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Live Blogs Nohaynicklibre (who hates moe) watches moe anime.
nohaynicklibre2011-01-02 07:16:59

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Lucky Star PART TWO

Okay, I think not watching at least an entire episode of the series is a bit unfair. I mean, I only watched like 10 minutes of it.Maybe it gets funnier in the last 15 minutes. I hope.

So let's watch the second part of episode nine, shall we?

We left with Konata phoning Kagami to talk about blood types. I wonder how many wacky hijinks we'll see in the rest of the episode!

So we start with the Hiiragi's parents watching their daughters' marks. They remark Tsukasa has made an effort, but Kagami still gets better marks. Way to encourage your child, geez.

After that, the twins start talking in the street with some lady who compliments them but Tsukasa thinks she is only complimented because she is Kagami's sister and why do I care about this??? And the scene ends with a joke count of zero.

So they decide watching a movie because the exams are over and they deserve it for having really good marks except Konata who is a lazy ass. Konata proposes watching Saw 3, but Tsukasa is hesitant because she's suh-suh-suh-scared.

What kind of friends are those that can't recognize Konata if she's wearing a hat?

And then the movie is over. You know, if Tsukasa was so scared, they could have shown her reactions to the movie instead of telling us. That would have been funny.

Anyway, they decide going to have some cake. And Konata gets horny thinking about it. Suddenly all the hentai in Danbooru starts making sense.

In the cake buffet, they are attended by the most masculine waitress ever and Konata calls Kagami fat because she is a bitch like that.

I'm sure that this scene without the images, only the sound would be rated X. This girls really love sweets. I think they are going to end in the Hospital just to save some yen.

Woah, almost five minutes without Konata reminding us she is a GRRRL GAMUR. I was kind of worried. OMG KONATA'S FATHER BUYS HER H GAMES. I SHALL CALL FOX NEWS.

Lol Miyuki only plays Solitaire and Minesweeper she's like a librarian. And now they are talking about sports, because... why the hell not?

*baseball conversation*


Poor Miyuki, she has to apply eyedrops to herself NO DON'T LET KONATA DO IT! I BET SHE'S FUCKING STONED RIGHT NOW!!

Miyuki let's Konata do it after all. Poor girl, she will lose her eyesight forever.

After that, we see Konata writing something to tambourine music. I guess to make her look badass or something. It's some shit about prizes, I wasn't really paying attention.I mean, my parakeets are being really noisy right now.

And this Lucky Channel thing starts, so this means the main "plot" of the episode is over? And I haven't laughed a single time.

WOAH! That hyper girl scared me. And why is she wearing such oversized clothes? Oh, right. Because it's moe.

Hey, It's Brock! OMG Brock what are you doing here? You are awesome, guy AWASUM!!!!1

Holy shit that pink haired girl is a bitch. STOP HATING IN BROCK YOU PREP !!!!!!!!2

Oh, they are going to talk about Tsukasa. Because apparently is such a complex character that 9 episodes of the show aren't enough to let us know her fully.

"Not even my father has beat me before!" Ok, I'll admit it. That line WAS funny. I knew Brock would steal the show.


Oh, wait we are not over yet, IT'S KARAOKE  *

TIME. And then they start singing and I kill myself.

Next time, I'll look at a random K-On episode. WOAH I WONDER IF THERE ARE LEZBINS IN THIS SHOW.


snowbull Since: Dec, 1969
Jan 2nd 2011 at 8:17:32 AM
Why are you torturing yourself?
Sporkaganza Since: Dec, 1969
Jan 2nd 2011 at 6:43:21 PM
Oh man, you are not prepared. Lucky Star barely even counts as moe anime. K-On! is going to tear you a new one. At least there are jokes and some kind of resemblance of something happening in Lucky Star. K-On! is seriously full-on "nothing happens except cute girls doing cute things" material. Good luck my friend.
Nyperold Since: Dec, 1969
Jan 3rd 2011 at 5:57:58 PM
I know you can't be expected to know this if you're starting with 9 and watching no other episodes, but the female who actually says that Kagami's grade was better is the younger of their older sisters.

Heh, he plays them, too, y'know.

Plot? You were watching this for plot? There's a vague, overarching plot, but it's mostly vignettes.

Yeah, every end credits sequence for the first season is part of a karaoke session.

Huh. I guess the dude resembles Brock, but the pink-haired girl did introduce him...
VampireBuddha Since: Dec, 1969
Jan 6th 2011 at 5:26:35 AM
Thanks for eloquently expressing almost everything wrong with Lucky Star.

And with regards to Sporkaganza's comment, if K-On makes Lucky Star look like it had jokes and stuff K-On must be dire indeed.