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Live Blogs The Great Nitpicky Live Blog of El Goonish Shive

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Tidal_Wave_17 Since: Dec, 1969
Mar 13th 2011 at 6:30:26 PM
God, the more I read your liveblog, the more this comic makes me think of one of those After School Specials gone wrong. <:p
BobCat Since: Dec, 1969
Mar 14th 2011 at 2:17:54 AM
Argh. These were painful.

Y'know, even if Shive plans these storylines, it doesn't mean they're any GOOD. If you plan ahead of time to make, say, teriyaki muffins a month ahead of time, that doesn't mean that teriyaki muffins in and of themsevles are a good idea.