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Live Blogs Let's Play All Four Sly Cooper games.
MadWritter2013-07-04 06:03:42

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Go West, Young Tropers!

  • File: 24563
  • Subject: The Cooper Gang
  • Time Period: USA's The Wild West

The Cooper Gang arrived in the Wild West — tracking down one of Sly's ancestor — the greatest outlaw of the old west, Tennessee Kid Cooper. It took them a while, but they finally learn that he was in a old jail in a city called Cotton Mouth Bluff. They learn that Sheriff Toothpick did the deed and posted picture. As Sly said, "What a ego!"

After doing some data crunching, Bentley had decided the best way to get TKC out was from the inside. The first time, Sly had to let the law catch him. I need to borrow some popcorn from Demeter or Persephone - this event is going a real show.


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