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Live Blogs Let's Play All Four Sly Cooper games.
MadWritter2011-08-15 05:05:01

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Revenge in A Warzone

  • Cooper Family Recording: 1021
  • Subject: Sly Cooper

With their weeks off done, they got back to work. They tracked down the Contessa to her estate on the outskirts of Prague. To "sweet the deal" as Sly said, the Contessa had gotten the eyes of Clockwerk. The Theives Racoonus make numerous mention of those eyes stopping Clockwerk's enemies — especially Cooper Clan members — in it's gaze. It's doesn't take a god to know what Contessa is going to do with those eyes from that robotic insult to Athena. Sly's job on arrival was to take recon photos of the following

  • Neyla's HQ (She turned a old bank into her headquarters)
  • Patrol Boats
  • Contessa's red assault tank.

Then he make his way to the widow of the re-education tower to discover that Clockwerk was at home. Sly tried to get the other to help him help free Miss Fox.

In Contessa's Area:

  • Miss Fox (imprison in a old rack — cruel but effect)
  • Shadow Guards ("Tough" is too sissy of word for these guys)
  • Clockwerk Eye (Attached to a machine)
  • The Mind Shuffer (A machine with equal parts — 1/2 of science and 1/2 dark magic.)

In Sly's Area:

  • A old terminal (That is wired to the system to the re-education towers).

Time to cook up a plan. Here's what Bentley had in store.

  • Murray kidnaps the general in-charge of security for the case.
  • Sly get a few ghosts and bank them in Neyla's HQ — Verbal Pun totally intended.
  • Then Bently goes to get energy for the Mojo Bomb — so it can debrained the Mind Shuffle — Verbal Pun total intended.

Recording By: Hermes/Mercury

Now, you see where I got "tough is too sissy of a word' from.

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