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Live Blogs Makai Kingdom: So it shall be written, so it shall be liveblogged
WillyFourEyes2011-12-03 09:24:17

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43: Alexander Goes All Out

Alex is mad at Zetta for, of all things, being cursed by The One. He was the one who wanted to put an end to Zetta's miserable existence, after all. Zetta caught him sobbing. "Did not!", says Alex. He summons a handful of armed Shadow to fight Zetta just before disappearing.

Stage 8-1: Alexander's Rage

Along the river of lava are about a half-dozen Shadows armed with Hunting Rifles. They don't appear to be too tough. Backing them up are a half-dozen Death Sabers, waiting inside the lighthouses on the south side of the map.

"We've fought worse," says Astral as he leads the group into battle.

The group wastes no time in decimating Alex's front line, but the kitten brigade avenges their comrades' death with claws of iron and blades of silver. It doesn't take much longer for Zetta's group to regain the upper hand, and the kittens are driven off.

Pram is all by herself, saying that she was fortunate that "only" Zetta was cursed by The One. Trenia sneaks up behind her, and asks if she's "happy that nobody realized what [she] did". If everybody knew that it was Pram rewriting the Sacred Tome that caused all this, she would have been the one to be cursed instead of Zetta. Pram actually begins to get worried for a sec.

Meanwhile, back down on Alex's netherworld, Zetta runs into another group of Alex's minions, this set even more heavily armed than the last. Zetta believes he's be better off dying a warrior's death, rather than being punked by some curse. He's confident that he'll get his body restored if he conquers his old nemesis' Netherworld, he'll be able to have his body restored.

Stage 8-2: Thunderous Alex

The enemies are all grouped together on mountains opposite Zetta...perfect targets for area-of-effect nuke attacks. While Alex may have strength in numbers, a tactical genius he is most certainly not. The two soldier girls in the Helldams open fire on Astral's hut and only manage to kill Morrigan and Miyako. This proves to be their undoing, as they cluster together again and open themselves up for another group thrashing.

Stage 8-3: Furious Alexander

With Alex's troops scattered, Zetta presses the attack, chasing after a few remnants on a set of remote floating islands. Though the group is comprised of mostly new enemies (Thunder Giants, bandits, and some more of the Soldier women the group faced earlier), the battle proves to be incredibly easy, as they are unaware of Zetta's surprise presence.

Stage 8-4: Alexander's Flight

A bit unconventional here. Zetta is ambushed and isolated by a powerful level 58 Bushwhacker. Behind him are a pair of high-level Demon Soldiers, who are picking on a defenseless Evil Carrot, presumably in pursuit of the large box across the bottomless pit. It is possible for the Hut to reach across the pit to try and stop the soldiers, but they are also quite skilled, and also threaten to bring in more of their troops if left along for too long. Zetta defeats the bandit, waits for a while to see what happens when the two bullying soldiers kill the carrot (it erects a giant wall, preventing anyone from reaching the box on the other side, and moves on ahead.


hassanico Since: Dec, 1969
Jul 28th 2011 at 3:44:19 AM
Uh, seems you made a mistake and uploaded the same text as Part 43 here.
WillyFourEyes Since: Dec, 1969
Dec 3rd 2011 at 9:03:56 AM're right! :( I'll fix it.
WillyFourEyes Since: Dec, 1969