A DRAGON!!! (beat) Trevor, you brilliant fool! You forgot to cast the dragon! moment please. Kara! I beseech you for your aid one final time! YOU are my dragon!

He puts Kara in the dragon costume.

TREVOR: Now you must chase me, Kara! Prince Darwellsforth was chased back to his trusty steed, Parallax!

The dragon suit hath been bestowed upon me. Hooray.

I got 50 KP again.

TASK: Act Three - To Parallax!

...Fie upon this series of tasks! FIE FIE FIE! He runs around just about everywhere EXCEPT where you want to go — including towards me, the dragon — spending waaaaay too much time running in place between center stage and the intended one, and only managed to get to the goal by me chasing him, not up the stairs, but up onto the stage where it was thankfully short enough! I get him to Parallax, but that's not the end of the chasing!

TREVOR: Ooooh! Nooooo! The dragon! It shall eat meeeeeee! THEN IT ATE THE HORSE INSTEAD!

...Yes, the horned horse.

TREVOR: Darwellsforth escaped on foot to the Spring of Broken Dreams in the Doomkill Mountains!

TASK: Act Three - To the Spring!

That's the fountain sort of near the west stage. Sounds simple, you say? READ WHAT I WROTE ABOUT THE LAST ONE AGAIN. GOOD GRIEF TREVOR, IF I WERE A DRAGON BENT ON EATING YOU, I WOULD HAVE DONE SO SEVERAL TIMES OVER. He even gets BACK UP ONTO THE EAST STAGE. While he's there, I go ahead and open the chest of Mana, Gold, Platinum, and the Ashley Figurine. I just start back into the soul-sucking Task when he kind of accidentally runs into the goal himself.

TREVOR: You shall not have me! The Princess will be SAVED! I MUST FLEE ACROSS THE BRIDGE OF MARAFF!

TASK: Act Three - To Maraff!

Somehow, this was only slightly less trouble than the others of this set. Also, the Bridge "of Maraff" leads to his trailer area.

TREVOR: FOUL BEAST! Return from whence you came! I WOULD RATHER... ...THAT YOU NOT... PASS!

Kara passes him with slight resistance, and that only from his presence.

TREVOR: Nooooooo! I must away to the Capital!

TASK: Act Three - To the Capital!

In other words, where the audience is. Again, this is harder than it should ever have to be. He spends the first few seconds of me chasing him in mild pseudo-earnest running against the side of the Bridge of Maraff, for example.

TREVOR: I shall make my last stand HERE! Battle go!

Kara and Trevor both disappear into a Big Ball of Violence. Kara emerges victorious, but...

TREVOR: Yes, well, while it may seem like the dragon won, beware, IT WAS A TRICK! In actuality, Prince Darwellsforth defeated the dragon, and proceeded to Baron Spegula's Citadel of Doooom!

We go there, me still in my dragon suit.

TREVOR: MY FRIENDS! Now is the time you have all been waiting for!

I spin out of my dragon suit and into Trevor's default attire... except that I still have the dragon head on. He spins, putting on the attire of the villain.

TREVOR: Nevermind that I was previously Prince Darwellsforth—my true heart has always been in playing none other than Baron Spegula himself!

That explains your "fleeing" over the past few tasks; you were trying to get the hero killed!

TREVOR: Now, FOR THE LOVE OF THE ART, confront me, err, I mean the evil Baron! ...In a battle of socialization!

TASK: Spegula's Final Standoff

Can I please at least take off this head? ...Not without reverting to my previous costume. Oh well!

Spegula is Calm. I can Rebuke him or Cower. I Rebuke, and he's Rebuked. I can say she's "mine", or she's the Baron's. Of course, she's "mine". The Baron is Enraged. I can Stomp or Cheer On. Stomp, of course. He's Worried. I can Slap him, or issue a Gentlemanly Challenge. I try the latter, and he's Terrified. I can Shove, Torment, or Apologize. I Shove, and he's Nigh Defeated! I now Defeat Spegula. Happy Essences!

TREVOR: After a fearsome battle, a victor finally emerged when Prince Darwellsforth executed upon a dashing move of bravery!

KARA: Wah-cha! Bats!

Behold, our only line!

Kara throws bats at him.

TREVOR: Nooo! Bats! My only weakness! I AM SLAIN!

He dies dramatically, though without the changing angles of Agents.

TREVOR: And that, my friends, was the end of the evil Baron Spegula! He died, FOR ART! Now, time to change back to my normal outfit!

He spins into... a space suit!

TREVOR: Oh well, close enough! Ladies and gentlemen, thank you for experiencing the best play known to exist! Stay tuned for more exciting adventures... ...from the TREVORVERSE!

Because you could totally modulate the frequency and see something else.

Anyway, I get 100 KP. I start Treasure-Finding, getting Jade, Diamonds, Electrobits, Mana, Stars, Simoleons, and a Scroll.

SCROLL: Frames... for ART!

It requires 20 Jade, 5 Marlins, and 25 Wood.

I stop Treasure-Finding after way too long of trying to get a particular piece of armor to pop up, and start fishing. I get Marlins, Tiny Sharks, a Scroll...

SCROLL: Seafarer Scroll

(Requires 5 Tiny Sharks, 5 Gold Arowanas, 5 Batfish, and 5 Catfish.)

...Anglers, and the Daniel, Lord of Lavender Figurine. I spend way too long trying to get another "fish" to appear that's supposed to, before harvesting some wood for Frames... for ART!

I pull some grass, as well: Star, Sea Turtles, Jade, Mana. And eventually, instead of Mana, Jetpack Trevor!

Okay! Now that that's over and done with, it's your choice again! We can go to an island we haven't been to before, or any that we have! We can even stay here and tie up Trevor Island's loose ends!

Islands We Haven't Been To:

  • Cutopia
  • The Royal Academy
  • The Uncharted Isle

Islands We Can Tie Up Loose Ends On:

  • Rocket Reef
  • Candypalooza
  • The Forest of the Elves
  • Capital Island
  • RenĂ©e's Nature Preserve
  • Cowboy Junction
  • Spookane
  • Trevor Island

Now, when I hit King Level 5, the king will tell me that when I go to a particular place — I think it was Capital Island, or the island behind the cloud — I'll get a reward. The thing is, only Sims on the islands I've visited when I go there will be involved in the ending; if any go unvisited, its Sims will be left out. I don't think I'm forced to go the next time I leave after achieving Level 5, though, so if you want to wait on those but still have everyone in the ending, we can do that, I think.

So, cast your vote!


EndarkCuli Since: Dec, 1969
Feb 5th 2014 at 7:38:31 PM
Another wonderful update or two. I do not come to the Liveblogging section as often as I used to (or as often as I should, considering how many projects I've left incomplete). Still, I do love your sense of humour, and your inclusion of just enough detail to cover things without being boring. I do hope that you are doing well, and that the rest of this project is as fun to read about as what has come before.

As for where to go next...well, there are a few characters we have already run into that I think are fascinating. But even if you do not have to rush to the ending, I think that it would be wise to travel to different areas and earn new rewards. And when it comes to areas to explore, The Uncharted Isle sounds as though it could use a good exploration or two. Of course, that is just my suggestion.