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Live Blogs Let's Play All Four Sly Cooper games.
MadWritter2012-06-08 18:09:34

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E3 Predictions -- Part 2 -- Was I Right?

Ok! E3 2012 is having it's final day today, so it's time to see if predictions for E3 2012 was on the ball or not. Ok!

  • Prediction #7 - We get new of a demo of the game to some to PSN sometime in August.
    • I was WRONG!
  • Prediction #6 - We get a new ancestor and a new time period to deal with. WRONG!
    • I was WRONG!
  • Prediction #5 - During the Sony's press conference, Sony will air the intro cartoon for "Sly Cooper: Thieves in Time" setting up the plot for the game.
    • I was WRONG!
  • Prediction #4 - We get to see how Bentley plays in the game. Once again, he's wheelchair bound and has his bombs, his sleep dark and a new version of P.P.P (Pick-Pocket-Pole)
    • I was SEMI-RIGHT/SEMI-WRONG here! We didn't see how Bentley plays in the field — but we got to see him doing some his trademark hacking mission, which had turn from a over-the-head game it was in the original series to a side-scrolling shooter. Bentley's doesn't have the arrow he used in the original version — he now had avator that come straight out of a 1980s action cartoon. I was thinking that it would make Inspector Fox and Sly Cooper laugh their heads off.
  • Prediction #3 - We get to show how Murray plays in this game. Once again he's the muscle guy.
    • I was WRONG!
  • Prediction #2 — We get to see what Dimitri's role and how his game play is. I don't think he will be the frogman for this caper this time.
    • I was WRONG!
  • Prediction #1 — We get a sold release for the both PS 3 and PS Vita game — as both version are do out at the same time at least for those in United States Of America.
    • I was WRONG

Well, E3 2012 guessing for me was a Epic Failure! I will disappear for a while , but will be back and that's a promise you can take to the bank!

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