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Live Blogs Let's Play All Four Sly Cooper games.
MadWritter2011-07-29 00:54:04

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  • Cooper Family Recording 9000:
  • Subject: Sly Cooper

I always have been watching the Cooper Family. They are a family of thieves baiting all the way back to ancient Egyptian. Heck, their Roman ancestor was named Mercury Cooper. No wonder, I like them. They never steal from normal people, only villains out of a Saturday-Morning Cartoon. As they usually said, "There is no honor stealing from regular folks. Steal from a master villian, and you are a master theif."

On the day, Sly Cooper was suppose to get the Theivuis Racconus, the Cooper Family's book of theiving moves — the Fiendish Five: Clockwerk, Ms. Ruby, Muggshot, and Sir Reigh The Frog come and killed Sly's parents and stole the Theivuis Racconus. Sly was dumped at a orphanage where he meet two of the future member of the Cooper Gang: Bentley, a turtle, and, a Murray, a hippo. The trio of them make a vow — to get back the Theivuis Raccouns from the Fiendish Five.

First thing, they need to do was to steal back the case files from one foxy fox — Inspector Camilita Fox. Miss Fox, is one of best cop on Interpol's record despite her temper. Sly was successfully in getting the file, but they was hiccup in the plain with the untimely arrival of Officer Fox. Despite Miss Fox's good use her shockpistol, Sly was able to make his way to his team's van and escape the female hand of law.

Recorded by: Hermes/Mercury

