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Live Blogs Badass Grandpas (Sid Meir's Alpha Centauri)
Candlefire2011-06-22 09:25:06

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In Which My CPU Is Not Supported¤t=Alpha2.png&ref=nf

"CPU not supported?" Baffled, Prokhor Zakharov glared at the screen's crash warning. "Why is this?". The base administrator had been reluctant to go along with the plan to network all the computer devices in the base wanting to delay the project until what he called "more immediate survival concerns" had been dealt with. If the network crashed, the idea might be abandoned for years, leaving resource management and research crippled. "Bryson! I thought you said you 'had this covered'!

"Yah." Bryson, the English software engineer assured him. "Kludged up a fix. But they still detect the incompatible O Ses from all that crap we hooked up. S'alright. Just click "OK" and move on. Won't crash."

As I said Alpha Centauri is an old game. It needed a patch, and for me to open up a text file and set a "forced voxel" from 0 to 1. I have no idea what a forced voxel is. In any case it still warns me of possible crashes every time I start it up.

Prokhor close the computer centre's door behind him and looked out at the gentle upward slope to the west. Mount Planet was a taller mountain than any on Earth, but the vast shield volcano was so much wider than it was tall that, seated at it's base, it was impossible to see the sullen glow of it's summit. Zakharov understood it was erupting even now, but the slowly flowing lava would never reach this far. Still water flowed down it, providing plenty of irrigation. There were worse places they could have landed.¤t=Alpha3.png&ref=nf

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