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Live Blogs MOM! Robbie Rotten is doing a Phineas and Ferb liveblog!
RobbieRotten2010-12-10 20:37:04

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Episode 12:Jerk De Soleil

The episdoe begins at Phineas and Ferb's as they are apparently gonna go to the circus.

But as it turns out, the leader of That Circus has had a allergy and is canceling the performance.

Linda: If it's anything like Candace's Parsnip allergy then I don't blame for not wanting to appear in public

Gee, will we see said allergy in this episode?

Phineas knows what they're going to do that day. They'll make a backyard circus and each have a part of the act.

Phineas: Hey Have you seen Perry? I put on his Costume?

Costume? Oh this should be good.

As you can well imagine, Monogram finds Perry's outfit verry amusing and Perry leaves.

Back in the backyard, Buford has brought the props for his act.

Phineas: Buford, what exactly is your act?

Buford: I fly into mud...with a Paper bag on my head


Candace sees this and of course wants to bust them but Jeremy shows up with a basket of vegetables from his mother's garden.

Candace: Say are there any wild Parsnips any here?

Jeremy: I think that's all thats in there.

Wow I SO Didn't see that coming!

Meanwhile, Perry shows up at Doof's place.

Doofenshmirtz: You see, ever since I child I had a high squeaky voice. But not anymore! Behold, The Voiceinator! It bio-mechanically transforms regular air into doofelium. It will make everyone elses voice higher, making my voice lower by comparison.

So your gonna do what any 12 year old kid with a youtube account can do?

Anyway, Candace's allergy takes effect, making her voice much lower. It actually sounds kind of cool.

With no more allergy pills, Candace puts a paper bag over her head.

Perry escapes from his trap and heads back to Phineas and Ferb's Circus to do his act.

After that's over, we cut to Candace as she arrives at the mall to tell Mom what Phineas and Ferb are doing.

Candace: Mom!

Linda: Candace, have you been near the wild Parsnips again?

Candace: Yes but you have to see what Phineas and Ferb are doing?

As you would expect this leads to...a song!

So this one is called "E.V.I.L.B.O.Y.S." and Candace sings it in her awesomely deep voice. Now this is fucking awesome song.

Anyway, at this circus Buford is really for act. Candace shows up wearing almost the exact same outfit Buford is wearing.

She is mistaken for him and and is shot out of the tent instead of Buford, but Buford jumps into the mud to get the glory, which makes Phineas wonder how Buford got there so quickly.

Back to the Doctor, he and Perry still fighting.He breaks the controller, which lands into the boys' cirque in the whole cast part which makes the cast members' voices higher. After the performance, the cheering was high because of the voice-inator and blows the tent off, hitting the voice-inator and make Doofenshmirtz's voice even higher.

So Phineas takes the Circus down and everything seems to be back to normal.

Jeremy: Hey Candace. My Mom played me some of their CD. Your singing is awesome! How did you get your voice to sound like that?

Candace: Oh Same as all great blues singers. Wild Parsnips!

Inert Witty Comment Here.


That really short. Final Thought? While it was a solid episode, It's not all that memorable. I can't even pronounce the title. But the song was awesome.

Score: 8.3

/// WARNING: This might contain many things normal people don't like. This includes, Spoilers, Bad Jokes, and Terrible Mummy puns.

Episode 13: Are You My Mummy?

This episode begins as the kids and Lawrence are at old movie theater to watch a classic old mummy movie. Good Start. I hope this episode doesn't leave feeling rather gypped...or should I say, Egypped?

Readers: UGH!!!

Oh Shut up.

In the movie, Some explorer dude is reading some incaction which some mummy to life.

Phineas: Dad, Where do you find a mummy?

At your house if your lucky. Oh wait wrong mummy.

Lawrence: Hidden deep in the bowls of the pyramid

The pyramid goes to the bathroom?

Phineas: Dad, is it hard to get into a pyramid?

Lawrence: Yes Indeed. Often you had to negotiate various booby traps that were set century's before

Why is he asking that? Does he want go to a pyramid? Did his mummy ever tell him not to buy into those pyramid schemes?

Readers: UGH!

I said, Shut up!

Phineas: Ferb, we should get our Mummy!

What's that I hear? I think it's....a song!

This one is called "My Undead Mummy And Me" and which we see Phineas and Ferb hanging out with a undead mummy. This song is different from the usual stuff but It's sill very catchy and one of the best parts of this episode.

After the song, Phineas and Ferb decide to go find a mummy. Of course Candace won't have it and goes after them.

Phineas: Hey Ferb, Where's Perry?

Right on cue!

After Agent P receives a briefing from Monogram, we cut to Phineas and Ferb as they head to storage, where the mummy exhibit is

Candace knocks over a series of posts, which strike a gumball machine and cause the gumball container to come loose and roll after her. This is turning out to be pharaohly good!

Readers: Enough of the puns!

Screw You! I'll make as many puns as I want!

The gumball container rolls down the stairs behind the boys. They simply use an overhead pipe to lift both of them on top of the gumball container.Candace end up in their position and tries to do the same thing but wit no luck.

The gumball thing finally hits her, and she eats eat only to find it's old and stale. Then a bunch of toilet paper fails on her and she looks like, yep you guessed it, A mummy!

But enough of that, let's see what Doof is up too!

Perry shows up as Doof as working on his latest invention, The Woodenator. Yes that's Enator, not Inator. Doof unexpectedly shoots Perry with a ray gun, capturing him in a bubble of "pure evil"

Dr. Doofenshmirtz then tells Perry his plan: release the water being held by the beaver dam into the ocean, raising the ocean level by 2 per cent, thus giving him some beachfront property. Lol Whut?

Meanwhile, Phineas and Ferb arrive in the storage room, only to find lobby junk. They start to head out but then they bump into...Mummy Candace. Oh Snap.

Long story short, Phineas and Ferb capture Candace in a sarcophagus.

Anyway, Perry escapes from the bubble, as Doof has acviated The Woonenator. The Woodenator finishes breaking up the dam and the water rushes downstream into a pipe. But the pipe sends the water across town into the basement of the movie theater. Oh Boy.

Ok now lets wrap this up.

Readers: UGH'


So, the flood takes Phineas and Ferb back outside and removes Candace's Mummy outfit.

Lawrence shows up and doesn't question the fact that Phineas and Ferb have left the theater with telling him and takes the kids home.

Ferb: You know, mummies had their brains pulled out through their nose.

Candace: Ah, the lucky ones.



Anyway, this one is certainly unique. Phineas and Ferb don't do some crazy thing that Candace would bust them for, and the song is different from the norm. There's no problem with that though. That's why I thought it was as good as it was. Oh and the "Fighting A Mummy" part of the intro comes true in this episode.

Score: 8.9


Dreamy_Hunter Since: Dec, 1969
Apr 28th 2011 at 7:16:11 AM
For obvious reasons, I think episode 13's title is a shout out to Doctor Who.