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Sabbo2011-10-08 03:48:43

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I have way too much time on my hands!

And now I make the meaning of 2x4x2x4x2x2x2 clear: These are the choices made during the first half of Shuffle!

The first choice for example is between "Ask about Sia" and "Ask about Nerine", and thus is 2. The second choice is between "Lisianthus", "Nerine", "Kaede" and "somebody else", and thus is 4.

Of course, this doesn't quite say what exactly I'm doing for this final stage yet... unless you think back to the first clue I gave: 512. Think about that for a moment...

...Yes, that right. There are 512 different routes in Shuffle to lead to merely 5 endings, and I intend to map out each and every one.

But "where will he start?", you may ask... Well, I'll start at zero of course. Or to be exact, 000000000. To explain, each number represents a choice. The choice between Lisianthus and Nerine for example is the first number, the next choice is the next two numbers, and so on. As for the "(1+(1x3)", that is the day Mayumi asks Rin to help Nerine take out the garbage, where if you choose to help her you only get one choice (the 1), while if you try to go home you get a second choice, which itself has three options (the 1x3); in effect, this is a single choice with four options.

Finally, for consistency and simplicity, I will be listing the routes I've already done in their rightful place along with all the others. These are 000011000 (Lisianthus), 101100110 (Nerine), 110101110 (Kaede), 011110010 (Asa), 110001111 (Primula), 000000000 (n/a; Lisianthus) and 111111110 (Anti; Kaede). Another route I did but can't be bothered listing here specifically is the "instinct" route. Lastly, before I get on with it all, this is binary, so the first option in a choice is 0 rather than 1. The past three installments were made so that it would be easy for readers to refer back to the choices on the occasions I don't go into any detail. (which will be most of the time)


Oh, and before I forget, when I say "as written", that refers to the summary installments (44-46), not the route installments I did before that (2-43). Look for the bolded names to see the route I refer to; everything else is optional.

000000000 - Lisianthus' route, as written, with the following exceptions/specifics: Rin is fed by Nerine on the 14th, and then by Lisianthus on the 15th.

000000001 - Lisianthus' route, as written, with the following exceptions/specifics: Rin is fed by Nerine on the 14th, and then by Lisianthus on the 15th.

000000010 - Lisianthus' route, as written, with the following exceptions/specifics: Rin bumps into Asa on the 24th, Rin doesn't catch Lisianthus falling down the stairs on the 29th, Rin is fed by Nerine on the 14th, and then by Lisianthus on the 15th. IS ACTUALLY KAEDE'S ROUTE.*

000000011 - Lisianthus' route, as written, with the following exceptions/specifics: Rin bumps into Asa on the 24th, Rin doesn't catch Lisianthus falling down the stairs on the 29th, Rin is fed by Nerine on the 14th, and then by Lisianthus on the 15th. IS ACTUALLY KAEDE'S ROUTE.*

000000100 - Lisianthus' route, as written, with the following exceptions/specifics: Rin is fed by Nerine on the 14th, then by Lisianthus on the 15th, and then finally Kaede on the 16th.

000000101 - Lisianthus' route, as written, with the following exceptions/specifics: Rin is fed by Nerine on the 14th, then by Lisianthus on the 15th, and then finally Kaede on the 16th.

000000110 - Lisianthus' route, as written, with the following exceptions/specifics: Rin doesn't catch Lisianthus falling down the stairs on the 29th, Rin is fed by Nerine on the 14th, then by Lisianthus on the 15th, and then finally by Kaede on the 16th. IS ACTUALLY KAEDE'S ROUTE.

000000111 - Lisianthus' route, as written, with the following exceptions/specifics: Rin doesn't catch Lisianthus falling down the stairs on the 29th, Rin is fed by Nerine on the 14th, then by Lisianthus on the 15th, and then finally by Kaede on the 16th. IS ACTUALLY KAEDE'S ROUTE.

000001000 - Lisianthus' route, as written, with no exceptions or variants.

000001001 - Primula's route, as written, with the following exceptions/specifics: (the player/reader) doesn't invite Primula to stay the night they meet her, Rin catches Lisianthus falling down the stairs on the 29th, and Rin discusses the exams with Lisianthus on the 9th.

000001010 - Lisianthus' route, as written, with the following exceptions/specifics: Rin bumps into Asa on the 24th, Rin doesn't catch Lisianthus falling down the stairs on the 29th. IS ACTUALLY KAEDE'S ROUTE.

000001011 - Primula's route, as written, with the following exceptions/specifics: (the player/reader) doesn't invite Primula to stay the night they meet her, Rin bumps into Asa on the 24th, Rin doesn't catch Lisianthus falling down the stairs on the 29th, and Rin discusses the exam results with Lisianthus on the 9th.

000001100 - Lisianthus' route, as written, with the following exception: Rin is woken up by Kaede on the 5th.

000001101 - Primula's route, as written, with the following exceptions/specifics: (the player/reader) doesn't invite Primula to stay the night they meet her, Rin catches Lisianthus falling down the stairs, and Rin is woken up by Kaede on the 5th, and Rin discusses the exam results with Lisianthus on the 9th.

000001110 - Kaede's route, as written, with the following exceptions/specifics: (The player/reader) doesn't claim Kaede to be their favorite when Asa asks, Rin discusses the exam results with Lisianthus on the 9th, Rin goes on a date with Nerine on the 12th, and Rin doesn't get his clothes fixed by Kaede on the 12th.

000001111 - Primula's route, as written, with the following exceptions/specifics: (the player/reader) doesn't invite Primula to stay the night they meet her, Rin has dinner alone with Kaede on the 29th, Rin is woken up by Kaede on the 5th, and Rin discusses the exam results with Lisianthus on the 9th.


As you can probably tell, this process would take a rather long time were I to do it for all 512 routes (somewhere near 100 hours by my reckoning), but I won't actually be doing it for that long. Once I've figured out which choices lead to which pre-routelock scenes, I'll only be listing which routes lead to which ending.*

This will cut the time I take from then on by at least three times. (so instead of <15 minutes per route it will be <5. Emphasis on the "<")

Or maybe I'll get bored sooner than that and do the simpler version earlier than planned, but either way I'll still be able to say in the end with certainty which endings are more probable than others.


Sabbo Since: Dec, 1969
Oct 8th 2011 at 3:50:29 AM
And so there you go. Installments will be only once every weekend at best for the next six or seven weeks.
Sabbo Since: Dec, 1969
Oct 8th 2011 at 5:45:37 AM
Actually, fuck that shit, I'll only check the endings from now on; keeping track of how I write up these individual things is too hard.

And I think I was inconsistent anyway, even with just these 16. :/
neobowman Since: Dec, 1969
Oct 8th 2011 at 11:10:45 AM
Wow, you do have LOT of time on your hands. This is pretty cool but maybe spend the time reading other V Ns lol.
Sabbo Since: Dec, 1969
Oct 8th 2011 at 4:11:03 PM
Well, when you consider that I've changed my mind about the level of detail I'll be going into (which is in its own way unfortunate, but still a good thing when you consider the alternative), this won't actually take particularly long - I estimate somewhere near three or four installments.

But yeah. I'm doing this because of situations such as 000000010, where the choices made have an odd effect on the ending gotten; I want to know how each choice effects the ending, and have ever since I did Lisianthus' route.
Sabbo Since: Dec, 1969
Oct 8th 2011 at 4:13:53 PM
For the fun of it, here are the notes I was using to do this first installment of this stage:

24TH - Remembering Asa (requires "Go with a friend", then "Go home")
29TH - Lisianthus' fall
- Kaede's dinner
2ND - Who cooks?
5TH - Kaede's wakeup
9TH - Asa's invitation (ASA'S ROUTE)
- Discussing exams
11TH - Dream of Kaede
- Primula enrolls (PRIMULA'S ROUTE)
12TH - Seeing Primula (PRIMULA'S ROUTE)
- About a kiss/Funbag Airbag
- Nerine's date/Clothes
14TH - Nerine's lunch
15TH - Mayumi's fall
- Lisianthus' lunch
16TH - Kaede's lunch
- Angel's bell?
22ND - Nerine at the pool

neobowman Since: Dec, 1969
Sabbo Since: Dec, 1969
Oct 9th 2011 at 5:58:40 AM
(To be honest, I had actually written that as simply "Airbag" in my notes, but thought it might be confusing were I to leave it as is. I didn't alter anything else though.)

Oh, and I'm kinda but kinda not making a new installment right now. It should be up within half an hour, maybe an hour at most. It's pretty much a recap.