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Live Blogs Is this the real life? Is this just fantasy? BlackWolfe watches Inception BLIND
BlackWolfe2010-12-31 04:48:17

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It Is Inevitable, Mr. Charles

At the next level, they use "Mr. Charles."

Mr. Charles is a plan that involves telling the subject they're dreaming. It starts with a hot blonde concocted by Eames picking Fischer's pocket and leaving a fake phone number - the same number they had him come up with as a combination to the safe in the previous level of the dream.

Arthur disapproves of the plan. Ariadne notes there's a whole "Do as I say, not as I do" vibe to it, which Arthur says is kind of Cobb's M.O.

Fischer's subconscious guards are shooting the shit out of the van Yusuf's driving, which makes things a little unstable.

Cobb introduces himself as "Mr. Charles, head of your security down here" and I think I see where this part of the plan is going.

Also that picture of young Fischer with the pinwheel keeps cropping up and I think that maybe Cobb's wife was right all along and that's the twist ending everyone can't fucking SHUT UP ABOUT and that the picture is actually of Cobb and his son James.

Speaking of whom, Cobb's subconscious begins to fuck shit up. Broken wineglass, Cobb's kids in the hallway...

And more of Yusuf getting the shit shot out of him.


And Fischer's been trained to kill himself to wake up. This is bad news for the plan. But Cobb is pulling it off nicely.

The plan so far:

  • Get Fischer to mistrust his godfather
  • Prepare plastic explosives to use as a synchronized "kick" to wake them up from the next level of the dream at the same time as Yusuf dumps them all off a bridge.
  • Talk Fischer into voluntarily going to the third level.

This is some sneaky shit, and I approve wholeheartedly.

Looks like they're going down another level, which, to me, means it's time to end another update.

Next: A Dream Within A Dream Within A Dream (Within A Dream?)

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